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The Classification of Life. Classification of Life Biology » The study of life Taxonomy » Classification and naming of organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "The Classification of Life. Classification of Life Biology » The study of life Taxonomy » Classification and naming of organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Classification of Life

2 Classification of Life Biology » The study of life Taxonomy » Classification and naming of organisms

3 Classification of Life  Classification is the grouping of organisms according to their similarities and differences.  The main purpose of classification is to simplify the diversity among living organisms

4 Basis of Classification 1. comparative morphology (form and structure) 2. DNA 3. Cell structure 4. Biochemistry 5. Nutrition

5 History of Classification  More than 2000 years ago a Greek philosopher named Aristotle started classifying life.  Aristotle divided life into plants and animals.  The classification of plants was based on structure.  The basis for classification of animals was habitat.  Two major problems arose from his system: numbers numbers overlapping organisms overlapping organisms

6  Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) developed a system of grouping organisms into hierarchical categories  He is considered to be the founder of modern taxonomy  Linnaeus based his classification system on structural similarities  Latin was the language for his new classification system  Purpose for using Latin: universal language universal language dead/unchanging dead/unchanging descriptive descriptive eliminate confusion eliminate confusion History of Classification

7 Linnaeus’ Seven Level Hierarchical System 1. Kingdom (the most general grouping) 2. Phylum 3. Class 4. Order 5. Family 6. Genus 7. Species

8  Within his seven level system he gave every organism a scientific name using the genus and species descriptors. This naming system is called Binomial Nomenclature (two name system). Linnaeus’ Seven Level Hierarchical System

9 Binomial Nomenclature  Genus is a noun and is always capitalized  Species is an adjective and always lower case  Species is the lowest level of classification  To be in the same species the organisms have to be able to interbreed under natural conditions and produce fertile offspring.  Horse and donkey produce a mule (infertile)

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