Microsoft® Desktop Deployment Assistance Program 3. Deploying Office 2003 Thomas Lee Chief Technologist QA plc

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1 Microsoft® Desktop Deployment Assistance Program 3. Deploying Office 2003 Thomas Lee Chief Technologist QA plc

2 Demo Installing Office Complete/Unattended

3 Office Setup Key Files FileDescription Setup.exe Office setup program Setup.ini Setup settings file, located in.\Files\Setup folder Ose.exe Office Source Engine installed by Setup.exe. Copies installation files from source to an LIS Msiexec.exe Windows Installer. Called by Setup.exe to install Office Msi File Windows Installer package. Used by Windows Installer to install Office MST File Windows Installer transform. Used by Windows Installer to customize office. Logfile_Taskn.txt Setup log file. Separate log file generated by Setup for each task. Optional!

4 Office 2003 Editions Resource Kit Tools Excellent documentation Custom Installation Wizard Custom Maintenance Wizard Office 2003 viewer tools Where to get? Always download latest version MS Press

5 Knowledge Transfer Office 2003 ~ Office XP ~ Office 2000 Similar workflow Same tools—great improvements Consistent experience Custom Installation Wizard Setup INI Custom Maintenance Wizard File viewers New to Office 2003: Local Install Source (LIS)

6 The Install Process 1. Decide on Source Administrative Install Point Local Install Source 2. Decide on User Settings Defaults Office Profile Wizard Custom Install Wizard Mandatory Group Policy 3. Configure Office During install - Custom Installation Wizard Post install - Custom Maintenance Wizard 4. Put it all together in a chain SETUP.INI

7 Two Deployment Methods Local Install Source (LIS) Copy CAB files to server LIS on PC is a “copy” of the CD Run Setup from LIS Administrative Install Points (Admin) Still the same… Run Setup /a All files uncompressed on a server Run Setup from Server

8 … and numerous ways to deploy SMS Active Directory Login Script 3 rd Party Client Management From the LIS Command Line Disk Image (WIM,.gho,.pqi …)

9 Administrative Install Same as Office 2000 and XP Uncompress CD to a Share EULA and PID are taken care of Pros Central Location (DFS ‘can’ be used) Works well for machines with low disk space Easy to slipstream SPs into Cons Doesn’t work well for disconnected work force Can’t mail out CD’s of an administrative install ~550mb on server required (uncompressed.cabs) Must use Select Media Depricated

10 Caching installation files locally Office Source Engine (OSE.exe) is installed as a service when Office 2003 is run Copies install files to the local PC Speeds up installation LIS can persist after installation

11 Setup.exe Reads the setup settings file Determines which drive on the PC has the most space Verifies user has Administrative privileges Installs ose.exe to : \MsoCache\Downloadcode \MsoCache\Downloadcode If MsoCache folder already exists, setup uses that location.

12 Setup.ini Replaces command line Transforms Logging options Display options Chaining installations Create new INI file Leave Setup.ini (and seteup.exe) as template Use /settings to use new file

13 Demo Examining setup.ini

14 Office Source Engine OSE.exe copies a single CAB file to the local PC and extracts the files into a hidden folder. This CAB has: Office package (MSI file) Files to support upgrades from previous versions (Offcln.exe, Oclncore.opc, Oclncust.opc, Oclnintl.opc) Error reporting tools (DW.exe and Dwintl.dll) Setup Help

15 Office Source Engine con’t….. If there is sufficient disk space OSE continues running in the background and caches the entire installation source. Setup can be customized to cache only CAB files required for features in your desired package. Post install users can (if allowed) install features on demand or run setup in Maintenance mode to add more features.

16 Local Installation Source (LIS) New in Office 2003 Compressed Cabs on Share, CD, image, application package etc. Cache can be configured many ways Pros Ensures files are in place before install happens Install files are cached locally Install files are always available (install on demand, patching, self heal…) Cons EULA & PID need to be entered in MST or INI Will take ~300Mb additional space on client for LIS Additional space needed for install (temp file decompression) ‘Run from Network’ feature option not available

17 TIP - Local Installation Source Use Setup.ini to configure LIS Setup needs the LIS before the transform is called Set LIS preferences in the setup.ini, not on the ‘modify setup properties’ step of the CIW

18 TIP – Setup “.exe” and “.ini” for each department or group Finance.exe will call Finance.ini Can be modified to allow for granularity, chaining other applications TIP – Always copy the original and rename as needed One source can provide multiple variations Can save multiple command line efforts

