Parking, Transportation and Services PARKING, TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES.

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Presentation on theme: "Parking, Transportation and Services PARKING, TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parking, Transportation and Services PARKING, TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES

2 Parking, Transportation and Services We're at Your Service The Office of Parking, Transportation & Services provides:  Transportation Services  Vanpooling/Carpooling/Buses/Bicycling  Parking Services  Travel Services  Fleet Services  Mailing Services

3 Parking, Transportation and Services Transportation Campus Shuttle System 412-624-8801 Valid University ID Operates 21 hours a day through campus ( see University Shuttle Schedule) SafeRider412-648-2255 Point to point nighttime shuttle service E-mail:

4 Parking, Transportation and Services Transportation Port Authority Valid University ID412-442-2000 Fare Free University Charter Service 412-624-8801 University Events Buses, Shuttles, Motor Coaches, Trolleys, Limousines University Disability Shuttle412-648-7980 Disability Resources & Services

5 Parking, Transportation and Services Allegheny and Surrounding Counties

6 Parking, Transportation and Services Parking  Leases for Faculty and Staff  Visitor & Cash Parking  Special Events  Motorist Assistance  Enforcement  Residential Permit Parking Program

7 Parking, Transportation and Services Registered Vanpools, Carpools, and Bicycles  Emergency ride home  Courtesy Parking  Free Vanpool Parking  Carpool Parking Discount  Pre-tax deduction  Free Bicycle Registration

8 Parking, Transportation and Services CommuteInfo The University of Pittsburgh’s Regional Ridesharing Partner 1-888-819-6110

9 Parking, Transportation and Services Working Together/Partnerships  Airport Corridor Transportation Management Association  Brooke, Hancock, Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Organization  Oakland Transportation Management Association  PennDOT Districts 10, 11, and 12  Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership  Regional Transit Operators  Southwestern PA Commission  Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board  University of Pittsburgh

10 Parking, Transportation and Services Mission CommuteInfo is dedicated to increasing the number of commuters in Southwestern Pennsylvania sharing a ride to work or school.  Transit  Vanpools  Carpools  Biking  Walking

11 Parking, Transportation and Services Commuters Ridematching service accessible 24-hours a day through program website User-defined matching criteria Receive match lists, transit and ridesharing information via email, regular mail or fax

12 Parking, Transportation and Services Compare Annual Cost Savings Transit: $3106 less than driving Vanpool: $2731 less than driving

13 Parking, Transportation and Services Mailing Services Mail Delivery Campus Mail Outgoing mail & mass mailing412-244-7050 Packages Plus Store412-624-4883 Student Mail Room Tower B Express Mail–Contract with UPS 412-624-3127 Hazardous Materials Electronic Accounts via Campus Ship

14 Parking, Transportation and Services Travel Management  Travel Management oversees travel supplier contracts, i.e., travel agencies, airlines, hotels, etc.  Meal Per Diem  Assist in planning group functions and meetings E-mail: Phone: 412-624-4433

15 Parking, Transportation and Services Fleet Services  Compact, mid-size, full-size, mini-vans, and 12 passenger vans  For University business  Reservations required E-mail: Phone: 412-648-7690

16 Parking, Transportation and Services Surplus Property 400 North Lexington Avenue 412-244-7071  Is your Panther source for quality, used furniture at affordable prices  Desks/chairs  Filing Cabinets  Bookcases  Computer Equipment

17 Parking, Transportation and Services Congratulations and Welcome to the University of Pittsburgh!

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