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MIXED METHODS RESEARCH Anneke Fitzgerald. Objectives  To identify the advantages and disadvantages of employing multiple research methods;  To consider.

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Presentation on theme: "MIXED METHODS RESEARCH Anneke Fitzgerald. Objectives  To identify the advantages and disadvantages of employing multiple research methods;  To consider."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives  To identify the advantages and disadvantages of employing multiple research methods;  To consider those factors that influence the choice of research method and sequence of the multiple methods;  To understand triangulation and its variations;  To examine the management and analysis of data in the context of multi method research;  To consider the need for clear planning and managing a mixed methods approach

3 Methods, Data Analyses, Data Displays & Stories GOAL : Achieve Desired Balance to tell Different Types of Stories Theme/category-based Time-based Event-based Perception-based Mental model-based Role-based Cognition-based Cohort-based Group-based Intervention-based Hypothesis-based Pattern-based Impact-based Change-based Relationship-based Cross-case Generalising Data integration Hybrids of above Emergent stories... Interaction-based strategies Structured, Semi-structured, Unstructured interviews; Focus groups Participant-centred strategies Mapping & drawing; Storytelling; Self- recording Observation-based strategies Participant observation; Systematic observation; Unobtrusive observation Document-based strategies Textual evidence gathering; Multimedia evidence gathering; Meta-analysis; Secondary database methods Experience-structuring strategies Experiments/Quasi-experiments; Organising frameworks; Projective techniques; Process-tracing methods; Simulations & games Measurement strategies Objective tests & assessments; Self- report instruments; Physical measurements STRATEGIC CHOICES

4  In a group of 3-4 discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using multi-methods

5 Advantages  Each method can enhance the unique qualities of the other and result in vast opportunities for reciprocal advantages  Multi-method research overcomes the weaknesses of individual approaches, whereby one method’s strength may compensate for the other method’s weakness  It appreciates the complexity of a research problem  Multi-method research reduces bias  It might increase response rate  It elicits more detailed information  It enhances theory building  It enhances hypothesis testing  It enhances generalisations  It enhances validity  It enhances accuracy of perceptions  It might bridge macro and micro levels of social reality  Multi-method research exposes the researcher to different ways of thinking (and behaving)

6 Disadvantages  Multi-method research requires more time in planning and analysing the data  It requires more effort in planning and analysing the data  It requires more sensitivity because researchers have to synthesise the techniques to achieve synergy among them

7 Merging approaches  Concurrent – convergent parallel design – triangulation models  A two-phase design (qual and quant)  A dominant / less-dominant design (embedded)  Sequential – exploratory design  Emphasis on reflective learning and contextualised understanding  Emphasis on early learning providing feedforward  Sequential – transformative  Quant – qual – action for change  Sequential – multiphase –discrete yet linked studies  Study 1 informs Study 2 informs Study 3 (mixed methods)

8 Mixed Methods Approaches - Prototypes [Adapted from: Creswell, J.W. & Plano Clark, V.L, (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (2 nd Ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 69-70.] Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Interpretation Compare or relate (a) Concurrent - Convergent parallel design ~ triangulation models Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Interpretation Follow up with (c) Sequential – Explanatory design – emphasis on reflective learning &contextualised understanding(d) Sequential – Exploratory design ~ emphasis on early learning providing feedfoward Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis InterpretationBuilds to Quantitative (or Qualitative Design Quantitative (or Qualitative) Data Collection and Analysis Qualitative (or Quantitative) Data Collection and Analysis (before, during, or after) Interpretation (b) Concurrent - Embedded design w/ differential emphasis on data types (f) Sequential - Multiphase design ~ discrete, self-contained yet linked studies Study 1: Qualitative Informs Overall Program Objective Study 2: Quantitative Study 3: Mixed Methods Informs (e) Sequential - Transformative design ~ guided by an over-arching framework for achieving change/improvement; may have implied or explicit feedback loops or learning cycles, as in action research Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis InterpretationFollow up with Transformative framework Actions for change

9  Thinking of your own study, which merging approach are you taking and why?

10 Sequence selection?  The research topic What does your discipline suggest about the order of data collection methods?  The research question Is there a validated research tool that will answer your question?  Timing Is there a holiday period that will impact your ability to recruit participants? Should you interview or utilise your survey first? You should probably administer the survey first and follow up with interviews to avoid biasing the responses of research participants to the survey.  The context within which the research will take place Where will you be conducting the research?  What else will be going on in your life at that time? The resources available Do you need money to conduct the research?  Do you need access to particular computer software packages?

11 Triangulation  Triangulation is the use of several different research techniques in the same study to confirm and verify data gathered in different ways.  Triangulation adds rigour, richness and depth to the design and to the data.

12 Types of triangulation  Source triangulation  Investigator triangulation  Theory triangulation  Methodological triangulation  Recruitment triangulation  Data collection and analysis triangulation  Research team triangulation  Interdisciplinary triangulation

13 Developing a Mixed Methods Mindmap [Adapted from: Cooksey, R.W. & McDonald, G. (2011). Surviving and thriving in postgraduate research. Prahran, Vic: Tilde University Press, p. 346.].

14 Research quality  Is the research story, as a whole, convincing with respect to the arguments being made?  Context Juxtapositioning with other research Contextual knowledge Researcher positioning  Realization Internal coherence Analytical integrity Extensional reasoning – implications to other contexts  Explication Handling of unexpected outcomes Value for learning Fertilization of new ideas Acknowledgement of limitations Presentation to audience

15 [ adapted from Cooksey, R.W. (2008). Paradigm-independent meta-criteria for social & behavioural research. Proceedings of the 2 nd Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, pp. 4-17.]


17 Some Useful Mixed Methods References  Bergmann, M.M. (ed.) (2008). Advances in mixed methods research: Theories and applications. London: Sage Publications.  Brocklesby, J. (1997). Becoming multimethodology literate: An assessment of the cognitive difficulties of working across paradigm. In J. Mingers & A. Gill (Eds.), Multimethodology: The theory and practice of combining management science methodologies. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 189-216.  Cooksey, RW & McDonald, G. (2011). Surviving and thriving in postgraduate research. Prahran, VIC: Tilde University Press.  Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches,( 2 nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  Creswell, J.W. & Plano Clark, V.L. (2011) Designing and conducting mixed methods research (2 nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  International Journal of Mixed Methods in Applied Business & Policy Research, online journal, Sage  International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, e-Content Management.  Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Sage.  Morse, J.M. & Niehaus, L. (2009). Mixed method design: Principles and procedures. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.  Plano Clark, V.L. & Creswell, J.W. (2008). The mixed methods reader. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  Tashakkori, A. & Teddlie, C. (Eds). (2003). Handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  Teddlie, C. & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of mixed methods research: integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

18 MIXED METHODS Special Interest group at ANZAM Launch of the Mixed Methods SIG is on Wednesday 7 December 1400, Amora 4 (with thanks to Ray Cooksey)

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