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Presentation on theme: "Final Report to Select Committee PRESENTED BY: JAMES R. BEATTY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT and JERRY T. EDGE RMC CONSULTANTS, LLC January."— Presentation transcript:


2 1/12/2010 We were asked by the Select Committee to review and make recommendations on the following areas: 1.Central Office Staff Tasks and Future Possible Positions 2.The Classification Structure 3.The Compensation Structure and System 4.The Performance Management System 5.The Professional Development System 6.Accountability, Statutes, and Rules 7.Next Steps 8.Additional Issues 9.Implementation Plan Tasks to be Addressed 2

3 1/12/2010 We were asked by the Select Committee to keep in mind the following five guiding principles when addressing these issues: 1.Fairness 2.Accountability 3.Credibility 4.Transparency 5.Systematic Guiding Principles 3

4 1/12/2010 To conduct the necessary data gathering: 1.We travelled to West Virginia numerous times. 2.We spoke to or held at least 24 meetings in West Virginia. 3.We visited various campuses. 4.We interviewed various members of committees previously assigned to address these tasks. 5.We had many telephone conversations with constituents. 6.We sent and received numerous emails. 7.We reviewed many documents. Data Gathering 4

5 1/12/2010 We have developed a final report consisting of approximately 250 pages. 1.The report includes an executive summary. 2.It includes a detailed description of each of the nine areas to be addressed, including best practices, principles related to the issues, recommendations, and supportive conclusions. 3.The report also includes 13 appendices. Our Final Report 5


7 1/12/2010 Create a minimum of three positions at the HEPC/ CCTCE Level: 1.Vice Chancellor of Human Resources  The incumbent should report directly to the Chancellor of HEPC and the Chancellor of CCTCE. 2.Director of Compensation, Benefits, & HRIS  The incumbent of this position should report directly to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. 3.Director of Training & Development  The incumbent of this position should also report directly to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. Central Office Staff 7

8 1/12/2010 Conduct an audit of the human resources function at each institution as soon as feasible. Audits of the HR functions for all institutions should be on a scheduled basis, beginning with the first quarter of 2010 or as soon as possible. Thereafter, HR audits should be conducted at least every five years in a systematic basis. Central Office Staff 8

9 1/12/2010 We recommend that the Job Classification Sub- Committee adopt the changes the sub-committee made in their document dated October 8, 2009. Establish a Job Classification Committee, Chaired by the Director of Compensation, Benefits, & HRIS. The tenure of the committee members should be three year, staggered terms. Membership should be rotated in order to get participation from every institution. No institution should have more than one member at any one time. 9 The Classification Structure

10 1/12/2010 We have drafted and will recommend an on-campus appeals process for classification disputes. We have attached a glossary of terms to our final report that should be used to provide for consistent terminology. The Job Classification Committee should meet monthly unless no jobs are to be evaluated. Each committee member is responsible for classifying job(s) individually. The Director of Compensation, Benefits, & HRIS then posts and shares these individual evaluations. The Committee then discusses issues, resolves differences, and comes to a consensus. The Classification System 10

11 1/12/2010 We recommend that job titles be revised to make them consistent across institutions. We have reviewed all titles and have suggested both full titles and consistent abbreviated titles. These are included in the final report. We recommend the PIQ be simplified and converted to job descriptions for each position, and not for each individual. 11 The Classification System

12 1/12/2010 We recognize the desire and the need for a funded salary structure, one that: Somewhat resembles the market. Contains a set of binding salary “floors.” Is based on a supply of money to fund the salary structure. Is based on the institutions receiving money specifically for funding the salary structure. 12 The Compensation Structure and System

13 1/12/2010 We recommend that at some point in the future, the salary structure be removed from the State Code. At that time, require each institution to develop its own structure as a percent of market and fund that structure based on its own operating budget. Continue using salary surveys, matching as many jobs as possible and as feasible within the organization’s workforce. Adjust and set the structure for two years based on the competitive increases in wages. The Compensation Structure and System 13

14 1/12/2010 On the third year, we recommend conducting a full competitive market study and adjusting the structure to meet the market. Over a period of three years, move to a pay-for- performance policy. The state already pays a stipend for tenure. Each institution can/should enhance that stipend by awarding gifts for each service milestone (such as 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 years of service, etc.). We have listed a number of jobs that should be removed from the benchmark list. 14 The Compensation Structure and System

15 1/12/2010 We met with the Market Study Committee. We had access to the Mercer Market Data for benchmark positions. We reviewed and analyzed the State Market Data and developed a compensation structure. We reviewed average wages for Industry by county. We found a wide variation in average wages by county. Addressing the Compensation Structure 15

16 1/12/2010 We recommend considering the modification of the state-wide structure based on average wages in the county in which they work, based on a percent of state-wide wages. We recommend considering allowing each institution to decide what it can afford to pay. We recommend considering allowing each institution to modify the general structure to fit its ability to pay. 16 Compensation Structure

