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Muscles of the Cranium, Face and Neck (Which Influence Surface Form)

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Presentation on theme: "Muscles of the Cranium, Face and Neck (Which Influence Surface Form)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscles of the Cranium, Face and Neck (Which Influence Surface Form)

2 Muscles of the Cranium Occipitofrontalis Muscle (Epicranius): 1 Muscles of Mastication Temporalis: 2 Masseter: 2

3 Muscles of the Eyelid Orbicularis Oculi: 2 Corrugator: 2 Levator Palpebrae Superioris: 2

4 Muscles of the Nose Procerus: 1 Muscles of the Mouth Orbicularis Oris: 1 Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi: 2 Levator Labii Superioris: 2 Zygomaticus Minor: 2

5 Muscles of the Mouth (cont’d) Levator Anguli Oris: 2 Zygomaticus Major: 2 Buccinator:2 Risorius: 2 Depressor Anguli Oris (Triangularis):2 Depressor Labii Inferioris (Quadratus):2 Mentalis: 1

6 Muscles of the Neck Platysma: 2 Platysmal Sulci Platysmal Sulci Sternocleidomastoideus (SCM): 2 Digastricus: 2

7 Reference to a Photograph Professional Portraits Snapshots Profile View Three-quarter View Frontal View Inversion of the Photograph

8 Highlight Shadow Normal Lighting Directional Lighting Flat Lighting

9 Surface Bones of the Cranium Occipital: Foramen Magnum Parietal: Parietal Eminence Temporal: Squama

10 Anatomical Structures for Accurate Location of the Ear 1)external auditory meatus 2)zygomatic arch 3)mandibular fossa (glenoid fossa) 4)mastoid process

11 Frontal Bone 2 portions: vertical and horizontal Eminences: A) frontal eminences (2) A) frontal eminences (2) B) superciliary arches (2) B) superciliary arches (2) C) glabella (1) C) glabella (1) D) supraorbital margins (2) D) supraorbital margins (2)

12 Surface Bones of the Face zygomatic bones (2) nasal bones (2) maxilla (2): nasal spine 4 processes: frontal, zygomatic, alveolar 4 processes: frontal, zygomatic, alveolar palatine palatine mandible (1): 3 divisions 1) body 1) body 2) ramus 2) ramus 3) angle of the mandible 3) angle of the mandible

13 Mandible Body: 1) alveolar process 1) alveolar process 2) mental eminence 2) mental eminence 3) incisive fossa 3) incisive fossaRamus: coronoid process coronoid process condyle condyle Angle of the Mandible

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