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Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 1 How to Find The Ultimate Option Trades with SmartSearchXL® Ernie Zerenner PowerOptions® –

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 1 How to Find The Ultimate Option Trades with SmartSearchXL® Ernie Zerenner PowerOptions® –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 1 How to Find The Ultimate Option Trades with SmartSearchXL® Ernie Zerenner PowerOptions® –

2 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 2 Conceptually… Self-Directed investors Often know what options strategy to use i.e. Covered Calls, Vertical Spreads Need tools to find the best opportunities Find options investments based on Stock Option Technicals Fundamentals The Patented SmartSearchXL® is that tool.

3 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 3 Results…SmartSearchXL® Search every option combination Search stocks, options, fundamentals, and technicals simultaneously. Results in seconds Finds the best trades Orders the results your way

4 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 4 SmartSearchXL cont’d. Web-Site vs. Installed Application Built-In Data vs. Separate data feed Available anywhere vs. on 1 computer No data to download No programming needed No separate fees Searches 20 option strategies

5 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 5 Simple Search Criteria Wanted to go out only 1-2 months in time. Wanted an annual return of 20% min. if assigned or if unchanged. Wanted downside protection of 5% min. Wanted to be sure there were no earnings announcements due during the CC. Preferred ATM or slightly OTM to avoid assignment.

6 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 6 Detailed Search Criteria Less than 65 days to expiration. In a technical uptrend, stock price > 50 day moving average Listed as part of S&P Five Stars No earnings due in holding time Open interest > 100 and Volume > 5

7 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 7 Other Option Search Criteria Implied volatility or % IV Range Over or under valued based on B/S Put / Call ratio Greeks like Delta % of option volume compared to avg. % ITM or % OTH strike prices Probability of assignment

8 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 8 Other Stock Related Criteria % Earnings growth Market Capitalization Price/Sales or Price/Earnings Historical Volatility Average Broker Recommendations % of 52 Week Price Range % Dividend Yield

9 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 9 Example Criteria Setup Start with Default parameters Change the limits on some parameters Select a stock list to scan or delete Set technical parameters like MA Save your settings Submit your settings and be Wowed

10 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 10

11 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 11 Typical Search Report Everything you need to research and trade 11 columns by default plus, up to 30 additional columns A “more info” button for more research: Charts, news, strategy graph, stock and option research, implied volatility graph BrokerLink: Place trades through optionsXpress

12 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 12

13 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 13 More Info Expansion Company profile, earnings, dividends Add a paper portfolio Link your trade directly to optionsXpress

14 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 14 Summary SmartSearchXL helps you find option trading opportunities that meet your specific criteria. Search the entire options universe in seconds. SmartSearchXL technology is easy to use, unique and patented.

15 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 15 Frequently asked Questions How to select the numbers? How do I navigate the site and find what I want? Will a subscription pay with added profits? How can I try it without obligation?

16 Copyright 2006 Power Financial Group 16 30 day free trial Toll free help on the use of the site. 877-992-7971 in USA Sign up at

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