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The Presidential Election

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1 The Presidential Election
Chapter 13, Section 5

2 The Presidential Campaign
Presidential campaigns are all-out effort to win the votes of the American people. Radio, TV interviews; Speeches, Positive and Negative Ads, Debates, etc. Campaigns focus on: Swing Voters  electorate who have not made up their minds at the start of the campaign and are open to persuasion by either side. Battleground States  States where outcome is “too close to call” and either candidate can win.

3 Campaign Ad Examples?
Obama’s first Presidential Ad Romney Ad – 2012 Raegan – Peace JFK – 1960 LBJ “Daisy” Attack Ad – 1964 Attack Ads, circa 1800

4 The Presidential Campaign (con’t)
Series of presidential debates highlights the campaign. Obama v Romney – 2012 Clinton v Dole – 1996 Best moments from debates – CNN Campaign ends on election day: Tuesday after the first Monday in November (see next slide).

5 The Election REMEMBER! People do not cast their vote directly for the presidential candidate. Instead, we vote for presidential electors. Each state has as many electors as it has members in Congress. Electors are “rubber stamps”  Expected to vote automatically for party’s candidates for Pres and VP Electors are chosen by popular vote. Tuesday after the first Monday in November, every 4th year. November 8, 2016 In MOST states Electors are chosen at large WINNER TAKE ALL

6 Counting Electoral Votes
12th Amendment  Electors meet at their State capital on date set by Congress. Monday after the second Wednesday in December. Cast electoral votes on this date; Votes are sealed and sent to President of the Senate. FORMAL election doesn’t take place until January when the Pres of the Senate opens the electoral votes and counts before Congress. Majority must be met to win  270 of 538 electoral votes No majority means the House decides.


8 2012 Electoral Voting

9 What do you notice here?

10 Flaws in the Electoral College
Three major defects: The winner of the popular vote is not guaranteed the presidency. Electors are not required to vote in accord with the popular vote. Any election might have to be decided in the House of Representatives.

11 Proposed Reforms District Plan Proportional Plan
Two electors would be chosen from each State at large; they would be required to cast their electoral votes in line with the popular vote of their State. Proportional Plan Each presidential candidate would receive a share of each State’s electoral vote equal to his or her share of that State’s popular vote. Ex. Win 62% of vote in state w/ 20 electors, receive 12.4 of states votes. Direct Popular Election Abolish the electoral college; Winner would be chosen by majority vote of the people. National Popular Vote Plan Proposal to bring about Direct Popular Election w/o changing wording in Constitution. Would require state electors to vote for candidate who wins popular vote in each state.

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