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Mrs. Barth. -3-D art has height, width and actual depth (as opposed to implied depth) -3-D art is referred to as sculpture The Pieta Michelangelo.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Barth. -3-D art has height, width and actual depth (as opposed to implied depth) -3-D art is referred to as sculpture The Pieta Michelangelo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Barth

2 -3-D art has height, width and actual depth (as opposed to implied depth) -3-D art is referred to as sculpture The Pieta Michelangelo

3  Sculpture can be:  In the round-Free standing sculpture that is meant to be viewed from all sides.

4  Or sculpture can be:  Relief Sculpture - sculpture that is not freestanding, but projects from a background surface.

5 High Relief means the objects stand far out from the background. Bas-Relief- Bas means low, like a basset hound


7  Sculpture can be additive; additive sculpture is when pieces are added, constructed or attached together to create a whole work of art. Aurora by Jennifer Maestre

8  Additive Sculpture is usually built upon a central armature, A skeleton-like framework to give rigid internal support.

9  Subtractive Sculpture is when the artist takes away pieces through carving. The Pieta was carved from a single piece of marble!

10  Clay occurs naturally in the ground as a type of soil.  You generally find clay along the banks of a river or stream; wherever the current is pulling sediment down off the mountains or hills and dropping it in a quiet part of the river lower down.  This picture shows African women digging clay from the ground to make pottery.

11  Clay is quite safe, it’s basically dirt.  EXCEPT when it is a dust. Clay dust is not good for our lungs; long term exposure can lead to a disease called silicosis.  You would NEVER make a dust out of dry clay. That is unhealthy for everyone in the classroom.

12  Clay goes through a variety of stages to become a finished piece of pottery or ceramic art.  In stage 1 clay is wet, squishy and easily shaped, or malleable. Sometime this quality is referred to as plasticity.

13  There are various ways to work with wet clay.  Hand-building is one technique. Hand- building is when you assemble pieces of clay by hand to construct something.

14  Slab-building: When you use sheets of clay, or slabs, that are usually ¼ ” to ½” thick.  Slab building lends itself to actual textures being pressed into the clay for decoration.  Deep carving into clay is called intaglio or Sgraffito.

15  Both of these pieces are hand built ceramics.

16  You can also shape clay on a potters wheel.  This is called “throwing” the clay.  Everything thrown on a wheel is perfectly round.

17  When long coils are stacked atop one another to add height to a pot. The coils can be smoothed out, or left exposed.

18  Wheel thrown ceramics are always perfectly round because they are shaped while the wheel spins around quickly.


20  When you are finished shaping a ceramic piece you leave it out in the air to dry. (sometimes covered by a plastic bag so it doesn’t dry too fast and crack)  Clay can be allowed to dry partially to a state called leather-hard.  When clay is dry it is called Greenware.  These vases have been left to dry. Do you think these were thrown, or hand built?

21  When clay is dry, it becomes very delicate, that means that it is brittle, and easily broken.  You would never sand green ware, the dust is harmful to breath.

22  Once clay is bone dry, which means totally dry, it is fired in a kiln.  The kiln bakes the clay, just like an oven, except the temperature can reach 1200-2000 degrees!  A cake is cooked at at 375 degrees

23  Once clay has been fired it is called bisqueware.  The first firing is called a bisque firing.  Bisqueware is hard, and has a matte finish.  A matte finish means something is not shiny.  Bisqueware can still be broken, if you dropped it for example.

24  Once clay has been bisque fired you have two choices.  You can paint your clay with regular paint when you are finished. This gives you a unique finish  This can give you greater detail as well.  You cannot eat from painted pottery unless sealed properly.

25  You can also glaze ceramics. Glaze has silica in it, which turns to glass at very high temperatures.  When you apply glaze to bisqueware you have to fire the piece a 2 nd time to activate the glaze. This is called a glaze firing.

26  When the piece comes out of the glaze firing it is called glaze ware.  The glaze will have turned to glass, and will have a shiny, vitreous texture.


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