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The Internet IP Security PKI Profile of ISAKMP and PKIX draft-ietf-ipsec-pki-profile-03.txt Brian Korver Eric Rescorla.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet IP Security PKI Profile of ISAKMP and PKIX draft-ietf-ipsec-pki-profile-03.txt Brian Korver Eric Rescorla."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Internet IP Security PKI Profile of ISAKMP and PKIX draft-ietf-ipsec-pki-profile-03.txt Brian Korver Eric Rescorla

2 What is draft-ietf-ipsec-pki-profile-03.txt? Provides a profile of ISAKMP and PKIX for use in IPsec Complements specifications such as IKEv1 (and IKE v2) “strawman” proposals

3 Examples of issues addressed in draft-ietf-ipsec-pki-profile-03.txt When should an implementation send Certificates and/or CRLs? What response should be given to an empty CERTREQ? How must the ID payload be used for determining policy? In which fields should particular types of identity information appear in certificates? What formats should be used for out-of-band exchange of PKI-related information?

4 What’s new in -03? Not much: Minor editorial changes to clean up language Minor additional clarifying text Removed hyphenation Added requirement that implementations support configuration data exchange having arbitrary line lengths

5 Going forward to -04 Add/remove text in accordance with whatever the group determines its scope should be Incorporation of feedback (hint, hint)

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