17 1/12/2010 17 Institution name County 1st Qtr 2009 Weekly Wages % OF WV Average Blue Ridge Community and Technical CollegeBerkeley$720.31102.2% Bluefield State CollegeMercer$587.6983.4% Bridgemont Community and Technical College Fayette$629.5389.4% Concord UniversityMercer$587.6983.4% Eastern WV Community and Technical CollegeHardy$499.1570.9% Fairmont State UniversityMarion$699.9299.4% Glenville State CollegeGilmer$592.0084.0% HEPCKanawha$785.31111.5% Kanawha Valley CTC Kanawha$785.31111.5% Marshall Community and Technical CollegeCabell$680.0096.5% Marshall UniversityCabell$680.0096.5% New River Community and Technical CollegeRaleigh$697.9299.1% Pierpont Community and Technical CollegeMarion$699.9299.4% Potomac State College of WVUMineral$621.9288.3% Shepherd UniversityJefferson$595.0084.5% Southern WV Community and Technical CollegeLogan$712.23101.1% West Liberty UniversityOhio$595.6284.5% West Virginia School of Osteopathic MedicineGreenbrier$564.9280.2% West Virginia State UniversityKanawha$785.31111.5% West Virginia UniversityMonongalia$769.85109.3% West Virginia University Institute of TechnologyFayette$629.5389.4% WV Northern Community CollegeOhio$595.6284.5% WVNETMonongalia$769.85109.3% WVU at ParkersburgWood$658.6993.5% WV Average$704.46

18 1/12/2010 18 Institution name County 1st Qtr 2009 Weekly Wages % OF WV Average Blue Ridge Community and Technical CollegeBerkeley$720.31102.2% Bluefield State CollegeMercer$587.6983.4% Bridgemont Community and Technical College Fayette$629.5389.4% Concord UniversityMercer$587.6983.4% Eastern WV Community and Technical CollegeHardy$499.1570.9% Fairmont State UniversityMarion$699.9299.4% Glenville State CollegeGilmer$592.0084.0% HEPCKanawha$785.31111.5% Kanawha Valley CTC Kanawha$785.31111.5% Marshall Community and Technical CollegeCabell$680.0096.5% Marshall UniversityCabell$680.0096.5% New River Community and Technical CollegeRaleigh$697.9299.1% Pierpont Community and Technical CollegeMarion$699.9299.4% Potomac State College of WVUMineral$621.9288.3% Shepherd UniversityJefferson$595.0084.5% Southern WV Community and Technical CollegeLogan$712.23101.1% West Liberty UniversityOhio$595.6284.5% West Virginia School of Osteopathic MedicineGreenbrier$564.9280.2% West Virginia State UniversityKanawha$785.31111.5% West Virginia UniversityMonongalia$769.85109.3% West Virginia University Institute of TechnologyFayette$629.5389.4% WV Northern Community CollegeOhio$595.6284.5% WVNETMonongalia$769.85109.3% WVU at ParkersburgWood$658.6993.5% WV Average$704.46 Percent = $720.31 ÷ 704.46 = 102.2%

19 1/12/2010 19 Market Analysis ClassifiedGrade12/31/20097/1/2010 # EESGrade Avg. SalaryTotal SalaryMid-Point Total MidpointsMarketTotal MarketMarketTotal Market 114$13,181$144,989$17,934$197,269$17,603$193,630$17,733$195,058 35$18,009$54,028$18,962$56,885$21,469$64,408$21,628$64,883 896$17,049$1,517,363$20,076$1,786,764 5437$19,882$10,795,925$21,285$11,557,755$22,496$12,215,146$22,661$12,305,184 1088$19,850$2,143,753$22,590$2,439,666$24,419$2,637,244$24,599$2,656,683 999$22,902$2,267,249$23,988$2,374,812$26,097$2,583,615$26,289$2,602,659 42410$24,263$10,287,535$24,511$10,392,664$27,627$11,713,796$27,831$11,800,138 14211$25,945$3,684,123$26,086$3,704,141$30,403$4,317,212$30,627$4,349,034 67712$27,492$18,612,219$27,806$18,824,662$33,841$22,910,567$34,091$23,079,440 53513$30,329$16,226,126$29,661$15,868,368$41,868$22,399,516$42,355$22,659,876 57914$33,480$19,385,199$31,683$18,344,168$38,330$22,193,004$38,612$22,356,589 48415$35,352$17,110,447$33,865$16,390,660$39,717$19,223,079$40,010$19,364,772 55716$35,929$20,012,450$36,258$20,195,428$41,523$23,128,080$41,829$23,298,557 41517$40,608$16,852,219$38,846$16,121,090$50,690$21,036,219$51,063$21,191,277 20818$47,381$9,855,147$41,659$8,665,072$49,789$10,356,125$50,156$10,432,460 17919$51,612$9,238,472$47,838$8,562,913$61,996$11,097,242$62,453$11,179,040 10520$57,889$6,078,331$51,408$5,397,788$64,272$6,748,550$64,746$6,798,294 4021$64,600$2,584,015$55,322$2,212,860$77,127$3,085,060$77,695$3,107,800 5,198$165,332,227$161,306,198$195,902,493$197,441,745 $166,849,590 % below Market Cost to Market Average Cost Per Employee Total Salaries vs Market as of 7/1/10 =19.4%$32,109,518$6,177 Total Midpoints vs Market as of 12/31/10=22.4%$43,885,752$8,443

