Long Term English Learners in the era of the Common Core Standards

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1 Long Term English Learners in the era of the Common Core Standards
New English Language Development and Common Core State Standards Institute Long Term English Learners in the era of the Common Core Standards June 28, 2013

2 Lau v. Nichols, Supreme Court
English Learners “There is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers and curriculum…for students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful education…” Lau v. Nichols, Supreme Court As you know, English Learners are a class of students defined by civil rights law and court cases as a group who are foreclosed from equal educational access and opportunity because they don’t have the English skills needed to access curriculum in schools where there are not supports to help them access that curriculum and overcome the language barrier. Schools have an affirmative obligation to address those language barriers…. Now in the policy arena and in the field, the focus of doing that has been primarily on elementary schools. The research… program model development… curriculum… has been primarily elementary school with the notion that the issue would be solved for children who entered our schools in the primary grades by the time they get to secondary schools. Secondary school programs were seen as something needed for newly arrived immigrant children. 2

3 Research on EL Civil Rights Capacity Politics District Initiatives
Families, Community State & Federal Accountability Reforms Civil Rights • Growing Gap • Declining progress towards English • New barriers to access Politics Capacity Prof. development, teacher placement, credentialling,

4 The task: To get them to English proficiency To ensure access to curriculum while learning English
A more rigorous target under the Common Core Standards _______________________________________________________________________ No English Much of the talk and planning about the Common Core has focused on how the new standards are different and more rigorous than what we are currently doing – with the underlying assumption being that we are starting our implementation form a place where we have been clearly focused on getting our students to ONE end goal mastery of current standards and English proficiency adequate for engagement in those grade level standards, and now our task is to readjust the trajectory of that focus so that we get students even further, higher. But what we need to do at this point as districts begin implenetation, is to take a good hard look at where we are in even getting our English Learners to the CURRENT levels of proficiency and standards – and the implications of our current practices, beliefs, capacity for the kind of retooling and refocusing it will take to meaningfully implement the Common Core Proficient for Academic work Current standards

5 Need for explicit attention to ELLs
English Learners face specific language barriers to participation and access, and have special needs. Most general school improvement efforts in the past have inadequately addressed the achievement gap for English Learners. The California Common Core Standards (CCSS) are a major reform of public education that does not explicitly state how English Learners needs should be addressed.

6 The CCCS roll-out is proceeding without adequate attention to the ELD standards or ELL needs
Our ELL outcomes are inadequate even for current less rigorous standards The foundation of EL programs, capacity and practices to build upon is weak The promise is enormous; the dangers significant

7 Entering era of converging forces
Long Term English Learner Research The Common Core Standards English Learner Research

8 Starting Kindergarten
185,000 English Learners each year WHAT ARE BIG CHALLENGES NOW IN EDUCATING OUR ENGLISH LEARNERS? Starting Kindergarten



11 Long Term English Learners are created…….. a K-12 issue
Long Term EL Struggling Students We know that LTELs are created -- across years of schooling. Though we’ve defined this, or backed into this as a high school issue, the need to understand how LTELs are created begins back in elementary…… by middle school there is a sense of something definite going on -- is it language? Are these kids it’s just somehow taking longer to progress? Is it a motivation or identity issue? By high school, we know it’s real….

12 English Learner Typologies
Newly arrived with adequate schooling (including literacy in L1) Newly arrived with interrupted formal schooling - “Underschooled” - “SIFE” English Learners developing normatively (1-5 years) Long Term English Learner

13 Reparable Harm research: Californians Together Survey (2010)
Data from 40 school districts Data on 175,734 English Learners in grades This is 31% of California’s English Learners in grades 6 – 12 Districts vary in EL enrollment, size and context

14 Across all districts 59% of secondary school ELs are long term (103,635 in sample)
Differs significantly from district to district (21% - 96%)

15 Their double challenge – our legal responsibility
“English learners cannot be permitted to incur irreparable academic deficits during the time in which they are mastering English. School districts are obligated to address deficits as soon as possible, and to ensure that their schooling does not become a permanent deadend.”

