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Digital Photography. CURATORIAL COMMENTS The information on this ‘card’ is prepared by the museum's research experts (curators) provides an explanation.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Photography. CURATORIAL COMMENTS The information on this ‘card’ is prepared by the museum's research experts (curators) provides an explanation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Photography

2 CURATORIAL COMMENTS The information on this ‘card’ is prepared by the museum's research experts (curators) provides an explanation about a work of art and/or details about the artist's life. The curatorial staff consists of highly specialized experts who have written these comments in order to help visitors have more background information in order to better understand a work of art. Lately, many museum professionals have questioned the importance of these cards. Supporters believe that they provide a service to the public by helping them understand what they are looking at-especially contemporary art. Critics, on the other hand, think that people spend more time reading the cards than actually looking at the art.

3 The following are examples of Curatorial Statements in a museum at Michigan State University’s Art Museum. They are similar to Artist Statements, but written by the Curator and they explain a little of the general overview of the the Artist’s work and then more specifically of the Art displayed. Read and use as examples for your own work. EXAMPLES





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