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John 15:5 Yes I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

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Presentation on theme: "John 15:5 Yes I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."— Presentation transcript:


2 John 15:5 Yes I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.


4 The People of God –Fully Devoted Followers – all about following Jesus – v.10 –Accepted in His love – confidence and joy – vv.9, 11 –Authentic – v.8 – not trying to pretend a walk with God – really living it –Disciplined and growing – v.3 –Overcomers – v.18 – the world hates but we fight back with love –Empowered and Commissioned – vv.26-27 – we are called to the lost To accept His love and walk with Him To live in a new family and support, challenge and encourage each other To reach the lost, needy and hurting and call them to Him and His family –Fully Devoted Followers – all about following Jesus – v.10 –Accepted in His love – confidence and joy – vv.9, 11 –Authentic – v.8 – not trying to pretend a walk with God – really living it –Disciplined and growing – v.3 –Overcomers – v.18 – the world hates but we fight back with love –Empowered and Commissioned – vv.26-27 – we are called to the lost To accept His love and walk with Him To live in a new family and support, challenge and encourage each other To reach the lost, needy and hurting and call them to Him and His family



7 Central Valley 2000 Christian Church Attendance as a Percentage of Population 2000 Beige = Highest Rose = Middle Blue = Lowest 0.0% to 10.8% 10.8% to 13.7% 13.7% to 22.2% 10.1% Madera 10.4% San Joaquin 12.5% Merced 12.5% Tulare 13.6% Stanislaus 14.5% Fresno 14.8% Kern

8 Need to reach more people and plant more churches.

9 Reach and Plant 1.Focus on evangelism. -Personally -Church – the Events, Easter, EvC’s, mailers, signs, more 2.Plant more churches. 1.Focus on evangelism. -Personally -Church – the Events, Easter, EvC’s, mailers, signs, more 2.Plant more churches.


11 Need to reach out to a changing, diverse population.

12 Reach for Mosaic - Personally – befriend those who are different -Age, race, economics -Church – -Strive for unity across the lines. -Open our eyes – Mexico, international missions. -Plant churches targeted to the need. - Personally – befriend those who are different -Age, race, economics -Church – -Strive for unity across the lines. -Open our eyes – Mexico, international missions. -Plant churches targeted to the need.

13 Healthy People + Healthy Churches Healthy people – expect the doctor to tell you your illness! Church – Christ, Communication, Conflict, Control Healthy people – expect the doctor to tell you your illness! Church – Christ, Communication, Conflict, Control 87 %87 % 87 %87 %

14 Leadership Structure

15 Which Church? To transform religious and irreligious people into Fully Devoted Followers of Christ. Discipleship * Fellowship * Mission GROWING: God’s Word | Relationships | Offering | Worship Impact | New Life | Gifts To transform religious and irreligious people into Fully Devoted Followers of Christ. Discipleship * Fellowship * Mission GROWING: God’s Word | Relationships | Offering | Worship Impact | New Life | Gifts



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