The Case for Antioch Book Highlights. Video of the overview of the book by the Author

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1 The Case for Antioch Book Highlights

2 Video of the overview of the book by the Author

3 Chapter Titles Part 1: A Biblical Case Study Chapter 1: A Biblical Model of a Transformational Church Chapter 2: Balancing Methods for Measuring Church Health Part 2: A Picture of a Transformational Church Chapter 3: Spiritual Power A transformational church is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Chapter 4: An Entrepreneurial Mind-Set A transformational church innovates to advance the gospel. Chapter 5: A Disciple-Making Community A transformational church changes lives. Chapter 6: Doctrinal Convictions A transformational church maintains doctrinal integrity. Chapter 7: Conflict Management A transformational church handles conflict effectively. Chapter 8: Leaders and Followers A transformational church follows strong leaders. Chapter 9: Generous Sacrifice A transformational church gives itself away. Part 3: A Hopeful Conclusion Chapter 10: The Future of Your Church

4 Chapter Two “Balancing Methods For Measuring Church Health”

5 “Diagnosing church health is like practicing medicine.” It requires: 1.Asking the right questions. 2.Considering the full range of available information. 3.Accepting a mixed bag of related and sometimes complicated conclusions. It reflects how your church compares its potential for reaching its Kingdom within its local context. It relates to an honest look at both Objective and Subjective Data.

6 Objective Statistical Data: (5 Year minimum) GivingTotalUndesignated Per Cap Discipleship Groups Prayer Ministry Groups AttendanceWorship Sunday School Small Groups BaptismsMembershipTotalResident

7 Subjective Data: (Current Community Data) Demographic Current Population Projected Population Trends Psychographics Mindset of various cultural segments Praxiographics Behavioral patterns of community Mediagraphics How the community receives information

8 Historical Data: Church History Formation Critical events and circumstances Past and present pastoral leadership Building development Ministry development

9 “Being honest about your situation, demonstrating integrity in interpreting information, and using all available evaluative tools for constructive improvement rather than destructive critique are part of effective leadership.” The value of Quantitative Analysis (Statistical Data)

10 The value of Qualitative Analysis: The value of Qualitative Analysis “requires a different set of measurements, a different way to gather results before reaching ultimate and accurate conclusions.” Attitudes Attitudes Perceptions Perceptions Mindset Mindset What is the attitudes, perceptions and mindset of the congregation that reflects their willingness to be transformational?

11 Chapter Three “Spiritual Power”

12 “A transformational church is empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT”

13 If we want to see the explosive growth of Acts, we must know the transforming power of Jesus Christ. The church needs transformation, not organization. There is too much flesh in the church today. Pastors are walking in the flesh. They strategize and organize just like any fleshly business owner would. Believe me, I was a business owner. The apostles only developed strategies at the throne of God. When there was a complaint about something (care of widows, etc) they went to the Holy Spirit for His directives. The church should be about power, about the Holy Spirit, about shaking the gates of Hell! Instead, we are worrying about declining Sunday School enrollment and baptisms. Praying for the Power of the Holy Spirit If the church gets back to pleading for the filling of the Holy Spirit, and focusing on transforming lives in the Name of Christ, Christ will continue to build His church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.


15 LESSONS FROM THE CHURCH AT ANTIOCH Three aspects of the work of the Holy Spirit in the church: 1.Its leaders were filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 11:24 2.The Holy Spirit was evident in the expression of God’s Word. Acts 11:28 3.The Holy Spirit was present and active in the worship service. Acts 13:2 A Transformational church is empowered by the Holy Spirit

16 1.The first aspect of being filled with the Holy Spirit is CONVERSION. 2.The second aspect of being filled with the Holy Spirit is SURRENDERING CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. 3.The third aspect of being filled with the Holy Spirit is STOPPING SINFUL BEHAVIOR. 4.The fourth aspect of being filled with the Holy Spirit is ACCEPTING HIS FILLING BY FAITH 4.The fourth aspect of being filled with the Holy Spirit is ACCEPTING HIS FILLING BY FAITH. STEPS TO BEING FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT

17 The results of the work of the Holy Spirit at Antioch 1.Barnabas was filled with the Holy Spirit. 1.Barnabas was filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 11:24 2.Large numbers of people were added to the Lord. 2.Large numbers of people were added to the Lord. Acts 11:24 3.Missionary service was because of the intervention in the worship service. 3.Missionary service was because of the intervention in the worship service. Acts 13:2 4.Bold preaching courageously. 4.Bold preaching courageously. Acts 2:4 5.Preaching in various languages 5.Preaching in various languages. Acts 4:8-22 6.Blindness was inflicted and relieved. 6.Blindness was inflicted and relieved. Acts 11:12-13 7.There was joy in the midst of persecution and suffering. 7.There was joy in the midst of persecution and suffering. Acts 13:52

18 Chapter Seven “ Conflict Management”

19 CONFLICT AND THE ANTIOCH MODEL 1.They clearly articulated and defined the issue. (Doctrine over the nature of the Gospel) 2.The issue was confronted directly. 3.The leaders worked together (Collaboration) to resolve the problem. 4.The leaders considered all the aspects (viewpoints) of the issue. 5.The leaders reached and affirmed a consensus to resolve the problem. 6.The consensus was affirmed by the whole church. A transformational church handles conflict effectively.

20 CONFLICT RELOLUTION IN THE IN THE TRANSFORMATIONAL CHURCH 1.Anticipate conflict. 2.Address conflict situations. 3.Resolve the conflict. 4.Accept mixed outcomes. 5.Move on. “Healthy churches experience conflict. Wise leaders anticipate conflict, address it when it happens, resolve it in the best way possible, accept mixed results when necessary, and move on.”

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