5-1 Transforming Quadratics in Function Notation and Converting to Standard Form.

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1 5-1 Transforming Quadratics in Function Notation and Converting to Standard Form


3 Transformation in Function Notation Transformations of functions can be written as a substitution into f(x). This is called function notation. Example) Given f(x) = 3(x – 1) 2 + 4, a) if g(x) = -f(x) determine the equation for g(x) b) if h(x) = f(-x) determine the equation of h(x) g(x) = -(3(x – 1) 2 + 4) g(x) = -3(x – 1) 2 – 4 h(x) = 3((-x) – 1)) 2 + 4 h(x) = 3(-x – 1) 2 + 4

4 j(x) = 3((x – 2) – 1) 2 + 4 j(x) = 3(x – 3) 2 – 4 k(x) = 3((2x) – 1) 2 + 4 + 2 k(x) = 3(2x – 1) 2 + 6

5 HW pg. 320 #’s 14, 29, 30, 32, 43, 44, 51, 52

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