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Watch Your Back! Kellie Mancino. Today’s Standards: Agriculture Mechanics B1.0-1.2 B1.0 Implement personal and group safety: B1.1 Practice the rules for.

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Presentation on theme: "Watch Your Back! Kellie Mancino. Today’s Standards: Agriculture Mechanics B1.0-1.2 B1.0 Implement personal and group safety: B1.1 Practice the rules for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watch Your Back! Kellie Mancino

2 Today’s Standards: Agriculture Mechanics B1.0-1.2 B1.0 Implement personal and group safety: B1.1 Practice the rules for personal and group safety while working in an agricultural mechanics environment. B1.2 Integrate accepted shop management procedures and a safe working environment.

3 Today We Will… Learn appropriate behavior in the shop Learn the components of the fire triangle Know and understand shop safety colors Learn and understand key terms

4 General Shop Rules No Horseplay Stay on Task No Cellphones Follow ALL Instructions Follow ALL Safety Rules

5 Who is Responsible for Shop Safety? YOU!!!

6 Personal Safety Rules Closed toe shoes Safety glasses AT ALL TIMES No loose clothing Long hair must be tied up Remove jewelry Keep hands away from moving parts Report any injuries

7 Machine and Equipment Safety One person uses a machine at a time Wait until the machine has stopped Keep hands away from moving parts Use tools correctly Put all tools away Report any damaged tool/machinery

8 Fire Safety Greatest safety precautionary in the shop Keep all flammables (paint, gasoline, oils) in their labeled areas

9 Components of a Fire Triangles

10 Triangle Breakdown Fuel: Any Combustible material Heat: Enough to raise the fuel to its ignition temperature Oxygen: Needed to sustain combustion

11 The Color Coding System is Used to… Remind us of danger and hazards Find certain objects Encourage a clean and orderly work area Improve emergency response (if something were to happen in the shop) Total of 9 Developed by OSHA

12 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration –Part of the federal government to insure a safe workplace –Protects the worker –Example: Color codes Machinery safety guards Labels Fire safety training

13 Safety Colors Danger Machine Hazard Caution Safety Equipment (First Aid) Traffic/Work Area Information (White) Traffic/Work Area Traffic Markings (used in our shop) Radioactivity

14 EPA Environmental Protection Agency Part of the federal government that insures environmental impact –Protects the environment –Example: Fire Prevention Waste management –Used oil –Oily rags

15 What do we do With… Used oil? Oily rags? Paint cans? EPA It’s the LAW

16 Review Key Terms black-and-white stripesOSHA black-and-yellow stripesorange bluered EPAsafety colors fire trianglewhite grayyellow green

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