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TODAY IN ALGEBRA 2.0…  Review: Solving for a given side  Learning Target: 13.1 Finding an angle using inverse Trigonometry  Independent Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "TODAY IN ALGEBRA 2.0…  Review: Solving for a given side  Learning Target: 13.1 Finding an angle using inverse Trigonometry  Independent Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 TODAY IN ALGEBRA 2.0…  Review: Solving for a given side  Learning Target: 13.1 Finding an angle using inverse Trigonometry  Independent Practice

2 WARM UP: Solve for the missing variable.

3 Find Trigonometric angles using inverse


5 EXAMPLE: Find angle x using inverse trigonometric functions. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

6 PRACTICE: Find angle x using inverse trigonometric functions. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.





11 HOMEWORK #4: Solving for missing angles WS If finished, work on other assignments: HW #1: Intro to TRIG WS HW #2: Pg. 856: 3-7, 9-14 HW #3: Solving for missing sides WS

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