Flow driven instabilities in the Earth's Magnetotail Martin Volwerk Space Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences Including an Introduction to.

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1 Flow driven instabilities in the Earth's Magnetotail Martin Volwerk Space Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences Including an Introduction to Magnetospheres and Magnetotails

2 All you need to know in 45 min.  Introduction to magnetospheres  Solar wind – Earth magnetic field interaction  Generation of magnetotail  Magnetosphere dynamics  Reconnection and magnetic field transport  Magnetic flow cycles  The Cluster mission  Instabilities in the magnetotail  A zoo of large scale instabilities  Plasma dynamics in fast flows  Small scale instabilities

3 Let‘s get started! 让我们开始!

4 Introduction to Magnetospheres Water flow around a rock

5 Closed Magnetosphere  Schematic view of a magnetically closed magnetosphere, cut in the noon-midnight meridian plane  The solar wind plasma has no magnetic field  A sharp boundary between the different plasmas

6 Earth's Magnetosphere  Solar wind/IMF cannot enter magnetosphere  Supersonic stream decelerated at bow shock  Magnetopause is boundary between two plasma populations  Magnetosheath: solar wind plasma behind the bow shock

7 Open Magnetosphere  Schematic representation of a magnetically open magnetosphere cut in noon-midnight meridian plane  Solar wind is magnetized and can enter the magnetosphere  Reconnection at the nose connects dipole with solar wind field lines  Tailward transport builds up the magnetotail

8 The Dungey Cycle  Magnetospheric dynamics associated with the Dungey cycle driven by the solar wind.  The numbers show the time sequence for a flux tube being reconnected at the dayside magnetopause and convected through the magnetosphere. Bottom: view in the equatorial plane.

9 dayside nightside magnetic reconnection Magnetospheric convection magnetotail

10 Plasma Sources for the M’sphere  The shaded, dotted area illustrates the boundary layer through which solar wind plasma enters the magnetosphere.  The largest component is H+ which can come from ionosphere or solar wind  The O + component comes from the ionosphere  He is + in ionosphere but ++ in solar wind

11 Aurora observation  Auroral substorm: consist of complex transient and localized structures  Aurora precipitation caused by energy conversion process in the night-side magnetosphere (magnetotail) Ground-based observation Satellite image (Height: >40000 km) Space Shuttle (Height: 380 km)

12 Recent Magnetotail Missions  Geotail (1995 – present)  EquatorS (1997-1998)  Cluster (2001- present) 4-spacecraft separation 200 ~10000km  Double Star (2004-2007) 1-equator, 1-polar  THEMIS (2007-present) 5-spacecraft separation > 6,000km  MMS (to be launched 2014) 4-spacecraft separation few10s~1000km Magnetotail 2007- 2001- 2006 Cluster THEMIS

13  Difference in observed parameter at A & B In linear case: For steady state, ∂/∂t=0 (& 1D structure) :  Simultaneous observations at different point (  =0)  spatial gradient (Gradient analysis)  Same values at different points at different times (D t =0)  motion (v) of the signatures (Timing analysis) Multi-point observation (two-points)

14  Difference in observed parameter at A & B In linear case: For steady state, ∂/∂t=0 (& 1D structure) :  Simultaneous observations at different point (  =0)  spatial gradient (Gradient analysis)  Same values at different points at different times (D t =0)  motion (v) of the signatures (Timing analysis) Multi-point observation (two-points)

15  Difference in observed parameter at A & B In linear case: For steady state, ∂/∂t=0 (& 1D structure) :  Simultaneous observations at different points (  =0)  spatial gradient (Gradient analysis)  Same values at different points at different times (D t =0)  motion (v) of the signatures (Timing analysis) Multi-point observation (two-points)

16 Cluster: Why four spacecraft ?  Spatial gradient:  Current density (∇xB; ‘curlometer’)  Magnetic field curvature, b·∇b  Plasma (flow) structure  Characterization of a planar boundary  Orientation & motion of boundary  Thickness & internal structure  Four single-point observations (in four different plasma domains) Minimum number of spacecraft required to determine spatial gradient or velocity vector of a planar structure in 3D space is four

17 Transient thin current sheet  Current sheet thickness determined sequentially from model fitting (Harris current sheet)  B x = B 0 tanh{(z-z 0 )/L}  Sudden thinning (L: 5000⇨500 km) associated with fast flows  Off-equator peaked (bifurcated) current sheet  Bifurcated thin current sheet near reconnection region and more often during fast flows (Nakamura et al., 2006)