16 Definition (AB 2193): An English Learner who…..
Continuously or cumulatively enrolled in US schools for 6+ years Not met reclassification criteria Evidence of inadequate progress Is struggling academically

17 Annual Expectations for English Learners
Years in US 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years CELDT BEG EI INT EA ADV CST ELA FBB BB BB+ Basic+ Prof+

18 Indicators of Risk After 5 years – haven’t reached CELDT proficiency
After 5 years – stalled at Intermediate Level III on CELDT for more than two years After 5 years – scoring at FBB or BB on CST-ELA

19 By fifth grade Almost half of students who enrolled in Kindergarten as English Learners are redesignated 52% are still English Learners Half of those have not yet reached CELDT proficiency 1/3 have been stalled at Intermediate level for MORE than two years ½ are scoring at FBB or BB on CST-ELA

20 Action Items  Adopt a clear definition
Develop expectations for progress based on number of years of enrollment Use those expectations to identify students at risk of becoming Long Term English Learners Disaggregate achievement data by number of years in U.S. schools

21 Pair-Share Are Long Term English Learners an issue in your school?
Do you see students at risk of becoming LTELs in your school/district? Any sense of the magnitude? Do you currently have a way to identify English Learners at risk of becoming LTELs? (definitions, benchmarks specific to ELs, typologies, etc.)

22 The voice of one LTEL…….

23 Typical behavioral profile
Learned passivity, non-engagement, Don’t ask questions or ask for help Tend not to complete homework or understand the steps needed to complete assignments Not readers Typically desire to go to college – high hopes and dreams but unaware of pathway to those dreams Do not know they are doing poorly academically – think they are English fluent

24 Distinct language issues
High functioning in social situations in both languages – but limited vocabulary in both Prefer English – are increasingly weak in their home language Weak academic language – with gaps Are stuck in progressing towards English proficiency

25 The continuum: learning English as a second language
– years years LTELs STUCK HERE _______________________________________________________________________ No English Oral, social English CST Basic CELDT Proficient Proficient for Academic work I II III IV V

26 Big discrepancy between CELDT Proficiency and Basic on CST/ELA
Percent English Learners attaining these benchmarks statewide

27 Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
AMAO #1 – progress towards English proficiency measured by CELDT levels (target 56%) AMAO #2 – attainment of English proficiency which is defined as “CELDT proficient” (overall Early Advanced, no domain less than Intermediate) - (target: 45.1% those >5yrs) “MET” or “NOT MET” is not an adequate indicator of how well we are moving English Learners towards English proficiency

28 % meeting growth target of 1 level
Which levels on CELDT are meeting growth target AMAO # (Santa Clara County)? % meeting growth target of 1 level Beginning (I) 72.2 Early Intermediate (II) 70.2 Intermediate (III) 51.9 Early Advanced (IV) 26.5 Advanced (V) 65.6

29 To get this data for your site….
Dataquest Level (county) Subject: English Language Development Test (CELDT) Select county and submit Click: CELDT results by prior proficiency Select the district; and then the site

30 Santa Clara Co. selected K-12/high school districts
AMAO #1 AMAO #2B (5+ yrs) District A met 58.4% Not met 39.5% District B 62.1% 44.5% District C 55.4% 39.7% District D 68.3% 47.3%

31 Action Items  • Examine AMAOs for adequate growth and patterns
• Conduct walkthroughs and observations, shadow students to monitor active participation and engagement • Build staff understanding of CELDT and data and normative expectations • Celebrate progress

32 HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? No services - mainstream – for several years
Three out of four spent at least two years in “no services” or mainstream This trend has increased in California schools in past decade