20 1/12/2010 GRADE 0 Years of Service 1 Year of Service 2 Years of Service 3 Years of Service 4 Years of Service 5 Years of Service 6 Years of Service 7 Years of Service 8 Years of Service 9 Years of Service 10 Years of Service 11 Years of Service 12 Years of Service 13 Years of Service 14 Years of Service 15 Years of Service 1 12,80913,09413,38513,67713,96814,27414,58014,90015,22115,54115,87616,22616,57516,93917,30417,682 2 13,46513,76414,07014,37614,69615,01715,35215,68716,03616,38616,75017,12917,50717,88618,29418,687 3 14,16414,47814,79815,13315,48315,83216,18216,54616,92517,30417,69718,09018,49818,92019,34319,780 4 14,90815,25015,59915,94916,31316,69217,08517,47817,87218,27918,70219,13919,57620,02720,49320,959 5 15,69616,06616,44416,83717,23117,62418,04618,46918,90619,34319,79420,26020,74121,22221,71722,227 6 16,55616,95417,36217,78418,20718,64419,08119,54720,01320,47920,97421,46921,99422,51823,05723,596 7 17,48917,91518,35218,80419,25519,72120,20220,69721,19221,71722,24122,78023,33423,90224,48425,081 8 18,49518,94919,41619,89620,39120,90121,41121,95022,48923,04223,61024,19324,80525,41626,04326,684 9 19,55920,05620,56621,09121,61522,16822,72223,29023,88724,48425,09625,73726,37827,04827,73228,417 10 19,91620,42120,93821,48422,02922,60223,17623,76324,37925,00825,63826,29526,98027,66628,37929,106 11 21,10721,66522,23922,81223,40024,01524,64525,28825,94526,61727,31628,01528,75729,49830,26731,064 12 22,43623,02223,62424,25324,89625,55426,22526,92427,63828,36529,12029,89030,68731,49832,32333,176 13 23,83724,47725,13425,80526,50527,21827,94528,70129,47030,26731,07831,91832,77133,65234,56135,484 14 25,36326,05726,77127,49828,25329,02229,80630,63131,47032,32333,20434,11435,05136,00236,98138,002 15 27,01527,76428,53329,33030,14130,98131,83432,71533,62434,56135,51236,50537,51238,54739,62440,715 16 28,82129,62430,44931,31632,19733,09234,03034,98135,97436,98138,03039,09340,19841,33142,49243,694 17 30,76731,63832,53333,47034,42135,40036,42137,45638,51939,62440,75741,91843,12144,35245,61146,925 18 32,86833,82034,79935,80636,84137,90439,00940,14241,30342,50643,73644,99546,29647,63949,02350,450 19 37,61338,71839,85541,02242,21943,46044,74746,06447,41048,80150,23851,71953,23054,80156,41658,062 20 40,26541,47142,71243,98445,30146,64748,03849,46050,94152,45254,02355,62357,28458,99060,75562,550 21 43,17144,47845,82447,21648,63750,10351,61453,17054,78656,43158,13759,90261,71263,56865,48267,472 22 46,33247,75449,22050,73152,27253,87355,53457,22458,97560,78562,64064,55566,53068,57970,67472,828 23 49,77751,33052,93154,56156,25258,00259,79761,65363,56865,52767,56269,65671,82674,04076,34478,708 24 53,55255,23456,97058,75060,60562,50564,46566,48568,57970,73472,94875,23777,60180,03982,55285,156 25 57,46259,48361,38363,32865,34867,42769,56771,78174,07076,41978,84281,35683,94486,60789,36092,202 Compensation Structure (Current) 20

21 1/12/2010 GRADE 0 Years of Service 1 Year of Service 2 Years of Service 3 Years of Service 4 Years of Service 5 Years of Service 6 Years of Service 7 Years of Service 8 Years of Service 9 Years of Service 10 Years of Service 11 Years of Service 12 Years of Service 13 Years of Service 14 Years of Service 15 Years of Service 1 12,80913,09413,38513,67713,96814,27414,58014,90015,22115,54115,87616,22616,57516,93917,30417,682 2 13,46513,76414,07014,37614,69615,01715,35215,68716,03616,38616,75017,12917,50717,88618,29418,687 3 14,16414,47814,79815,13315,48315,83216,18216,54616,92517,30417,69718,09018,49818,92019,34319,780 4 14,90815,25015,59915,94916,31316,69217,08517,47817,87218,27918,70219,13919,57620,02720,49320,959 5 15,69616,06616,44416,83717,23117,62418,04618,46918,90619,34319,79420,26020,74121,22221,71722,227 6 16,55616,95417,36217,78418,20718,64419,08119,54720,01320,47920,97421,46921,99422,51823,05723,596 7 17,48917,91518,35218,80419,25519,72120,20220,69721,19221,71722,24122,78023,33423,90224,48425,081 8 18,49518,94919,41619,89620,39120,90121,41121,95022,48923,04223,61024,19324,80525,41626,04326,684 9 19,55920,05620,56621,09121,61522,16822,72223,29023,88724,48425,09625,73726,37827,04827,73228,417 10 19,91620,42120,93821,48422,02922,60223,17623,76324,37925,00825,63826,29526,98027,66628,37929,106 11 21,10721,66522,23922,81223,40024,01524,64525,28825,94526,61727,31628,01528,75729,49830,26731,064 12 22,43623,02223,62424,25324,89625,55426,22526,92427,63828,36529,12029,89030,68731,49832,32333,176 13 23,83724,47725,13425,80526,50527,21827,94528,70129,47030,26731,07831,91832,77133,65234,56135,484 14 25,36326,05726,77127,49828,25329,02229,80630,63131,47032,32333,20434,11435,05136,00236,98138,002 15 27,01527,76428,53329,33030,14130,98131,83432,71533,62434,56135,51236,50537,51238,54739,62440,715 16 28,82129,62430,44931,31632,19733,09234,03034,98135,97436,98138,03039,09340,19841,33142,49243,694 17 30,76731,63832,53333,47034,42135,40036,42137,45638,51939,62440,75741,91843,12144,35245,61146,925 18 32,86833,82034,79935,80636,84137,90439,00940,14241,30342,50643,73644,99546,29647,63949,02350,450 19 37,61338,71839,85541,02242,21943,46044,74746,06447,41048,80150,23851,71953,23054,80156,41658,062 20 40,26541,47142,71243,98445,30146,64748,03849,46050,94152,45254,02355,62357,28458,99060,75562,550 21 43,17144,47845,82447,21648,63750,10351,61453,17054,78656,43158,13759,90261,71263,56865,48267,472 22 46,33247,75449,22050,73152,27253,87355,53457,22458,97560,78562,64064,55566,53068,57970,67472,828 23 49,77751,33052,93154,56156,25258,00259,79761,65363,56865,52767,56269,65671,82674,04076,34478,708 24 53,55255,23456,97058,75060,60562,50564,46566,48568,57970,73472,94875,23777,60180,03982,55285,156 25 57,46259,48361,38363,32865,34867,42769,56771,78174,07076,41978,84281,35683,94486,60789,36092,202 Compensation Structure (Current) 21

