Jesus’ Prayers Teaching by Example. Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer Mt 6.9-13 and Lk 11.1-13  Glorifying the Father’s name  Looking for the kingdom  Request.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus’ Prayers Teaching by Example. Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer Mt 6.9-13 and Lk 11.1-13  Glorifying the Father’s name  Looking for the kingdom  Request."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus’ Prayers Teaching by Example

2 Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer Mt 6.9-13 and Lk 11.1-13  Glorifying the Father’s name  Looking for the kingdom  Request for daily needs  Request for forgiveness and help to overcome

3 Jesus at the Last Supper Jn 17 The Great Intercessor  Glory to God  Prays for His disciples  Unity around the truth  For us and the world to believe their word

4 In the Garden Mt 26.36-46; Mk 14.32-42 Lk 22.39-46  Trust in God’s power and ability  Reliance on God  Acceptance of God’s sovereign will over His

5 Applications for us God should be glorified in our prayers Give THANKS! Trust God to hear and respond Accept His answer Accept and Trust His will above our own If you don’t MAKE time and SET time aside you will not pray as you should

6 Do you believe we are saved by: …Grace? Eph 2.4-9, Rom 3.24, Tit 3.7 …The blood of Jesus? Rom 5.9-10 …Faith? Jn 8.24, Mk 16.16, A 16.31 …Repentance? Lk 13:3,5; 2 Pet 3:9 …Confession? A 8:36-7, Rom 10:9-14 …Baptism? A 22.16, Gal 3.27, 1 Pt 3.21 … then won’t you obey the Lord?

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