33 Trend: Towards the weakest EL Program Models

34 Other contributing factors
Inconsistent program placements Inconsistent implementation within programs Social segregation and linguistic isolation Transnational moves – transnational schooling Unintended consequence of Corrective Action: narrowed curriculum Unintended consequence of RTI: placement into interventions that aren’t adequate or appropriate for ELLs

35 CONFUSION ??? English Language Development (ELD) English Language Arts
• Universal Access • Preview/Review Reading Support, English Intervention Classes

36 The National Literacy Panel
“Instructional strategies effective with native English speakers do not have as positive a learning impact on language minority students….. Instruction in the key components of reading is necessary but not sufficient for teaching language minority students to read and write proficiently in English.”

37 In secondary schools….. (from the Californians Together survey)
3 of 4 districts have no approach to serving Long Term English Learners Majority of CA districts place their Long Term English Learners into mainstream Three CA districts place Long Term English Learners by English proficiency level with other English Learners (in NYC, this is the common placement)

38 Typical program placements for English Learners
SDAIE Intensive or strategic interventions! Still English Learner, but in Mainstream 1 – years      _______________________________________________________________________ Oral, social English No English CELDT Proficient Proficient for Academic work CST Basic I II III IV V

39 Placements NOT designed for them…..
Placed/kept in classes with newcomer and normatively developing English Learners – by CELDT level Unprepared teachers No electives – and limited access to the full curriculum Over-assigned and inadequately served in intervention and reading support classes

40 Do these exist in your school?
Weaker forms of English Learner programs? No ELD? Just ELD and no other special instruction or services? Mainstream placement? Reliance on core E.L.A. program for language Supposed to be “SDAIE” but doesn’t really happen? Inconsistent program placements or implementation? Narrowed curriculum? Use of interventions that aren’t designed for ELs

41 Agenda…from the LTEL research
Clearly defined EL program models (ELD plus access), consistently implemented Consistency in placement and EL language approach (no ping-pong) Importance of full academic curriculum Strategies that promote student engagement as active learners Importance of scaffolding instruction Need for interventions designed for ELLs

42 Three converging forces
Long-term English Learner Research The Common Core Standards X English Learner Research

43 #1: Early childhood education makes a difference
Early years of development (cognitive, linguistic, social) are crucial Quality preschool lays the foundation for better outcomes Preschool reduces disparities and longstanding achievement gaps between groups Most powerful language policy/approach for preschool is primary focus on home language development

44 So….. Begin with preschool programs
Active outreach/recruitment to English Learner communities Attention to supporting the transition from preschool into kindergarten Articulation, alignment between the two systems (preschool and K-12)

45 #2. Importance of rich oral language development

46 Importance of rich oral language development
Producing language encourages learners to process language more deeply than when just listening or receptive. Verbal interaction is essential in the construction of knowledge Oral language is the bridge to academic language associated with school and the development of literacy --

47 National Literacy Panel finding
Oral language development and proficiency is critical to literacy… and is often (increasingly) overlooked in instruction It is not enough to teach reading skills alone to language minority students; extensive oral English development must be incorporated into successful literacy instruction Oral proficiency and literacy in the first language facilitates literacy development in English

48 So…… Multiple and frequent structured opportunities for students to be engaged in producing oral language should be features of classroom instruction The amount, type and quality of student talk that is generated is a mark of good instruction Emphasize complex vocabulary development Model rich, expressive, amplified oral language

49 #3: Academic Language is essential – complex, precise language is essential
By middle and high school, EL who were in mainstream English taught classes in elementary school are the lowest achievers in comparison to EL in any other program placement 227 evaluation - switch to teacing overwhelmingly in English had no impact on improving proficiency in English - that is, no difference in outcomes between bil and Eng

