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Describing Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments Unit 24.

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1 Describing Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments Unit 24

2 FLT Today I am: practicing discussing health conditions. So that I can: explain symptoms, causes, and treatments for conditions. I will know I’ve got it when: I can correctly identify and describe four different conditions.

3 Discuss a Condition To explain the symptoms, causes, and treatments for a health condition, use the following sequence to structure the information. 1.Name the condition and briefly describe the symptoms. 2.Describe the causes. 3.Discuss treatment options. a.Tell if it is curable b.List treatment options on your weak hand

4 Example: Migraine 1. Name the condition and briefly describe the symptoms. – To begin, fingerspell the word “Migraine” and then give a description of common symptoms associated with a migraine. fs-MIGRAINE KNOW HEADACHE THROBING STOMACHACHE EYES BLURRY THAT.

5 2. Describe the Causes To transition to discussing causes, use the following rhetorical question. _________whq CAUSES WHAT? List the causes on your weak hand. Use raised eyebrows each time you refer to a finger on your weak hand to signal that you are naming the next cause. Since causes are often written as noun phrases, you must translate the phrases into action verbs.

6 Noun Phrases vs. Action Verbs The following are examples of probable causes for migraines. Notice how the Noun Phrases are translated into Action Verbs. Birth control pills – fs-BC TAKE-PILL Food allergies – FOOD WRONG Menstruation cycles – NEW MENSTRUATION

7 3. Discuss Treatment Options To transition to discussing treatment options, use a rhetorical question with the appropriate phrase to tell whether or not a condition is curable. – Can recover completely CAN HEAL HOW? – Symptoms can be eliminated CAN SOLVE HOW? – Condition cannot be cured, but symptoms can be alleviated CANT SOLVE BUT CAN REDUCE HOW? – Condition cannot be cured, but can be prevented HEAL CANT BUT CAN PREVENT HOW? – Condition cannot be cured, but symptoms can be controlled HEAL CANT BUT CAN CONTROL HOW?

8 Grammar Notes: Discuss Treatment Options Use raised eyebrows each time you refer to a finger on your weak hand before describing a treatment option. Ways of handling medication terminology. 1.If the type of medicine has a standard sign, use it. 2.If the medication terminology is common and there’s no sign for it, fingerspell it out. You would spell “aspirin” and “peroxide.” Follow with a description of its purpose like “to reduce headache” or “to prevent infection.” 3.If the medication terminology is not common, you don’t need to fingerspell the word, just describe how it is taken (pills, shots, nose spray) and for what purpose. Take the word “corticosteroids” – explain that it is taken as a pill an that its purpose is to provide relief MEDICINE TAKE-PILL PREVENT PROVIDE HAVE-PAIN

9 HEAL This sign is used when referring to the person’s recovery from an illness that affected the whole body like cancer or from being bedridden and then being able to get up.

10 SOLVE This sign is used when referring to the eventual disappearance of symptoms such as sores, rashes, lumps, fevers or headaches.

11 REDUCE In this case, this sign means to lessen the pain or symptoms associated with the condition.

12 CONTROL This sign means to maintain a constant level where fluctuations are common, e.g. blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight

13 PREVENT This sign refers to actions taken to prevent damage to the body, or to prevent the body from succumbing to an illness.

14 Kahoot! 9bf6-458d-a0d9-9fd5b005dc46

15 Categories!

16 Discussing Conditions Unit 24

17 FLT Today I am: practicing discussing health conditions. So that I can: explain symptoms, causes, and treatments for conditions. I will know I’ve got it when: I can correctly identify and describe four different conditions.

18 Discussing Symptoms Discuss a condition 1.Describe symptoms Conditions Hay fever Arthritis Hepatitis A Migraine Anemia Shingles Athlete’s Foot

19 CONDITIONS Hay fever Arthritis Hepatitis A Migraine Anemia Shingles Athlete’s Foot fs-HAY FEVER Shake-a while mouthing “arthritis” fs-HEP shake-A fs-MIGRAINE fs-ANEMIA fs-SHINGLES fs-ATHLETE FOOT

20 Guess the Condition ________________t THAT-ONE PROBLEM !BAD! HEADACHE. TEND-TO ONE “side of head” BPCL:5 “throbbing” PLUS NAUSEA, EYES VAGUE, CAN’T ____________whq STAND LIGHT. #WHAT+THAT-ONE.

21 Guess the Condition Hay fever Arthritis Hepatitis A Migraine Anemia Shingles Athlete’s Foot

22 Describe the Symptoms Hay fever Arthritis Hepatitis A Migraine Anemia Shingles Athlete’s Foot

23 Hay Fever ________________t THAT-ONE PROBLEM !BAD! ALLERGY ENVIRONMENT. List: 5 1. SNEEZE 2. SWOLLEN- eyes 3. COUGH++ 4. RUNNY-NOSE 5. HEADACHE

24 Arthritis ________________t THAT-ONE PROBLEM !BAD! fs-JOINTS HANDS ALSO fs-KNEES SORE. OFTEN fs-STIFF

25 Hepatitis A ________________t THAT-ONE PROBLEM !BAD! SICK List:4 1. YELLOW SKIN 2. TIRED 3. HIGH FEVER 4. ________whq STOMACHACHE. CAUSES WHAT _________________nod DIRTY WATER #OR FOOD

26 Anemia ________________t THAT-ONE PROBLEM !BAD! PERSON List:3 1. ___________________________stress WHITE 2. FEEL TIRED 3. FEEL WEAK CONTINUE ________whq _______________nod CAUSES WHAT fs-IRON IN BLOOD LOW