18 Thin current sheet in ion diffusion region  First curlometer measurement of Hall current & its closure current detected at ion scale (0.9-1.1) c/ω pi current sheet  Hall-effect well resolved by Cluster multi-point measurements  Reconnection current sheet with guide field  Electron distribution and remote obs. of Hall current system J V ion V elec. electron demagnetized (electron diffusion) ion demagnetized (ion diffusion) ? c/  p i V i =0.5 V Ai, j x =34nA/m 2  V e =1.7V Ai Cluster Fast crossing  s

19 Near-Earth tail dynamics Key process:  Reconnection at near-Earth thin current sheet  Localized & bursty plasma flows  Interaction of the plasma flows with Earth’s dipole field  field aligned current & aurora ? field-aligned current Fast plasma flow near-Earth reconnection ? Aurora

20 Possible Oscillations of the Tail Kink Mode Sausage Mode Large Scale Mode Flapping Mode

21 Which Instabilities?  Eigenoscillations of the plasma sheet:  Roberts, 1981a, 1981b Wave propagation in a magnetically structured atmosphere, I, Surface waves at a magnetic interface; II, Waves in a magnetic slab  Lee et al., 1988 Streaming sausage, kink and tearing instabilities in a current sheet with applications to the Earth’s magnetotail  Seboldt, 1990 Nonlocal analysis of low-frequency waves in the plasma sheet  Smith et al., 1997 Magnetoacoustic wave propagation in current sheets  Louarn et al., 2004 On the propagation of low-frequency fluctuations in the plasma sheet: 1. Cluster observations and magnetohydrodynamic analysis  Fruit et al., 2004 On the propagation of low-frequency fluctuations in the plasma sheet: 2. Characterization of the MHD eigenmodes and physical implications  Erkaev et al., 2009 MDH model of the flapping motions in the magnetotail current sheet  In the next part we will look at:  Kink I  Sausage - Large scale  KHI  Flapping  Wavy current sheet  Dipolarization and plasma heating

22 Kink-mode Oscillation I  Oscillations of the current sheet observed by Cluster [Volwerk et al., 2003]  Before substorm onset, a thin current sheet moves with a velocity of 10 km/s in Z  After substorm onset the current sheet thickens and moves with greater velocity, 25 km/s in Z  Driven magnetoacoustic wave, different values for current sheet half thickness and velocity before and after substorm onset [Smith et al., 1997] 22 August 2001

23 Kink-mode Oscillation II  One significant difference with Smith et al.:  ω = 2.5 × 10 -3 s -1 is smaller than the limit set on the frequency for an eigenmode oscillation  f min ≈ 0.462 v A,e /λ ≈ 0.29 s -1 v A,e is the Alfvén velocity in the lobe  not dealing with an eigenmode of the current sheet, but with an oscillation driven by the strong flow in the current sheet.  Indeed, when we compare the oscillation and the strong earthward flow we find that both span the same time period.  The damping of the kink mode is over a timescale of the observed oscillation itself  The mean period of oscillation ~ 800 sec.  In model we have used γ = 1/800 s -1  The current sheet half thickness λ changes on the damping time with exponential growth rate of ~1 R E in 13 minutes (780 sec.).

24 Large-Scale Oscillation I  A different kind of flow- driven event  A strong Earthward flow burst  Strong increase in T at flow start  Followed by a strong decrease in B for ~15 min  Then a slow “oscillatory” recovery of the tail takes place 12 August 2001

25 Large-Scale Oscillation II  Seboldt [1990]: low-frequency wave modes using the basic MHD equations with a polytropic pressure  Symmetric mode:  period of oscillation: T osc ≈ 20 min → f osc ≈ 0.8 mHz  close to frequency of first harmonic f 1 ≈ 0.5 mHz, finetuning gives ~0.8  Rapid flux transport event measured by Cluster  The signatures of the flow v x and the magnetic field Bz are in agreement with flux transport calculated with Maxwell’s equations and with the drop in B x resulting from it  After flux transfer event, Cluster in a magnetic field evacuated region of the magnetotail, where the surrounding magnetic field is held off by the large plasma pressure  transient situation of the tail, in which the plasma pressure keeps off the magnetic field of the lobe  magnetic field returns to the evacuated region and tries to establish a new stable configuration, which results in a damped oscillating motion of the magnetic field. The period of this oscillating motion fits well with the periods obtained in theory by Seboldt [1990].