50 Social, oral fluency (BICS) takes less time to develop than academic proficiency (CALP)
Academic language and literacy for ELs develop most powerfully where background knowledge is also being built – and in the context of engaging with academic content Learning a second language for academic success requires explicit language development across the curriculum - ELD alone is not sufficient By middle and high school, EL who were in mainstream English taught classes in elementary school are the lowest achievers in comparison to EL in any other program placement 227 evaluation - switch to teacing overwhelmingly in English had no impact on improving proficiency in English - that is, no difference in outcomes between bil and Eng


52 So……. Identify key academic vocabulary and discourse patterns – and explicitly teach them Monitor the rigor and complexity of the language used in text and instruction Set a high bar for sophisticated, complex, precise language in both social and academic domains

53 #4. Language develops in context

54 So…… Intentional language development across the curriculum
Full curriculum – including rich science and social studies

55 #5. To access the curriculum, English Learners need specially designed instruction

56 SDAIE works when…… Materials are designed for maximum contextual cues, etc. Teachers understand which strategies are meant for which levels of proficiency Students are grouped by level Instruction is paced appropriately - key power standards focused upon L1 is used as a support Lower levels of English proficiency need primary language instruction in order to access grade level curriculum in secondary schools

57 So…… Language objectives for content lessons based on analyzing the linguistic demands of the content Identify key academic vocabulary and discourse patterns and explicitly teach them Professional development related to making content accessible to English Learners Home language support Home language instruction when possible

58 #6: ELD instruction can advance knowledge and use of English – and they need ELD through high levels of proficiency Daily dedicated time Leveled by proficiency

59 #7: Development of the home language is important

60 The home language plays a significant role in development
The best foundation for literacy is a rich foundation in language Children have more extended and complex vocabulary and language skills if their home language is developed English Learners make more academic progress when they have the opportunity to learn in both their L1 and English Systematic, deliberate exposure to English + ongoing development of L1 = highest achievement in both languages

61 Comparison between EL groups over time

62 And, there are benefits to bilingualism…… so…..
Home language instruction and development whenever possible to high levels of proficiency Transfer focus and contrastive analysis Native speakers classes through to Advanced Placement Create a climate that honors and affirms the value of bilingualism

63 Yet, common belief system
Sooner and more fully immersed in English, the better Good teaching and standards-based curriculum work for all students and are sufficient for ELLs English is the most important subject for ELLs – the more hours, the better Home language holds students back

64 Action Steps  Know the research
Determine which aspects of the research are most important to make known at this point in to order to clarify myths/misconceptions that may be in the way of delivering a strong EL research-based program

65 The Common Core standards, implemented on a foundation of myths and misinformation about English Learner research, will (as with most past reforms) leave English Learners behind.

66 DISCUSSION Do you see evidence that this research is known and guides programs and services for English Learners? How strong are the myths and beliefs that run counter to the research? What aspect of the research is most needed to be understood? What practices do you see going on that seem most to fly in the face of research? REFLECTION So – research and addressing common misperceptions is step one Powerful programs are BASED on research… So, what does it look like to BEGIN with the research?

67 The Common Core Standards: New opportunity or new barriers for English Learners? The answer lies, in part, in the new ELD standards.

68 Common Core ELA: Four Shifts
1. Language development across the curriculum

69 Major Shift #1: From Old Paradigm
then Academic content Learn English OR Academic vocabulary as overlap Academic Content Language

70 To new CCS Paradigm: language is central to all academic areas
MATH SCIENCE Language *• instructional discourse • expressing and understanding reasoning LANGUAGE ARTS Social Studies

71 Shift 2: Increased focus on Speaking and Listening
Comprehension and Collaboration Day to day, purposeful academic talk one to one, small group and large group setting Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Formal sharing of information and concepts, including through the use of technology for all students, across the curriculum According to the Council of Chief State School Officers: “To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students must have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations- as part of a whole class, in small groups and with a partner.”

