Beech. Kingdom: Plante Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopisda Order: Fagales Family: Fagaceae Genus: Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Species: Beech.

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Presentation on theme: "Beech. Kingdom: Plante Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopisda Order: Fagales Family: Fagaceae Genus: Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Species: Beech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beech

2 Kingdom: Plante Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopisda Order: Fagales Family: Fagaceae Genus: Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Species: Beech

3 ~A mature Beech tree can be between 50 and 75 feet tall. ~They grow to have a 40 to 60 feet spread. ~The shape of an average Beech tree is oval and a symmetrical canopy with a smooth outline. Figure 1

4 ~The Beech tree’s bark is olive- gray and very smooth, unlike the other trees in the Beech family. ~Instead of being separated into rectangular sections, the bark grows as a whole all over the tree and does not “flake” off. Figure 2

5 bud ~The twigs of a Beech tree are long, skinny, and a light brown color. ~The buds of a Beech tree are long and pointed, they grow individually and a course and rough to the touch ~They grow to be about 15-30 mm long and 2-3 mm thick Figure 3

6 ~The leaves of a Beech tree are simple, alternating, and oblong. ~The blades of the leaves grow about 2-4 inches long. ~They’re green during the spring and summer season, and turn copper or yellow color during the fall. Figure 4

7 ~Although the Beech tree’s flowers closely resemble that of the other trees in the Beech family (many types of oak) the fruit is very unique. It is round, or oval shaped and has small protruding spurs all around each individual fruit. ~These fruits attract birds, squirrels, and other mammals. Figure 5

8 ~Resembling the native grow areas of the other trees in the beech family, the Beech tree grows mainly along the east coast, and in relatively cool climates. ~The temperatures that a Beech tree grows in range from 40 ° to 50 °F. They can also survive in temperatures as low as -44 °F Figure 6

9 The Beech tree provides wood to make furniture such as cabinets, benches, stools and tables. The Beech tree is also a popular tree used in producing paper

10 Work Cited: Text 1. 2010. Wikipedia. Date Retrieved: 6/24/2010 2. 2010. Fagus grandifolia American Beech Tree. Date Retrieved: 6/24/2010 3. 2010. Western North Carolina Nature Center. Date Retrieved: 6/24/2010 fagaceae-beech-family 4. 2010. Wikipedia. Date Retrieved: 6/24/2010 5. 2010. 20-20 Site. Date Retrieved: 6/24/2010 6. 2010. Fagus grandifolia American Beech Tree. Date Retrieved: 6/24/2010 7. 2010. American Beech. Date Retrieved: 6/24/2010

11 Work Cited: Images Figure 1: Beech tree form Figure 2: Beech tree bark Figure 3: Beech tree twig and bud Gallery/Beech-twig.htm Figure 4: Beech tree leaf Figure 5: Beech tree fruit treesfree-mainland-delivery-except-scottish-highlands-p-312.html Figure 6: Beech tree range and habitat fagaceae-beech-family

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