22 1/12/2010 GRADE 0 Years of Service 1 Year of Service 2 Years of Service 3 Years of Service 4 Years of Service 5 Years of Service 6 Years of Service 7 Years of Service 8 Years of Service 9 Years of Service 10 Years of Service 11 Years of Service 12 Years of Service 13 Years of Service 14 Years of Service 15 Years of Service 1 12,80913,09413,38513,67713,96814,27414,58014,90015,22115,54115,87616,22616,57516,93917,30417,682 2 13,46513,76414,07014,37614,69615,01715,35215,68716,03616,38616,75017,12917,50717,88618,29418,687 3 14,16414,47814,79815,13315,48315,83216,18216,54616,92517,30417,69718,09018,49818,92019,34319,780 4 14,90815,25015,59915,94916,31316,69217,08517,47817,87218,27918,70219,13919,57620,02720,49320,959 5 15,69616,06616,44416,83717,23117,62418,04618,46918,90619,34319,79420,26020,74121,22221,71722,227 6 16,55616,95417,36217,78418,20718,64419,08119,54720,01320,47920,97421,46921,99422,51823,05723,596 7 17,48917,91518,35218,80419,25519,72120,20220,69721,19221,71722,24122,78023,33423,90224,48425,081 8 18,49518,94919,41619,89620,39120,90121,41121,95022,48923,04223,61024,19324,80525,41626,04326,684 9 19,55920,05620,56621,09121,61522,16822,72223,29023,88724,48425,09625,73726,37827,04827,73228,417 10 19,91620,42120,93821,48422,02922,60223,17623,76324,37925,00825,63826,29526,98027,66628,37929,106 11 21,10721,66522,23922,81223,40024,01524,64525,28825,94526,61727,31628,01528,75729,49830,26731,064 12 22,43623,02223,62424,25324,89625,55426,22526,92427,63828,36529,12029,89030,68731,49832,32333,176 13 23,83724,47725,13425,80526,50527,21827,94528,70129,47030,26731,07831,91832,77133,65234,56135,484 14 25,36326,05726,77127,49828,25329,02229,80630,63131,47032,32333,20434,11435,05136,00236,98138,002 15 27,01527,76428,53329,33030,14130,98131,83432,71533,62434,56135,51236,50537,51238,54739,62440,715 16 28,82129,62430,44931,31632,19733,09234,03034,98135,97436,98138,03039,09340,19841,33142,49243,694 17 30,76731,63832,53333,47034,42135,40036,42137,45638,51939,62440,75741,91843,12144,35245,61146,925 18 32,86833,82034,79935,80636,84137,90439,00940,14241,30342,50643,73644,99546,29647,63949,02350,450 19 37,61338,71839,85541,02242,21943,46044,74746,06447,41048,80150,23851,71953,23054,80156,41658,062 20 40,26541,47142,71243,98445,30146,64748,03849,46050,94152,45254,02355,62357,28458,99060,75562,550 21 43,17144,47845,82447,21648,63750,10351,61453,17054,78656,43158,13759,90261,71263,56865,48267,472 22 46,33247,75449,22050,73152,27253,87355,53457,22458,97560,78562,64064,55566,53068,57970,67472,828 23 49,77751,33052,93154,56156,25258,00259,79761,65363,56865,52767,56269,65671,82674,04076,34478,708 24 53,55255,23456,97058,75060,60562,50564,46566,48568,57970,73472,94875,23777,60180,03982,55285,156 25 57,46259,48361,38363,32865,34867,42769,56771,78174,07076,41978,84281,35683,94486,60789,36092,202 Compensation Structure (Current) 22 Illustration