72 Shift 3: Focus on more complex, rigorous text (+ incr
Shift 3: Focus on more complex, rigorous text (+ incr. in informational) ELLs will need background knowledge to comprehend and critically engage with academic text in CCCS. Practices of a narrowed curriculum and years spent in English and math interventions, support classes and instruction (little or no science, social studies, arts) have resulted in gaps in ELL students’ essential academic background knowledge.

73 Shift 4: Active engagement in collaboration
The CCSs recognize that students need to develop skills to collaborate in academic work – skills for teamwork, active and skillful participation in discussions, and inquiry-based collaboration. (Anchor standard: Speaking and Listening #1)

74 CCSs alone do not address a pathway towards English proficiency for ELLs
New English Language Development standards aligned to the CCSSs (adopted November 2012) New adoption of materials in 2016; new ELD assessment for Implementation of CCSSs must be accompanied by full implementation of the new ELD standards

75 New ELD Standards – related to academic curriculum Dedicated ELD + ELD across all academic areas
MATH SCIENCE ELD* These are exciting aspects of the Common Core that should resonate with what I have been describing as the work to be done to address LTEL challenge….. LANGUAGE ARTS SOCIAL STUDIES

76 New ELD Standards Different Focus
Language development focused on making meaning, collaboration, comprehension, communication – with content integral to language learning

77 Six Key Shifts From lock-step linear  spiraling, dynamic and complex social process From focus on accuracy  collaboration, comprehension, communication From simplified texts and activities separate from content  use of complex texts and content integral to language learning

78 From English as a set of rules From English as a set of rules to meaning-making and language choices
From central focus on grammar, syntax to grammar and structure within meaningful context From Literacy Foundational skills as one size fits all to targeting varying profiles of ELs and tapping linguistic resources

79 THE ELD STANDARDS…. Guide for all teachers to support access to academic content and participation in academic classes for diverse ELL students along continuum towards proficiency Guide for all teachers to focus on academic and discipline specific English – what it is, how it works Guide for dedicated ELD instruction Guide for collaboration between ELD and content teachers

80 ELD is no longer wholly disconnected from the academic work students are doing in the rest of the curriculum, but it remains the vehicle for English Learners to FOCUS on learning English

81 LTEL needs, EL research and the Common Core
More focus on structured, rich oral language More focus on writing More emphasis on academic language and informational text More emphasis on language in and through social studies and science – a full academic curriculum More focus on interaction, collaboration, discussion ELD, language development and academic learning are understood as more connected than they have been

82 Some gaps…. The new ELD standards do not adequately describe or guide instruction or curriculum for newcomers The new ELD standards do not adequately focus on basic, foundational, communicative and expressive language development outside of academic language

83 OUR TASK Build programs, curriculum and instruction that meet the needs of LTELs and prevent the creation of new LTELs See to it that implementation of the CCCS goes hand-in-hand with the new ELD standards – and are both implemented with an eye to EL research

84 Three converging forces
Long Term English Learner Research The Common Core Standards  English Learner Research 

85 Reparable Harm Recommendations
Specialized ELD or LTEL language class (aligned to new ELD standards PLUS) Clustered in heterogeneous classes mainstream academic classes with differentiated SDAIE and scaffolding Explicit language/literacy development across the curriculum Emphasis on engagement, oral language, writing, academic language, study skills, rigor Native speakers classes (through AP)

86 To prevent the creation of LTELs
Intentional, rich, rigorous, academic language development across a full science- and social studies-based curriculum plus high quality ELD Emphasis on active engagement Coherent, articulated ELL program Clear expectations & monitoring for progress towards English proficiency, identify students and provide EL specific support Primary language development to degree possible

87 Make the promise of the Common Core a reality for English Learners, not a new barrier to access and success!

88 An aligned approach! Know the standards
Align LTEL work with Common Core work Roll out initial implementation of CCCSs with focus on high leverage areas that overlap (ELL research, LTEL research and CCCS mandates)- with speaking, listening and collaborative practices central Don’t forget the ELD standards Continue to build the understanding, skills, capacity and foundation for strong ELL programs

