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Trilateral Euregio Cluster Simultaneous observation of CD and C 2 in the near UV region in the JET divertor spectral window for the observation of CD and.

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Presentation on theme: "Trilateral Euregio Cluster Simultaneous observation of CD and C 2 in the near UV region in the JET divertor spectral window for the observation of CD and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trilateral Euregio Cluster Simultaneous observation of CD and C 2 in the near UV region in the JET divertor spectral window for the observation of CD and C 2 examples a) nitrogen seeding – observation of CN (last week) b) argon seeding – reduction of CD and C 2 light c) high triangular plasmas – different behaviour of CD and C 2 S. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk A. Meigs, M. Stamp

2 Trilateral Euregio Cluster Standard CD and C 2 spectroscopy sources, particle fluxes, chemical erosion yield … observation of CD at 431 nm (A-X band) observation of C 2 at 517 nm (Swan band) wide range & low resolution (e.g. KS3) different devices & l-o-s (e.g. KT3) good resolution & low time resolution (e.g. KME) often necessary: simultaneous measurement of CD and C 2 good spectral resolution good spatial resolution and the same l-o-s good time resolution

3 Trilateral Euregio Cluster C 2 and CD spectroscopy in the near UV C 2 spectrum CD spectrum observed and identified at JET (10/2003) KT3A outer divertor ch2

4 Trilateral Euregio Cluster example: N 2 seeding CN C2C2 Identification of CN radicals

5 Trilateral Euregio Cluster example: Ar seeded plasmas strike point on the outer horizontal target plate (14 MW NBI) with Argon without Argon C2C2 C2C2 CD

6 Trilateral Euregio Cluster example: Ar seeded plasmas strike point on the outer horizontal target plate (14 MW NBI) with Argon without Argon C2C2 C2C2 CD influence of Ar on the local plasma parameters?

7 Trilateral Euregio Cluster example: high triangular plasmas strike point on the outer horizontal target plate different behaviour of CD and C 2 observation along the outer vertical target plate high power: 14 MW NBI

8 Trilateral Euregio Cluster conclusion spectral region is good for the observation of relative changes of CD and C 2 KT3A system in combination with this spectral range very useful (time / spatial resolution) only theoretical data for CD (B-X) transition available

9 Trilateral Euregio Cluster KT3 observation system

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