23 1/12/2010 23 Market Structure updated to 7/1/2010 2001 STRUCTURE PLUS22.4%Market GRADE 0 Years of Service 1 Year of Service 2 Years of Service 3 Years of Service 4 Years of Service 5 Years of Service 6 Years of Service 7 Years of Service 8 Years of Service 9 Years of Service 10 Years of Service 11 Years of Service 12 Years of Service 13 Years of Service 14 Years of Service 15 Years of Service 1 15,67816,02716,38316,74117,09717,47117,84618,23818,63119,02219,43219,86120,28820,73321,18021,643 2 16,48116,84717,22217,59617,98818,38118,79119,20119,62820,05620,50220,96621,42921,89222,39222,873 3 17,33717,72118,11318,52318,95119,37819,80720,25220,71621,18021,66122,14222,64223,15823,67624,211 4 18,24718,66619,09319,52219,96720,43120,91221,39321,87522,37322,89123,42623,96124,51325,08325,654 5 19,21219,66520,12720,60821,09121,57222,08822,60623,14123,67624,22824,79825,38725,97626,58227,206 6 20,26520,75221,25121,76822,28522,82023,35523,92624,49625,06625,67226,27826,92127,56228,22228,882 7 21,40721,92822,46323,01623,56824,13924,72725,33325,93926,58227,22327,88328,56129,25629,96830,699 8 22,63823,19423,76524,35324,95925,58326,20726,86727,52728,20328,89929,61230,36131,10931,87732,661 9 23,94024,54925,17325,81526,45727,13427,81228,50729,23829,96830,71831,50232,28733,10733,94434,782 10 24,37724,99525,62826,29626,96327,66528,36729,08629,84030,61031,38132,18533,02433,86334,73635,626 11 25,83526,51827,22127,92228,64229,39430,16530,95331,75732,57933,43534,29035,19936,10637,04738,022 12 27,46228,17928,91629,68630,47331,27832,09932,95533,82934,71935,64336,58537,56138,55439,56340,607 13 29,17629,96030,76431,58532,44233,31534,20535,13036,07137,04738,03939,06840,11241,19042,30343,432 14 31,04431,89432,76833,65834,58235,52336,48337,49238,51939,56340,64241,75642,90244,06645,26546,514 15 33,06633,98334,92435,90036,89337,92138,96540,04341,15642,30343,46744,68245,91547,18248,50049,835 16 35,27736,26037,27038,33139,40940,50541,65342,81744,03245,26546,54947,85049,20250,58952,01053,481 17 37,65938,72539,82040,96742,13143,33044,57945,84647,14748,50049,88751,30852,78054,28755,82857,436 18 40,23041,39642,59443,82745,09346,39447,74749,13450,55552,02753,53355,07456,66658,31060,00461,751 19 46,03847,39148,78350,21151,67653,19554,77056,38258,03059,73261,49163,30465,15467,07669,05371,068 20 49,28450,76152,27953,83655,44857,09658,79960,53962,35264,20166,12468,08370,11672,20474,36476,561 21 52,84154,44156,08957,79259,53261,32663,17665,08067,05869,07271,16073,32075,53577,80780,15082,586 22 56,71058,45160,24562,09563,98165,94167,97470,04272,18574,40176,67179,01581,43383,94186,50589,141 23 60,92762,82864,78866,78368,85270,99473,19275,46377,80780,20582,69685,25987,91590,62593,44596,339 24 65,54867,60669,73171,91074,18176,50678,90581,37883,94186,57889,28892,09094,98497,968101,044104,231 25 70,33372,80775,13377,51379,98682,53185,15087,86090,66293,53796,50399,580102,747106,007109,377112,855

24 1/12/2010 24 Market Structure updated to 7/1/2010 2001 STRUCTURE PLUS22.4%Market GRADE 0 Years of Service 1 Year of Service 2 Years of Service 3 Years of Service 4 Years of Service 5 Years of Service 6 Years of Service 7 Years of Service 8 Years of Service 9 Years of Service 10 Years of Service 11 Years of Service 12 Years of Service 13 Years of Service 14 Years of Service 15 Years of Service 1 15,67816,02716,38316,74117,09717,47117,84618,23818,63119,02219,43219,86120,28820,73321,18021,643 2 16,48116,84717,22217,59617,98818,38118,79119,20119,62820,05620,50220,96621,42921,89222,39222,873 3 17,33717,72118,11318,52318,95119,37819,80720,25220,71621,18021,66122,14222,64223,15823,67624,211 4 18,24718,66619,09319,52219,96720,43120,91221,39321,87522,37322,89123,42623,96124,51325,08325,654 5 19,21219,66520,12720,60821,09121,57222,08822,60623,14123,67624,22824,79825,38725,97626,58227,206 6 20,26520,75221,25121,76822,28522,82023,35523,92624,49625,06625,67226,27826,92127,56228,22228,882 7 21,40721,92822,46323,01623,56824,13924,72725,33325,93926,58227,22327,88328,56129,25629,96830,699 8 22,63823,19423,76524,35324,95925,58326,20726,86727,52728,20328,89929,61230,36131,10931,87732,661 9 23,94024,54925,17325,81526,45727,13427,81228,50729,23829,96830,71831,50232,28733,10733,94434,782 10 24,37724,99525,62826,29626,96327,66528,36729,08629,84030,61031,38132,18533,02433,86334,73635,626 11 25,83526,51827,22127,92228,64229,39430,16530,95331,75732,57933,43534,29035,19936,10637,04738,022 12 27,46228,17928,91629,68630,47331,27832,09932,95533,82934,71935,64336,58537,56138,55439,56340,607 13 29,17629,96030,76431,58532,44233,31534,20535,13036,07137,04738,03939,06840,11241,19042,30343,432 14 31,04431,89432,76833,65834,58235,52336,48337,49238,51939,56340,64241,75642,90244,06645,26546,514 15 33,06633,98334,92435,90036,89337,92138,96540,04341,15642,30343,46744,68245,91547,18248,50049,835 16 35,27736,26037,27038,33139,40940,50541,65342,81744,03245,26546,54947,85049,20250,58952,01053,481 17 37,65938,72539,82040,96742,13143,33044,57945,84647,14748,50049,88751,30852,78054,28755,82857,436 18 40,23041,39642,59443,82745,09346,39447,74749,13450,55552,02753,53355,07456,66658,31060,00461,751 19 46,03847,39148,78350,21151,67653,19554,77056,38258,03059,73261,49163,30465,15467,07669,05371,068 20 49,28450,76152,27953,83655,44857,09658,79960,53962,35264,20166,12468,08370,11672,20474,36476,561 21 52,84154,44156,08957,79259,53261,32663,17665,08067,05869,07271,16073,32075,53577,80780,15082,586 22 56,71058,45160,24562,09563,98165,94167,97470,04272,18574,40176,67179,01581,43383,94186,50589,141 23 60,92762,82864,78866,78368,85270,99473,19275,46377,80780,20582,69685,25987,91590,62593,44596,339 24 65,54867,60669,73171,91074,18176,50678,90581,37883,94186,57889,28892,09094,98497,968101,044104,231 25 70,33372,80775,13377,51379,98682,53185,15087,86090,66293,53796,50399,580102,747106,007109,377112,855