27 Shingles ________________t THAT-ONE PROBLEM !BAD! SICK HAVE fs-BLISTER RED+ “area chest” “area side of face” PAIN fs-BURN fs-BLISTER SOLVE PAIN CONTINUE 2-3-4+WEEKS CAN

28 Athlete’s Foot ________________t THAT-ONE PROBLEM !BAD! fs-FOOT BPCL:B “foot” fs-FUNGUS “on foot” BPCL“toes” BPCL “sole” SKIN CL:V“fall-off” ALSO SKIN fs-CRACKS ITCH SORE

29 Discussing Symptoms Discuss a condition 1.Describe symptoms 2.Describe Causes Conditions Hay fever Arthritis Hepatitis A Migraine Anemia Shingles Athlete’s Foot

30 Migraine Causes – No one really knows what causes migraines; possible reasons that headaches are made worse: Food allergy Birth control pill Not enough sleep Tension Menstrual cycle

31 Migraine Noun PhrasesChange to Verb Phrases “birth control pills”“taking birth control pills” fs-BC TAKE PILL++ “food allergies”“eating then reacting” EAT++, BE-ALLERGIC++ “not enough sleep”“not sleeping enough” NOT SLEEP ENOUGH “tension”“feeling stressed” __________ee FEEL PRESSURE “menstrual cycles”“nearing time to menstruate” ____________cs TIME-APPROACH MENSTURATION

32 Translation ___________________________rhet _____neg WHAT REAL/TRUE CAUSE fs-MIGRAINE, NOT-KNOW, BUT NOTICE HEADACHE ________t WORSE HOW, (list on weak hand) IX “thumb,” EAT++ BE-ALLERGIC++ CAN ____________t CAUSE HEADACHE, IX “index-finger,” fs-BC TAKE-PILL++ CAN CAUSE ___________t HEADACHE, IX “mid-finger,” NOT SLEEP ENOUGH CAUSE HEADACHE, ___________t ____________cs IX “ring-finger,” TIME-APPROACH MENSTRUATION TEND-TO HEADACHE ____________t __________ee #OR IX “pinkie finger” FEEL PRESSURE WORSE !HEADACHE!

33 Describing Causes Condition Cards! You have 15 minutes to organize the “cause” information into a brief coherent narrative. YOU MUST begin your presentation with the following phrase: _____________t ________rhet (name condition) CAUSE “what” Remember use your weak hand to list the causes!

34 Health Conditions Hay fever Arthritis Hepatitis A Anemia Shingles Athlete’s foot

35 Discussing Treatments Unit 24

36 FLT Today I am: practicing discussing health conditions. So that I can: explain symptoms, causes, and treatments for conditions. I will know I’ve got it when: I can correctly identify and describe four different conditions.

37 Discussing Symptoms Discuss a condition 1.Describe symptoms 2.Describe Causes 3.Discuss treatment Conditions Hay fever Arthritis Hepatitis A Migraine Anemia Shingles Athlete’s Foot

38 Treatment Vocabulary Apply – Pressure – Ointment – Powder Take – Vitamins or pills – A shower – Weight off Use – Nasal spray – A cane – Topical cream – compress

39 Treatment Vocabulary Get – Injection or vaccination – Prescription – Rid of dust, mold, mildew To rid body of toxins Avoid – Drinking certain liquids such as coffee and alcohol – Pets – Red meat – Uncooked food – Food preservatives – Processed meats – MSG

40 Treatment Vocabulary Massage (“areas”) – Temples – (reflexology points) Soak (parts of body) in water – Foot – Hand – Body

41 Treatment Phrases Change behavior – Change eating habits CHANGE EAT HABIT – Cut down on REDUCE or CUT-DOWN – Reduce weight, stress, pressure REDUCE or ELIMINATE – Lose weight DECREASE WEIGHT – Practice safe sex !IMPORTANT! SAFE SEX

42 Treatment Phrases Change Behavior – Do not eat… (name of food) EAT “wave-no” – Eat a diet high in… EAT/FOOD MSUT LOT/MUCH… – Fasting EAT NONE SEVERAL fs-DAYS (or whatever length of time)

43 Treatment Phrases Physician’s Duties – Blood transfusion may be required SUPPOSE FAIL, fs-BLOOD LCL:1 “insert IV” ECL:4 “flowing from tube to arm” – Surgery may be performed MAYBE MUST SURGERY – Getting an injection ICL:L “inject in arm or buttock” – Medication can be prescribed GO-TO DOCTOR, GET PILLS.. – Hypnotic suggestion GO-TO DOCTOR HYPNOTIZE-you

44 Treatment Phrases Purposes/Goals – To prevent the development of nerve pain HELP PREVENT PAIN fs-NERVE – To prevent infection HELP PREVENT INFECTION – To provide relief from nerve pain HELP REDUCE PAIN – To control severe symptoms HELP REDUCE (symptoms) – To increase tolerance to certain allergens HELP BODY ACCEPT…

45 Treatment Phrases Purposes/Goals – To increase flexibility HELP BODY MORE FLEXIBLE – To increase mobility HELP BODY MOVE BETTER – To increase iron intake HELP INCREASE fs-IRON IN BODY – To protect the joints HELP PROTECT fs-JOINTS

46 Treatment Phrases Purposes/Goals – Help the patient relax HELP PERSON REST – To fight the virus HELP KILL++ fs-VIRUS – To reduce the sharp pain HELP REDUCE PAIN – To reduce the burning sensation HELP REDUCE fs-BURN PAIN

47 Treatment Phrases Purposes/Goals – To relieve symptoms HELP REDUCE…(symptoms) – To relieve stress by promoting relaxation rhet HELP REDUCE PRESSURE HOW ENCOURAGE RELAX

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