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It is important to plan ahead and also work ahead in order to help maintain focus and drive throughout the course. Stay committed! Many students face.

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2 It is important to plan ahead and also work ahead in order to help maintain focus and drive throughout the course. Stay committed! Many students face difficulties with sustaining their efforts for the duration of a course.

3 There is no substitution for motivation and commitment. These two qualities are essential. A common source of stress for online students is finding time and maintaining a daily schedule towards completing course work. A significant problem for online students is procrastination. Persevering through tough times will require strategies for keeping your motivation and commitment.

4 Keeping a daily calendar and course calendar help to provide balance with your other life responsibilities. Prepare in advance for known holidays and any other personal engagements in which you are involved.

5 Extending due dates for emergency situations is acceptable for most instructors. If a pattern of emergencies develops, professors will not be tolerable of accepting late work. Student that submit late work generally do not earn good grades.

6 Working ahead is important. Devote several hours a week to this. Read ahead for any assigned reading. For writing assignments, its best to start a few weeks early. Staying organized is vital for planning ahead. It’s best to frequently participate in your course activities.

7 It’s important for students to frequently participate in their online courses. It helps to maintain a daily schedule and also helps to maintain interest in the course. Your interest and participation in the course is recognized and appreciated by the professor. Professors respond well to dedicated, interested and participatory students.

8 Family, friends, classmates, and co-workers can all be included in your support system. Developing your support system requires sharing your educational goals with the most important people in your life. Having a reliable support system can play a part in a student’s success or failure in an online course.

9 Pay close attention to classmates that share the same interest as you. Even after a current course has ended, the relationships formed in the course can continue through the remainder of your education career. Joining Professional Networking websites should be considered by students. This opens the opportunity to meet other individuals in your same field. Students develop relationships with their classmates in online courses. These relationships allow an avenue for advice, encouragement and guidance among classmates.

10 Reaching your goals should be awarded! At the beginning of a course, establish a reward for yourself that can be enjoyed once you have finished. Make time to relax. To go along with course goals, establish rewards for your long-term educational goals. Keep in mind that each class you finish brings you closer the final goal.

11 Online professors are human! There is an actual person associated with the name on your computer screen. Your professors emphatically want you to succeed. They enjoy seeing students work hard, earn good grades and achieve their goals. Professors have goals too. One of the most important goals is to make sure students understand the course material.

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