25 1/12/2010 25 Market Structure updated to 7/1/2010 2001 STRUCTURE PLUS22.4%Market GRADE 0 Years of Service 1 Year of Service 2 Years of Service 3 Years of Service 4 Years of Service 5 Years of Service 6 Years of Service 7 Years of Service 8 Years of Service 9 Years of Service 10 Years of Service 11 Years of Service 12 Years of Service 13 Years of Service 14 Years of Service 15 Years of Service 1 15,67816,02716,38316,74117,09717,47117,84618,23818,63119,02219,43219,86120,28820,73321,18021,643 2 16,48116,84717,22217,59617,98818,38118,79119,20119,62820,05620,50220,96621,42921,89222,39222,873 3 17,33717,72118,11318,52318,95119,37819,80720,25220,71621,18021,66122,14222,64223,15823,67624,211 4 18,24718,66619,09319,52219,96720,43120,91221,39321,87522,37322,89123,42623,96124,51325,08325,654 5 19,21219,66520,12720,60821,09121,57222,08822,60623,14123,67624,22824,79825,38725,97626,58227,206 6 20,26520,75221,25121,76822,28522,82023,35523,92624,49625,06625,67226,27826,92127,56228,22228,882 7 21,40721,92822,46323,01623,56824,13924,72725,33325,93926,58227,22327,88328,56129,25629,96830,699 8 22,63823,19423,76524,35324,95925,58326,20726,86727,52728,20328,89929,61230,36131,10931,87732,661 9 23,94024,54925,17325,81526,45727,13427,81228,50729,23829,96830,71831,50232,28733,10733,94434,782 10 24,37724,99525,62826,29626,96327,66528,36729,08629,84030,61031,38132,18533,02433,86334,73635,626 11 25,83526,51827,22127,92228,64229,39430,16530,95331,75732,57933,43534,29035,19936,10637,04738,022 12 27,46228,17928,91629,68630,47331,27832,09932,95533,82934,71935,64336,58537,56138,55439,56340,607 13 29,17629,96030,76431,58532,44233,31534,20535,13036,07137,04738,03939,06840,11241,19042,30343,432 14 31,04431,89432,76833,65834,58235,52336,48337,49238,51939,56340,64241,75642,90244,06645,26546,514 15 33,06633,98334,92435,90036,89337,92138,96540,04341,15642,30343,46744,68245,91547,18248,50049,835 16 35,27736,26037,27038,33139,40940,50541,65342,81744,03245,26546,54947,85049,20250,58952,01053,481 17 37,65938,72539,82040,96742,13143,33044,57945,84647,14748,50049,88751,30852,78054,28755,82857,436 18 40,23041,39642,59443,82745,09346,39447,74749,13450,55552,02753,53355,07456,66658,31060,00461,751 19 46,03847,39148,78350,21151,67653,19554,77056,38258,03059,73261,49163,30465,15467,07669,05371,068 20 49,28450,76152,27953,83655,44857,09658,79960,53962,35264,20166,12468,08370,11672,20474,36476,561 21 52,84154,44156,08957,79259,53261,32663,17665,08067,05869,07271,16073,32075,53577,80780,15082,586 22 56,71058,45160,24562,09563,98165,94167,97470,04272,18574,40176,67179,01581,43383,94186,50589,141 23 60,92762,82864,78866,78368,85270,99473,19275,46377,80780,20582,69685,25987,91590,62593,44596,339 24 65,54867,60669,73171,91074,18176,50678,90581,37883,94186,57889,28892,09094,98497,968101,044104,231 25 70,33372,80775,13377,51379,98682,53185,15087,86090,66293,53796,50399,580102,747106,007109,377112,855 Percent = $25,363 × 1.224 = $31,044

