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Distance formula 1. 1 Slope 2 2 Midpoint Formula 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Distance formula 1. 1 Slope 2 2 Midpoint Formula 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance formula 1

2 1

3 Slope 2

4 2

5 Midpoint Formula 3

6 3

7 Point slope formula of a line 4

8 4

9 Equation of a line 5

10 y = mx +b m is slope b is y-intercept 5

11 Slope 6

12 6

13 Parallel Lines 7

14 Parallel lines have equal slopes 7

15 Perpendicular Lines 8

16 Perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes 8

17 Equation of a Circle 9

18 Where: Center: (h, k) and radius = 9

19 Finding the equation of a circle given two endpoints of the diameter 10

20 Use midpoint to find the center Use distance (between center and one endpoint) to find the radius Plug into equation of a circle 10

21 Find the equation of a perpendicular bisector 11

22 1.Find slope 2.Flip and change the sign of the slope from step 1. 3.Find the midpoint. 4.Plug answers from step 2 and 3 into point slope 11

23 Prove a parallelogram 12

24 Find the midpoint of both diagonals If they match then… It is a parallelogram because diagonals bisect 12

25 Prove a Rectangle 13

26 Use DISTANCE to find the length of all four sides If Both sets of opposite sides are = then… It is a rectangle because both sets of opposite sides are congruent 13

27 Prove a Rhombus 14

28 Use DISTANCE to find the length of all four sides If ALL sides are = then… It is a rhombus because all sides are congruent 14

29 Prove a Square 15

30 Use DISTANCE to find the length of all four sides and SLOPE of 2 adjacent sides If ALL sides are = and the slopes are opposite reciprocals then… It is a square because all sides are congruent and adjacent sides are perpendicular 15

31 Prove a Trapezoid 16

32 Find the SLOPE of all four sides If two slopes are = and two are then… It is a trapezoid because there is only one set of opposite parallel sides. 16

33 Prove an isosceles trapezoid 17

34 Find the SLOPE of all four sides and the DISTANCE of the non-parallel sides If two slopes are = and two are and the non-parallel sides are = then… It is an isosceles trapezoid because there is only one set of opposite parallel sides and the legs are congruent. 17

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