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Susan Smuskiewicz, NBCT North Bullitt High School.

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1 Susan Smuskiewicz, NBCT North Bullitt High School

2  SB 1 defines writing as “a purposeful act of thinking and expression that uses language to explore the ideas and communicate meaning to others. Writing is a complex, multi-facited act of communication.”  The goal is to improve literacy instruction in our schools.  Schools should focus on the overall writing program, not on assigning specific writing pieces for students to produce.  Writing Across the Curriculum: incorporating writing tasks such as writing to learn, writing to demonstrate learning and writing for publication.  Best practices in writing and developing policies that support the program outlining what writing instruction should look like.

3  Writing  Reading  Listening  Speaking  Observing  Use of Technology

4  Portfolio THEN...  Focus WAS on product.  Specific genres of writing as determined by the KDE writing program  Final “finished” pieces that go into a School Writring Portfolio  Scored Portfolios  Portfolio NOW...  Focus IS on process  Growth in literacy-not just writing.  The playing field is wide open in terms of which types of writing can be included in the working folder.  Student working folders will be reviewed through a district/state audit.

5  Texting  Admit slips  Exits slips  Multiple Choice Questions

6  The writing plan widens the scope to include all forms of communication.  Attention should be given to the writing process.  The emphasis should be proccess: pre-writing, revision, editing, and grading procedures for each assignment.  On Demand is non-negotiable.  Technology should be viewed as vehicle to incorporate as part of the writing plan (i.e. 21 st Century Literacies).  Writing methods and the products should be produced across the curriculum.

7  Pre-Writing/Planning  Feedback-teacher, peer, parent, other interested adults. (written feedback or with appropriate rubrics)  Feedback regarding areas where students need to improve his/her writing and communication skills which is demonstrated in their “working folders” to help students improve their work over time.  Developing effective assessment methods/tools/rubrics to measure student growth over time as it pertains to the process of their learning.


9  Writing Focus...  Creating a thesis statement  The Five Paragraph Essay  On Demand Forms  Prewriting forms and development  Introduction to Research  Verbal Focus: Interviewing skills, Questioning, The Art of Persuasion.  Technology Focus: Microsoft Word, Power Point, and Excel; E-mail

10  Writing Focus...  Citations  Transitions  Verbal Focus: Tone  Technology Focus: Photo Editing Software, Microsoft Movie Maker, Photo Story.

11  Written Focus: College and Career Writing  Verbal Focus: Professional Presentations  Technology: Effective incorporation of technology.

12  Provide feedback to students on strengths and weaknesses.  Analyze and compare student growth over the years.  Consider methods by which teachers are trained to analyze student work AND the criteria and standards by which work will be measured.

13  Professional Development for understanding the writing process and technology support for teachers to help improve student writing.  Adopting the District Writing Plan to fit the needs of our students/school.  Developing a framework for Writing Program Review.  Create quality standards to evaluate the school writing plan.  Grading procedures and responsibility for review of the “working folder.”

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