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One piece of evidence suggesting ECT is effective One piece of evidence suggesting ECT is not effective Who is ECT appropriate for? Who is ECT inappropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "One piece of evidence suggesting ECT is effective One piece of evidence suggesting ECT is not effective Who is ECT appropriate for? Who is ECT inappropriate."— Presentation transcript:

1 One piece of evidence suggesting ECT is effective One piece of evidence suggesting ECT is not effective Who is ECT appropriate for? Who is ECT inappropriate for? Starter Activity

2 Psychodynamic Theory and Therapy of Depression Psychoanalysis Psychological therapies

3 How did the psychodynamic approach explain depression? Sees psychological problems as rooted in the unconscious mind. Typical causes include unresolved issues during development (bad relationships) or a repressed trauma. Introjection

4 Psychodynamic Therapy: General Procedure 1. Probes the client’s unconscious to identify the repressed issues. 2. Gradually brings the repressed material into consciousness. 3. Helps the client to work through it and accept it. 4. Places importance on the client-therapist relationship Tackle the underlying problem (root cause)

5 In order to access the client’s unconscious to uncover these underlying conflicts the therapist uses a number of different techniques…. Free association Dream analysis Projective tests

6 Free association  Clients let their minds wander and say whatever comes into their minds  They must not censor anything  By doing this repressed thoughts will come available in peoples minds

7 Dream analysis  Unconscious thoughts are revealed in our dreams  Patient keeps a record of their dreams and discusses it with therapist  Therapist will analyse their dreams to find out what's in their unconscious mind

8 Projective tests

9 Interpretation As the client becomes freer in offering up material from their unconscious, the therapist starts to make interpretations. Interpretation must not be offered too early or the client will go into denial.

10 Evaluation of psychoanalysis

11 Is psychoanalysis effective? Task - Use Cardwell p355 to answer the following questions… 1.What did Mufson et al (1999) clinical trail test? 2.What did Mufson et al clinical trail find? 3.What did they conclude about the effectiveness of Psychodynamic therapy? 4.What did Eysenck conclude from his research in 1952? 5.Can you identify any problems with Eysenck’s research? 6.Why is it so hard to assess the effectiveness of Psychodynamic therapy?

12 Is psychoanalysis appropriate?

13 Why is psychoanalysis inappropriate for…….. 1.Suicidal patients with severe depression 2.Unmotivated patients 3. Patients with poor social functioning skills 4.Low income patients

14 Identify at least 2 ethical problems with using Psychodynamic Therapies??? Financial exploitation of the client. Creates dependency, rather than independence. Potential for the creation of false memories. Is psychoanalysis ethical to use?

15 Ethics Read page 548-553 in cardwell and make notes Complete hand-out for homework

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