89 Preparing curriculum for language development across academic areas
Reinstate social studies, science, full curriculum to build background knowledge and as the context for academic language development This means changing the instructional minutes tyranny that divides academic subjects to thematic curriculum at elementary level Preparing curriculum for language development across academic areas Collaborative planning time, support for standards-based planning AND THIS REQUIRES FROM YOU…. Clear permission Clear guidance and support The time for the planning New materials

90 Support professional development and appropriate materials…
Support professional development and appropriate materials….be the voice! Now ALL teachers will need to support language development The Common Core calls for a change in teaching pedagogy from teacher-directed and primarily teacher talk to student talk, discussion, inquiry, collaboration California teachers using existing adopted curriculum and pedagogies have not been using the strategies that are called for by the Common Core Standards

91 Three imperatives! Long Term English Learner Research
The Common Core Standards Realize the Promise; Guard against new barriers! Prevent the harm! End the creation of LTELs English Learner Research Enact what we know works!

92 Beyond the Common Core a California Vision requires Biliteracy
Demographic reality of our state Global opportunities of the 21st century Benefits for our English Learners Benefits for all students

93 Primary language assessments to support bilingual/biliteracy, dual-language programs
Ensure materials for bilingual/biliteracy and dual language programs Policies to facilitate growth of dual language and bilingual/biliteracy programs Seal of Biliteracy and pathway awards

94 SEAL OF BILITERACY RECIPIENTS A vision of students prepared for the 21st Century!

95 and without the power of language, they do not have a voice!
Because without education, they do not have access and without the power of language, they do not have a voice! And to give them voice, to ensure they have language and literacy, we run into the fact that this is not just an educational issue but a social issue as well. the larger issues of will, commitment and leadership…… Recognition that despite good intentions, We are DOING HARM! And we need to recognize and respond and repair the harm that is being exacerbated by lapses in state, district and school policies and practices… Urgency Commitment to keep the pact/ the promise of educational opportunity and equity We know enough about how to do it, we really do… and we need to push against the policies and belief systems that reproduce what is now a system that silences, fails to educates…. That takes children who come to us eager to learn, brains wired for language development, for labeling their world, conceptualizing – at a vulnerable time in development… and we systematically exclude their language out of it…. Leadership on this Requires courage and advocacy Requires protection of resources Requires knowledge Requires strategy and proactive efforts to educate self and others, to undo entrenched practices, to change beliefs I KNOW that 99% of educators care about kids, want to make a difference in lives of children…. Pour themselves into teaching….. Yet somehow the education we give them DOES HARM……. Limits their life chances Limits their expression Makes them disconnect from education and books and writing But It is reparable harm, it is preventable harm.. And it is wholly in our power to change what is happening. And these are issues of leadership and advocacy That require courage and advocacy How many teachers I hear say: I know this isn’t what my kids need, but I have to do it… how many administrators say, “I wish it wasn’t this way, but we have to do it…. Well, NO WE DON’T HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH WHAT WE KNOW IS HARMFUL, UNFAIR, UNEQUITABLE… A long history… a legacy… No official language in the new republic Movements for preserving and reclaiming cultures and languages that have been threatened Throughout history, parents have sought bilingual programs for their children And this – this is the class of Kinny Lau – here in San Francisco – the segregated school for Chinese children…. The place in which parents came together to sue SFUSD in what became a case going all the way to the Supreme Court, resulting in the Lau decision that I quoted at the start of this presentation…… There could, we know, be classrooms of students TODAY whose faces belong in this parade through history – whose experiences their parents or their teachers or their community insist are not adequate for the equal opportunity and participation their children deserve…. (((FLIP THROUGH PHOTOS OF KIDS)))) We have a place in this history – in this line of advocacy – in this line of stepping up to create the schools we know are possible…..

96 Thank you Laurie Olsen lolaurieo@gmail.com
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