26 1/12/2010 Match market data to as many jobs as possible. Decide how many structures are needed. Decide how far apart the midpoints should be. 11.5% Decide how wide the ranges should be. 50% Start with the lowest market rate as midpoint for grade 1. Increase each range midpoint by midpoint difference until highest market rate is reached. Assume There was no Structure 26

27 1/12/2010 27 Proposed Structure GradesMinimumMidpointMaximum 1$14,082$17,603$21,123 2$15,702$19,627$23,552 3$17,507$21,884$26,261 4$19,521$24,401$29,281 5$21,766$27,207$32,648 6$24,269$30,336$36,403 7$27,059$33,824$40,589 8$30,171$37,714$45,257 9$33,641$42,051$50,462 10$37,510$46,887$56,265 11$41,823$52,279$62,735 12$46,633$58,291$69,950 13$51,996$64,995$77,994 14$57,975$72,469$86,963 15$64,643$80,803$96,964 16$72,076$90,096$108,115 17$80,365$100,457$120,548 18$89,607$112,009$134,411

28 1/12/2010 We agree with the Performance Management Sub-Committee’s report and recommendations. The report meets best practices, as found in the literature and in the industry. A performance management system must be designed to identify, encourage, measure, evaluate, improve, and reward employee performance. Performance management must be linked to organizational strategy and targeted results. Performance Management system 28

29 1/12/2010 The Performance Management Committee recommended a system that: Provides information to employees about their performance. Allows the employee to participate in the evaluation process. Clarifies what the institution, department, and the unit expects in terms of performance from the employee. Identifies the employee’s developmental needs at the beginning of the performance year so that the supervisor may budget for and invest in the professional development of all employees. 29 Performance Management system

30 1/12/2010 The Committee recommended a system that: Documents performance for personnel records. Measures individual performance based on the employee’s job description, then evaluates that performance. Provides feedback on an individual basis that is objective and measured against established performance standards. Provides assistance as needed. Provides rewards based on an employee’s exceptional performance. 30 Performance Management system

31 1/12/2010 The evaluation form consists of six parts, which are to be completed by the supervisor, the employee, and/or both: 1.Employee Pre-Review Section This section offers the employee an opportunity to describe his/her contributions to the job and the institution over the past performance review year. It also prompts the employee to offer points for discussion with the supervisor. The Evaluation Form 31

32 1/12/2010 2.Performance Ratings Section This section requires the supervisor to evaluate the employee on ten core competencies against the employee’s PIQ. There are six additional areas. 3.Goals, Objectives, and Expectations Section This section requires the supervisor to evaluate previously established specific and measurable goals, objectives, and projects for the employee for this evaluation period. The Evaluation Form (continued) 32

33 1/12/2010 4.Professional Enhancement Plan Section This section allows the supervisor and the employee to discuss the professional development needs and growth potential, and connects the performance management system to the professional development system. The Evaluation Form (continued) 33

34 1/12/2010 5.Overall Comments Section This section includes overall comments by the supervisor and the employee. 6.Future Goals Section This section provides space for the supervisor to detail the goals for the upcoming evaluation period. The Evaluation Form (continued) 34

35 1/12/2010  The performance appraisal (PA) model and the format tool recommended by the Performance Appraisal Committee are consistent with best practices.  The newly designed performance appraisal model and format tool designed by West Virginia University are also consistent with best practices.  Such best practices PA systems should be implemented at all institutions as soon as possible.  Every institution should be held to what the State Code currently stipulates. The Evaluation Form (continued) 35

36 1/12/2010 If the supervisor does not conduct the PA on time, this lack of performance is to be reflected on his or her own PA. Managers/supervisors should attend mandatory training on best practices of performance management to learn how to appropriately conduct Performance Appraisals and use the performance evaluation form. The evaluation form should be electronic and paperless. Communications and training should also be provided to employees on the new program. The evaluation form should be used by both classified and nonclassified staff. Performance Management System (continued) 36

37 1/12/2010 We reviewed the Professional Development Committee’s sub-committee recommendations and agree with them. The Director of Training and Development would be responsible for facilitating the delivery of training and development activities in West Virginia’s institutions of higher education (as discussed earlier). 37 Professional Development

38 1/12/2010 Best practices activities in Training and Development must precede employment and extend beyond termination. These include, but are not limited to: Pre-Employment Activities During-Employment Activities Post-Employment Activities 38 Professional Development (continued)

39 1/12/2010 Pre-Employment Activities Community, governmental, and educational outreach programs. Sourcing and recruitment activities. Employer-of-choice branding and realistic job- preview activities. Pre-employment assessments and interviews. 39 Professional Development (continued)

40 1/12/2010 During-Employment Activities On-boarding activities. Enculturation, reinforcement of values, and basic operational training. Career guidance and management activities. Functional, professional, management, and leadership training. Assessment for promotion or individual insight and development. Safety, compliance, and regulatory training. 40 Professional Development (continued)

41 1/12/2010 Post-Employment Activities Exit interviews and surveys. Outplacement support. Employee alumni groups and networks. 41 Professional Development (continued)