19 LIS Cache

20 LIS Configuration – Setup.ini OptionValueDescription LOCALCACHEDRIVE "drive" Override default Setup behavior and specify a drive for the local cache. After the first Office 2003 product is installed, all subsequent installations use this location for the local installation source. PURGE 0 | 1 Set to 1 to delete the local installation source after Setup completes. Default is 0. CDCACHE auto | 0 | 1 | 2 Set to auto to cache the entire source on the drive with the most space (the default). If insufficient space exists, cache only the features selected for installation. If space is not available for selected features, install from the CD. Set to 1 to cache only the features selected for installation; if space is not available, the installation fails. Set to 2 to force caching of entire source; if space is not available, the installation fails. Set to 0 to disable creation of a local installation source and run the installation directly from the source. DELETEABLECACHE 0 | 1 Set to 0 to hide the option that allows users to delete the local cache at the end of Setup. Bypass-enabled CD default is 1. ENFORCECACHE 0 | 1 Set to 1 to force installation of the entire source; if space is not available, the installation fails, and Setup exits without installing Office. Automatically sets CDCACHE to 2 and DELETEABLECACHE to 0; sets the PURGE property to 0, which prevents users from deleting the cache after Setup completes; and prevents the Disk Cleanup Wizard from removing the local source. CACHEONLY 0 | 1 Set to 1 to install only the local installation source. Automatically sets CDCACHE to 2 and DELETEABLECACHE to 1, and prevents the Disk Cleanup Wizard from removing the local source. REMOVECACHEONLY 0 | 1 Set to 1 to remove only the local installation source.

21 TIP - LIS developments post launch New Enterprise Setup.exe ENFORCECACHE=1 Install will stop if cache is not created Also stops Disk Clean-up Wizard from deleting LIS CACHEONLY=1 Only creates LIS, does not install Office. Great for preparing clients LISTool.exe - Wizard to help manage your Local Installation Source (LIS) Enable/Recreate disable LIS Move the MsoCache folder to a new volume

22 TIP – LIStool.exe /?

23 LIS Deployment Deploy LIS using Systems Management Server 2003 Use Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Enable a Local Installation Source Can be delivered via SMS Advanced Client using SMS Cache

24 User Settings Profile Wizard – Great for machine migrations Custom Installation Wizard (install time) Change Office User Settings Add/Remove Registry Entries Add Installations and Run Programs + More PIDKey and EULA (LIS requires this) Custom Maintenance Wizard (anytime) Group Policy – To enforce settings

25 User Settings Profile Wizard 1. Install Office 2003 on sample PC 2. Configure settings in each program 3. Create OPS file using Profile Wizard 4. Deploy settings from OPS file Embed OPS file in transform Deploy OPS file standalone Drawbacks Can’t edit contents of OPS files Captures all settings in Proflwiz.ini

26 User Settings Custom Installation Wizard Configures individual settings Sets an Organisations Default settings Group Policy Configures individual settings Mandatory

27 Office 2003 Transform Enables changes to be made from default MSI Applying to Office 2003 Applying to Office 2003 Command line > TRANSFORMS=filename.mst Setup INI references MST(s) Active Directory

28 Transforms Used to: Define the local install path Accept the EULA and enter PID Define default install state for Applications and Features (local, network…) Hide and Lock features Add custom files and registry entries Modify shortcuts Define server locations Specify other products to install or programs to run post setup on PC Configure Outlook Remove previous versions

29 When to Use Transforms To make extensive customizations To make changes not readily made by using the Setup command line or Setup settings file To deliver varying configurations to groups of users using multiple transforms

30 Configuring Office Engineering.mst Accounting.mst + + Engineering Accounting Pro11.msi Server

31 Demo Editing Setup.ini Capturing a profile with the Profile WizardCapturing a profile with the Profile Wizard Building A Transform with the Custom Install Wizard

32 Patch Management Use OHOTFIX.EXE Use Client Patches Put all patches (.MSP) in the same folder Ohotfix.exe will process all the patches in one go (in alphabetical order) Modify OHOTFIX.INI to set Quiet Mode: OHotfixUILevel=q

33 Customization Modifying an Office installation post deployment Creating a CMW File using the Custom Maintenance Wizard

34 Useful links WILogUtil.EXE – Installer logfile analyser ry/en-us/msi/setup/wilogutl_exe.asp ry/en-us/msi/setup/wilogutl_exe.asp Configuring Outlook 2003 for RPC over HTTP C07.htm C07.htm Exchange Consolidation with Office 2003 nsolidation/ex2003siteconwp.mspx nsolidation/ex2003siteconwp.mspx

35 © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

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