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E XPERT S YSTEMS /S IMULATIONS By: Kevin Driscoll and Toby Laforest.

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Presentation on theme: "E XPERT S YSTEMS /S IMULATIONS By: Kevin Driscoll and Toby Laforest."— Presentation transcript:

1 E XPERT S YSTEMS /S IMULATIONS By: Kevin Driscoll and Toby Laforest

2 E XPERT S YSTEMS An expert system is software that attempts to reproduce the performance of one or more human experts The primary goal of an expert system is to make expertise information available to decision makers and technicians who need answers quickly. computer-based expert system emulates the behavior of a human advisor, presents terminology unique to the fieldThe primary goal of expert systems research is to make expertise available to decision makers and technicians who need answers quickly. computer-based expert systems emulate the behavior of a human advisor, present terminology unique to the field and introduces the activities that must be accomplished to build expert systems.

3 E XPERT S YSTEMS An example of expert systems is They call these expert systems “wizards”.

4 E XPERT S YSTEM C OMPONENTS User interface Explanation facility - explains reasoning of the system to a user Knowledge Base – production memory (rules) Working memory - global database of facts Inference engine Agenda - prioritized list of rules satisfied by facts Knowledge acquisition facility

5 A DVANTAGES OF E XPERT S YSTEMS The interpretation of data Diagnosis of malfunctions Structural analysis of complex objects Configuration of complex objects Planning sequences of actions

6 E XAMPLES MycinMycin - Diagnose infectious blood diseases and recommend antibiotics (by Stanford University) Stanford University NEXPERT ObjectNEXPERT Object - An early general-purpose commercial backwards-chaining inference engine used in the development of expert systems PrologProlog - Programming language used in the development of expert systems ForthForth - Programming language used in the development of expert systems R1/XconR1/Xcon - Order processing SHINE Real-time Expert SystemSHINE Real-time Expert System - Spacecraft Health INference Engine STD WizardSTD Wizard - Expert system for recommending medical screening tests PyKePyKe - Pyke is a knowledge-based inference engine (expert system)


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