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ARCHETYPES REVIEW Western Literature October 6 & 7, 2014.

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1 ARCHETYPES REVIEW Western Literature October 6 & 7, 2014

2 Objectives Students will be able to genuinely build their vocabulary. Students will be able to identify various archetypes in literature, film, TV shows, and life. HOW? Vocabulary Quiz #1 Archetypes Presentations Archetypes Review

3 Vocabulary Quiz #1 Take your quiz by matching the letter to the corresponding vocabulary term. Once you finish, turn your quiz into the bin for your class period. Please remain silent. I will be returning your personal narratives. Once you look over your feedback, please return your essays to your hanging file folder.

4 Carl Jung Background and Biography 1876-1961 Founded the idea of analytical psychology (opposed to the psychoanalytic theory of Freud) Dealt primarily with the idea of dream interpretation He worked with Sigmund Freud, but they went their separate ways in 1912. Jung did not think that everything had to do with a sexual connotation. Introduced the idea of the archetype as a concept of public discourse.

5 Archetype Archetypal analysis of a work is one of the most common forms of literary analysis. It is a universal theme that manifests itself differently on an individual basis. Jung believed that these archetypes were the result of a collective unconscious. This collective unconscious was not directly knowable and is a product of the shared experiences of our ancestors.

6 Origin of “Archetype” (Greek) Arche=Original/in the beginning typos=impression UNIVERSALARCHETYPES ARE UNIVERSAL REPRESENTATIONS, SYMBOLS, OR CATEGORIZATIONS IN LITERATURE, MYTH, FILM, TV SHOWS, ETC. May be characters, situations, or symbols.

7 Sign… Signs =carry meaning for a given society by their common usage and intention. (Examples include abbreviations/acronyms, recognizable trademarks, names of products, badges, etc.) Signs generally have a one-to-one correspondence

8 …vs Symbol Symbol= “a term, a name, or even a picture that may be familiar in daily life, yet that possesses specific connotations in addition to its conventional and obvious meaning” It stands for a reality and is so complex that it cannot be expressed in words. 1 1 Carl Gustav Jung, ed., “Approaching the Unconscious,” Man and His Symbols (New York: Doubleday and Company Inc., 1964), 20-21. Print.

9 Archetypes Review Make a large circle, we are going to share our notes for each archetype in a large circle. RULES FOR OUR REVIEW CIRCLE: Take notes of additional characteristics, definitions, and examples as we review. If you have something else to add, now is the time! Side conversations, however, will not be tolerated. This will be the formal review for our test on Wednesday.

10 Journal #5 - Archetypes 1.If you had to classify yourself as a character archetype, which would it be and why? Explain your selection. 2.How do archetypes exist in multiple cultures? Why do you think every culture has a Cinderella story? What does this idea reveal about human nature? 3.What is your favorite archetype in literature, film, TV shows, or life?

11 Homework Give the Bible unit letter to your parents. Study your archetypes for the test on Wednesday!

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