Path2Potable Water4World Cooperating Duo: A Better Community For All (ABC4All) LifeFilta (LF) Better Water, Better World (BW2)

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Presentation on theme: "Path2Potable Water4World Cooperating Duo: A Better Community For All (ABC4All) LifeFilta (LF) Better Water, Better World (BW2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Path2Potable Water4World Cooperating Duo: A Better Community For All (ABC4All) LifeFilta (LF) Better Water, Better World (BW2)

2 Global Humanitarian Relief (GHR) ABC4All Portal4Relief “Poised for Global Relief: You Can Cooperate and MAXIMIZE Giving”

3 History  07/2011: ABC4All meets LifeFilta via LinkedIn  10/22/2011: Robin Severi, CEO, LifeFilta travels to Kenya to attend a Jazz For Peace Concert and arranges for a demonstration of LifeFilta Products  11/2011: and ABC4All agree to work together to bring Life-Saving water bottles and straws to anyone alive in need of rescue from the consumption and/or use of polluted water in the world.

4 Long Term Goal  ABC4All, LifeFilta work together to bring potable water anywhere it is needed throughout the world.

5 Humanitarian Need  People across the world are drinking and/or bathing in polluted water causing disease and even death  Needed is the ability efficiently to turn any source of polluted water into clean, healthy water that people can use for consumption, for bathing, for cooking, etc.

6 Fulfilling the Need  LifeFilta straws/bottles with filters require no electricity, batteries or replacement parts  Minimal annual maintance  Long shelf life  Exceed certification requirements of WHO, FDA, etc.  Laboratory tested and validated  Worldwide patent  Ease of use, portability, servicing individuals, groups, families

7 Cost Analysis  Through the Partnership between ABC4All and, products will be made available both on a commercial basis and on a humanitarian aid basis  ABC4All matches/doubles each and every charitable contribution, bringing double the number of filters based on each donation

8 Strengths and Advantages  More Information available at the Saving Lives Global Telethon Website below  Video Demonstration of Life Filta Products 

9 Next Steps of Action  ABC4All will work with 1070 ABC4All Mentors in 119 countries to bring the Life- Saving Products of to the world.  There will be additional outreach to countries throughout the world as more ABC4All Mentors from additional countries are being welcomed into the World of A Better Community For All (ABC4All).

10 Contact  ABC4All: abc4allteam @ abc4all (dot) net Skype: abc4allteam Tel. 1-310-712-5477 P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 902671624  LifeFilta: Robin Severi, CEO HQ Belgium (Europe) - Mr. B. Severi PB39 Luikersteenweg, 3700 Tongeren BELGIUM info @ senseseveri (dot) com

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