26 Kelvin-Helmholtz Oscillation I  Cluster and DoubleStar in the current sheet  A strong flow burst observed (differently) at both spacecraft  Large oscillations in the magnetic field appear at start of flow  Timing analysis gives phase velocity of ~250 km/s, half the flow velocity 14 August 2004

27 Kelvin-Helmholtz Oscillation II  Observation of KH waves in the current sheet proper  Cluster moves into the current sheet, increasing amplitude [Ferrari et al., 1981]  TC1 observes same waves at higher amplitude, exponential growth  Works well for amplitude  Energy conversion gives ∆v flow ≈ 60 km/s  With amplitude in current sheet larger (Cluster), KHI could be a significant source of flow braking  Unfortunately no TC1 data deeper in current sheet

28 Another Kink Mode I  Nakamura et al. [2009]  Evolution of dipolarization and associated disturbances  Multiple intensifications in electrojet and Pi2  Multiple Bz enhancements, dipolarizations at onsets  During the strong flows between 0906 and 0909 UT strong oscillation of the current sheet  A closer look: 2007 so spacecraft separation is large 10000 km (C3-C4 tens of km) 27 October 2007

29 Another Kink Mode II  Bx oscillations at T~15 sec  Duration of oscillation equal to C2 negative Bx excursion  C2 remains at the border of the oscillation indicating thin current sheet  C3/4 is proxy for current, large currents at both sides of the CS, but one nice crossing  Oscillations in Y-direction consistent, both hemispheres same direction → kink mode  Flapping exclusively during flow, wave propagates perpendicular to field along current direction

30 Magnetotail Flapping I  Sergeev et al. [1998,2004] and Runov et al. [2005]  large-scale kink-like waves propagating from the tail center toward flanks  Propagation velocities are in the range of several tens km/s for the locally quiet sheets, and up to 200 km/s during fast flows  Of internal origin and that kink- like waves are emitted in the central part of the tail by some impulsive source  The wave properties do not match any local excitation mechanism previously discussed so far in the literature

31 Magnetotail Flapping II  Zhang et al. [2005] found a wavy-twisted current sheet and strong flapping motion  Combining Cluster and DS data, flapping fits well  Volwerk et al. [2008] showed:  Cross-correlating C&TC1 shows best time-shift: 78 s.  Phase differencing k ≈ (1.05;1,17; 0,40)R E -1  α front-CTC ≈ 7.5˚  ∆ ≈ 0.62R E  With 78 s → v ≈ 50 km/s  slightly higher than Zhang et al.’s average 36 km/s.  Double-gradient model [Erkaev et al., 2009] seems to work

32 New kind of flapping?  Wavy current sheet  Very harmonic waves  Moving towards the centre of the tail

33 Fast Flow & Dipolarization I  Fast flows (BBFs) dipolarize the tail  Is there a difference in the plasma before and after?  Fast flows develop as they travel along the tail  Is there a difference in the plasma before and after?  Dipolarization:  Field turns from x in z  Assumed:  T increases  n decreases Two great PhD students!  Schmid et al. [2011, 2014]  Wu et al [2013a,b]

34 Fast Flow & Dipolarization II  Different categories of DF  For β > 1  T↑ and n↓  T↓ and n↑  Behind DF  Betatron acceleration for T↑ and n↓  Behind DF  Fermi acceleration for T↓ and n↑

35 Fast Flow & Dipolarization III  Electron energization at the dipolarization  In the far tail, Themis B (-20 Re) and C (-17 Re)  Betatron acceleration most important  Cigar like distribution  In the near tail, Themis D & E (-11 Re)  Fermi acceleration most important  Pancake distribution  No contradiction with Schmid et al.  Both kinds are present

36 Fast Flow & Plasma Temperature I  Quiescent magnetotail plasma is basically isotropic  T ⊥ ≈ T ∥  Plasma during BBF is strongly anisotropic  T ⊥ >T ∥ >1  Mirror mode instability  Proton Cyclotron instability  T ⊥ >T ∥ < 1  Parallel fire hose  Oblique fire hose

37 Fast Flow & Plasma Temperature II  Near Earth X< 14 Re  Tail

38 Conclusions  The interaction between the solar wind and the Earth‘s internal magnetic field creates a (dynamic) magnetotail  Many of the theoretically proposed oscillations can actually be found in e.g. the Cluster data  Some „unexpected“ behaviour (e.g. the flapping) led to more theoretical modeling and subsequent testing of the models  Simultaneous multi-point measurements in space physics are now „a must.“  Many more pearls are to be found in the Cluster data:  Both in event studies  And in statistical studies  http://caa.estec.esa.int/caa/home.xml http://caa.estec.esa.int/caa/home.xml  http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/eclat/ http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/eclat/

39 谢谢您们

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