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TUG, AASHTO, TTF Primer Class Tim Lindberg (TTF Member from South Carolina) November 6, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "TUG, AASHTO, TTF Primer Class Tim Lindberg (TTF Member from South Carolina) November 6, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 TUG, AASHTO, TTF Primer Class Tim Lindberg (TTF Member from South Carolina) November 6, 2005

2 Trnsport Task Force (TTF) 7 members –Cross-section of users and IT support staff –Cross-section of Trnsport usage Resumes solicited from all licensing agencies Recommended by current TTF Approved by SCOJD of AASHTO (Special Committee of Joint Development)

3 Trnsport Task Force Determines when new products should be developed Determines appropriate software platforms Long Range Work Plan (LRWP) Annual Maintenance Support and Enhancement (MSE) contract with contractor

4 Long Range Work Plan I. Strategic Plan II. Strategic Solutions III. Five Year Cost and Revenue Summary IV. Licenses and Revenue Projections V. Long Range Work Plan Items - Sorted by Priority APPENDIX (ballot items)

5 MSE Document 1. Overview 2. Maintenance and Support Services 3. Maintenance and Support Budget 4. Enhancement Work Items 5. Shared Products 6. Service Units

6 Platforms Certified vs. Validated Supported vs. Unsupported

7 Service Units Contracting through AASHTO rather than sole source contracting to Info Tech Services in $13,500 units Support activities include –Installing Trnsport and setting system parameters –Customizing screens and report templates –Converting data and populating the Trnsport database, –Analyzing differences between Trnsport and current agency practices –Providing orientation and training –Funding Enhancements

8 Task Force Meetings 5 meetings per year –Sept / December / January / April / June MANY E-Mail exchanges Frequent conference calls Lots of work done in subgroups

9 September TTF Meeting Primary Objective –Strategic Planning Additional Objectives –Prepare for TUG –Review results of previous FY MSE Normally held in Gainesville –More attendees from ITI’s staff

10 December Meeting Primary Objective –Start preparation of LRWP and MSE Review enhancement ballot results –Ask ITI to more refined estimates of TTF selected enhancements

11 January TTF Meeting Primary Objective –Finalize LRWP and MSE Determine enhancements Prepare for Annual Chairs Meeting –Meeting of all AASHTOWare Task Force Chairs with SCOJD

12 April TTF Meeting React to directions received at Annual Chairs Meeting Review status of current MSE –Enhancements –Budget concerns

13 June TTF Meeting Year end “stuff” –June software releases –Final adjustments to next FY MSE

14 Technical Review Teams (TRTs) Appointed by TTF –Assist TTF in working with contractor in development of new product/enhancement 3 to 5 members –Users familiar with product/functions –Agencies contributing funding Business normally conducted by e-mail or conference calls Chaired by TTF member

15 TRTs Review software prototypes as software is developed Provides contractor guidance on user needs Reviews and recommends acceptance of results of the software testing

16 Testing of Software Contractor’s QC/QA Alpha testing Beta testing Warranties

17 Alpha Testing Formalized testing at a controlled site –Required by AASHTOWare guidelines Normally at contractors offices Normally performed by contractor –Can utilize agency users Test results reviewed and accepted by TTF

18 Beta Test Sites User agency testing prior to release of new enhancements –Required by AASHTOWare guidelines Number of sites based on magnitude of the enhancement –Multiple sites (on different platforms) for complex enhancements –Beta sites selected by TTF 30-60 day Beta testing typical Test results reviewed and accepted by TTF

19 Beta Test Sites Need commitment from user agencies to perform adequate pre-release testing –Necessary third party software –Commitment of staff –Coordinate with Trnsport contractor

20 Warranties 120 days on enhancements –Longer for special cases Includes fixing things broken in the release

21 Trnsport Task Force Left to Right Roger Bierbaum (Iowa) Paul Neumann (Colorado) Loren Lemmen (Michigan) Jim Johnson (Florida) Denis Glascock (Missouri) Todd Bergland (Minnesota)

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