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Writing “large” software.. How do you eat an Elephant? – One bite at a time.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing “large” software.. How do you eat an Elephant? – One bite at a time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing “large” software.

2 How do you eat an Elephant? – One bite at a time

3 Where to start. When looking at a large programming assignment – Where to start? – First read the whole assignment.

4 Where to Start (2) List all the program requirements What are the tasks of the project? Tasks may be the requirements or there may be several tasks needed to complete each requirement – Break down the requirements into very small manageable pieces/tasks.

5 Where to Start (3) Now think about the framework of project. – Think about the tasks/pieces What classes do you need? What fields (variables) and methods will you need? – Write them down (on paper or in an IDE) the classes and methods for the class. (If UML helps, use it) – DO NOT write any code for the methods, just a description of what it does. Bonus, you have comments. Some pieces/tasks are going to just be sections of code – comment your project with each task in the spot you think it belongs. » Again, bonus, more comments in your program.

6 Writing code. Now you have an outline of the program. – Your program should even compile at this point. And run, but it will do NOTHING! – Because you only have a outline/ skeleton structure. – Stubs are your friend – You have a list of all the tasks – Figure out an ordering for the tasks. I need task X working, before task Y, etc…

7 Writing code (2) Work on the first task – And only the first task, while ignoring the rest of tasks. – Get it working. – Test it, well! – Once it works, take a moment or two and relax. Congratulate yourself. You have a working program with the first task done. Now you can start the next task – Repeat the process above with new task.

8 Advantages You should always have a working program. – Not all the requirements of course. Saves time. – The project can get done in a lot less time. – You won’t forget some requirement of the project. You are more efficient in way you write code. – You are working on task, not the whole project.

9 In Class Example

10 Q A &

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