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Term 2 Open House: Peace and Unity.

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1 Term 2 Open House: Peace and Unity.

2 Primary Years Programme
The PYP (Primary years Program) is a curriculum framework for international education. In the PYP, a balance is sought between the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understanding, demonstration of positive attitudes and taking responsible action.

3 Five Essential Elements
In achieving this balance, the five essential elements of the written curriculum are emphasized. KNOWLEDGE: What do we want children to know about? CONCEPTS: What do we want children to understand? SKILLS: What do we want students to be able to do? ATTITUDES: What do we want students to feel, value and demonstrate? ACTION: How do we want children to act?

4 Planning In order to implement this curriculum, we have adopted and developed the inquiry process of learning. Inquiry is essentially, a child-centered approach to learning where the learner is actively involved in the learning process. As a team, we create an overview of the units of work that we are to investigate and then we program every two weeks to enable any changes to be made according to the children’s needs. Our units are planned to cover a seven week period.

5 Unit 2 Changing materials (unit of inquiry) How the world works (transdisciplinary theme) An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. Central Idea: Understanding materials determines how people use them Inquiry into: The behaviors and uses of materials Changing properties of materials Manipulation of materials for new purposes Key concepts: Function & Change Skills: thinking and self-management ATTITUDES: appreciation, commitment and independence




9 UNIT 3 Tools (unit of inquiry)
Sharing the planet (transdisciplinary theme) Changing materials (unit of inquiry) Central Idea: people use tools and machines to help them with their work Inquiry into: *Meaningful tools and machines *choosing machines and tools in order to achieve goals *how goals are achieved Key concepts: connection and reflection Skills: thinking and self-management ATTITUDES: appreciation, commitment and independence

10 Meaningful Tools and Machines

11 Choosing Tools and Machines In order to Achieve Goals

12 How Goals are Achieved

13 Questions/Comments/Suggestions?

14 Unit 4 REFELECTIVE STORIES (unit of inquiry)
How WE EXPRESS OURSELVES (transdisciplinary theme) An inquiry into the ???????? Reflective stories(unit of inquiry) Central Idea: stories can support our thinking and challenge our views. Inquiry into: *The roles stories play in our lives. *the relationship between stories and thinking. * How stories have influenced our thinking. Key concepts: causation and connection. SKILLS: SOCIAL AND COMMUNICATION. ATTITUDES: CONFIDENCE, INTEGRITY AND CREATIVITY.

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