42 1/12/2010 We recommend providing on-going budgetary and administrative support at each institution for the T&D professional(s) and for T&D in general. All records of training accomplishments, including certificates, degrees, professional certifications, courses completed, etc., need to be maintained in the employee's permanent personnel file. 42 Professional Development (continued)

43 1/12/2010 We recommend administering and analyzing the T&D needs survey (Survey #2) annually. Task HEPC with the duty to serve as a clearinghouse and library for training materials, programs, and vendors of training and development materials and workshops, all to be kept in electronic format with online accessibility for all institutional T&D coordinators. 43 Professional Development (continued)

44 1/12/2010 Support, encourage, achieve, and sustain a level of professional certification by all HR professionals. Review all existing campus educational reimbursement policies and programs. Generate a unified, state-wide policy. Require all employees holding managerial and supervisory positions, including faculty who supervise staff, to complete managerial and/or supervisory training within 90 calendar days of receiving the position. 44 Professional Development (continued)

45 1/12/2010 Require all employees assuming HR positions to complete the HR training module within 90 calendar days of receiving that position. Develop the HR training module in an online format. This should include classification, compensation, performance management, employment law, PIQ development, grievance procedures, employee relations, conflict resolution, etc. 45 Professional Development (continued)

46 1/12/2010 Plan to remove the salary schedule from the State Code within 3 years Work to remove Section 7 Personnel Generally from the State Code. Develop a Policy Manual that will cover all issues in Section 7. The Policy Manual should be maintained by the Central HR Function. Conduct an audit of the HR function during the first quarter of 2010. Accountability, Statutes, and Rules 46

47 1/12/2010 Continue to audit the HR function at least every five years thereafter. Title 133, Procedure Rule, higher Education Policy Commission, Series 8: Section 2.7 Pay Grade. Section 2.16 Longevity. Section 2.20 Salary Schedule. Section 2.27 Factors of 13 changed to 11. Section 3.1. 47 Accountability, Statutes, and Rules (continued)

48 1/12/2010 Title 133, Procedure Rule, higher Education Policy Commission, Series 8 (continued): Section 11 Job evaluation process. Section 12.2 should not be in the code. Section 18 Review and appeals. Section 19 All. 48 Accountability, Statutes and Rules (continued)

49 1/12/2010 Article 7 Personnel Generally Over next 3 years move this section to the HR Policy Manual Bumping – Change bumping rights to not allow personnel hired on a funded program to bump regular employees. 49 Accountability, Statutes and Rules (continued)

50 1/12/2010 Select Committee should continue to meet through 2010. HEPC and CCTCE should make quarterly reports on progress. The most effective, user-friendly, cost-efficient technology should be selected to integrate the system(s). PeopleAdmin is not a full Human Resources Information System (HRIS). It only handles applicant flow, job descriptions, and performance appraisals. We recommend that an RFP for a full HRIS be prepared and submitted to various vendors (e.g., WorkDay, UltiPro, People Soft, Oracle, etc.) Next Steps Necessary to Complete the Study 50

51 1/12/2010 Reduction in Force/Furloughs. Outsourcing. Best practices and work process improvement. Evaluation of the faculty salary structure and promotion process. Determining feasibility of reducing percentage of employees holding nonclassified status to promote system-wide integration. 51 Recommendations of Research Methods to Address Other Issues

52 1/12/2010 Assign these tasks to the new Vice Chancellor of HR and Staff. Assign these tasks to a consulting firm that specializes in these areas. We are willing to give you a proposal to address these additional tasks if desired. 52 Recommendations of Research Methods to Address Other Issues (continued) Optional Approaches

53 1/12/2010 The first step in this process is to communicate the results of the decisions made by the legislature in regard to suggestions and recommendations cited in this document. This communication must be led by the two Chancellors, and reasons must be given for what is about to take place. Use each Institution’s web site to provide information about the changes related to the personnel study. Implementation Plan 53

54 1/12/2010 The second step is to hire the central staff, starting with hiring a Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. This person should be a “Change Focus Leader.” The third step is to conduct an audit of the human resources function at each institution. If the decision is made to go to outside consultants to achieve this, then this could be started before the central staff positions are filled. Implementation Plan 54

55 1/12/2010 The fourth step is to develop and implement training. Training for: Performance Appraisal Compensation Program Supervisory training Once developed and tested, implement the training, beginning with all supervisory employees. Implementation Plan 55

56 1/12/2010 The fifth step is to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a HRIS and submit to a number of companies. We recommend considering: Workday NuView Systems Ultimate Pro Spectrum Oracle – Peoplesoft Select and implement the HRIS Implementation Plan 56

57 1/12/2010 The sixth step is to set up the Job Classification Committee. The seventh step is to develop an HR Policy and Procedures Manual based on the state code. Implementation Plan 57

58 1/12/2010 The eighth step builds on the first seven steps. Once a policy and procedure manual and a minimum structure are in place, begin a gradual process of removing the Human Resources Policy and the pay structure from the State code. They should be replaced with references to compliance with the uniform policy and procedure manual and the establishment of a compensation structure that is competitive in the West Virginia Labor Market. Implementation Plan 58

59 1/12/2010 Many changes, especially major cultural changes, need to be made before these recommendations and suggestions can be fully implemented. There must be continual monitoring of all these issues in order to achieve the mission, vision, values, and goals of the HEPC/CCTCE, the employees, and the State of West Virginia. The Need For Change 59

60 1/12/2010 Questions 60


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