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Grammar Skill First Grade Unit 1 Week 1 Created by Kristi Waltke

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1 Grammar Skill First Grade Unit 1 Week 1 Created by Kristi Waltke
Sentences Grammar Skill First Grade Unit 1 Week 1 Created by Kristi Waltke

2 A sentence is a group of words that tell a whole idea.
Remember that a sentence starts with a capital letter. A sentence ends with punctuation (like a period or question mark).

3 It tells who is in the sack.
Sam is in the sack. Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea It tells who is in the sack.

4 Let’s Play Find the Mistake!
We will circle the reason that the sentence at the top of the page is incorrect.

5 Sam is. Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea

6 Sam is a cat Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea

7 dot is a dog. Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea

8 The big yellow cat. Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea

9 Sat on my lap. Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea

10 my cat is little. Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea

11 Jack is a little boy Capital letter Ending punctuation Whole Idea

12 Good Job!

13 Now it’s your turn to make a sentence
Now it’s your turn to make a sentence. Remember the three parts to making a good sentence. ______ like to ________. _______ likes to _______.

14 Knowing about what makes a sentence will help you become a super reader!

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