Exotic Endangered Animal Species Samantha Smith Age: 12 Blue Ridge Elem. School Patrick County.

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2 Exotic Endangered Animal Species Samantha Smith Age: 12 Blue Ridge Elem. School Patrick County

3 The # of Endangered Species by state Alaska –11 California – 111 Georgia –43 Hawaii – 44 Texas – 63 Vermont – 6 Virginia - 50

4 Species Terms Vulnerable SpeciesVulnerable Species Threatened SpeciesThreatened Species Endangered SpeciesEndangered Species Extinct SpeciesExtinct Species

5 Facts about Endangered Animals One thousand endangered worldwide. United States - 496 threatened or endangered. More than 3,500 protected areas in existence worldwide.

6 Causes of Endangerment Habitat Destruction Overexploitation Introduction of Exotic Species Disease Pollution Limited distribution Pet Trade

7 Recovery Plans Recovery Plans have been made to help build up the numbers of these endangered species.

8 Summary I chose endangered animal species because I want to make a difference and save these animals. It would make a big difference to not pollute and destroy their homes. Please make a difference, save animal lives.

9 My References http://zoocountry.com/endangeredanimals/moreendangered.htm http://westportlibrary.org/teenblog/2008/05 http://library.thinkquest.org/11353/e-aninimals.htm http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/endange red_animals/endangered_game.htmhttp://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/endange red_animals/endangered_game.htm

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