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Pre-settlement Period

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-settlement Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-settlement Period
Before 1620 (when the Puritans founded Plymouth Plantation)

2 Native American Stories
Oral Tradition, Storytelling, and Myths

3 Characteristics of the Pre-settlement Period

4 Oral Literature Native American Literature relies on spoken word and performance Most texts were not written down until the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries Used repetition to create a sense of expectation

5 Types of Oral Narratives
Origin and Emergence Stories Historical Narratives Cultural Hero Stories Trickster Tales

6 Trickster Tales Do these guys look familiar?

7 Myth: What does it mean?

8 We usually think of… Something that is FALSE.

9 Think of this definition
“A dramatic show of culturally important truths” (might be a play, a song, or a story)

10 In other words… Myths represent a shared vision of the world for those who have this vision.

11 Myths reveal 3 Areas of Beliefs:
Beliefs about the way the physical world works Beliefs about social order and appropriate behavior Beliefs about human nature and the problem of good and evil

12 Writers during the Pre-settlement Period

13 Writers Unknown WHY?

14 Historical Events during the Pre-settlement Period

15 1452 Gutenberg invents the printing press
Oct. 12, 1492 Columbus discovers America, landing on an island in the Bahamas Martin Waldseemuller, geographer, names the new land “America” Captain John Smith founds Jamestown in Virginia

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