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Personal Resolution to Spend More Time on Schoolwork H B Virginia Beach, VA Team member: F M, husband.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Resolution to Spend More Time on Schoolwork H B Virginia Beach, VA Team member: F M, husband."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Resolution to Spend More Time on Schoolwork H B Virginia Beach, VA Team member: F M, husband

2 Problem Statement  I do not spend enough time completing schoolwork assignments due to procrastination and distractions. I need to dedicate more concentrated time to completing my assignments to the best of my ability.

3 List of Routines Affecting the Time I Spend on my Schoolwork  Daily Routines –Waking up at various time –Exercising –Doing housework –Watching TV –Checking Email/Surfing the Web –Talking on the phone –Doing schoolwork while sitting on couch or watching TV –Making Dinner –Socializing –Spending time with my husband

4 List of Routines Affecting the Time I Spend on my Schoolwork  Weekly Routines –Cleaning the house –Washing clothes –Going grocery shopping –Attending classes (online and in person) –Taking weekends off from schoolwork –Traveling on the weekends

5 List of Routines Affecting the Time I Spend on my Schoolwork  Monthly Routines –Attending meetings as a volunteer for the Consortium for Infant and Child Health –Attending medical and other appointments –Going to the movies or other socializing

6 Possible Solutions to Help Me Spend More Time on Schoolwork Given my daily, weekly, and monthly routines, these are some possible solutions for my personal improvement:  Wake up at the same time everyday  Create a weekly schedule each week and post it on the refrigerator  Save housework for weekends  Study at the dining room table with the TV off instead of on the couch

7 Possible Solutions to Help Me Spend More Time on Schoolwork Possible solutions (cont’d.)  Ask friends and relatives not to call during certain times of the day  Post a calendar on the refrigerator and acknowledge each day studying is accomplished  Spend less time with my husband in the evenings  Skip traveling on the weekends

8 Structural Improvements I Chose to Help Me Spend More Time on Schoolwork  Create a weekly schedule each week and post it on the refrigerator  Save housework for weekends and share the duties with my husband  Post a calendar on the refrigerator and acknowledge each day studying is accomplished by adding stars to the calendar  Ask friends and relatives not to call between 1:00PM and 4:30PM each day

9 How will I know the changes have caused true improvement?  I will accomplish more schoolwork on time and to the best of my ability – it will show through my grades  I will feel less stressed about the work I have to do  The time between control chart will show fewer points above the Post-intervention Upper Control Limit

10 Time Between Control Chart Changes Implemented on Day 8

11 Did I make an improvement?  I successfully accomplished all of my assignments in a timely manner and achieved the grades I wanted  I felt less stressed about my schoolwork when I had a set schedule to follow  My control chart demonstrated fewer consecutive points above the Post-intervention UCL, indicating true improvement due to structural changes rather than chance events –True improvement was defined as fewer consecutive unsuccessful days –An unsuccessful day was defined as a day on which I did not study for at least 70% of the time for which I was scheduled to study

12 Conclusions  The changes I made in order to achieve my personal improvement were successful, not only according to how I felt about my accomplishments but also according to my control chart  I can continue to make changes in order to engage in further change cycles, however, I have now completed my graduate degree!  Since I will not be implementing what I learned with respect to further schoolwork, I will use what I learned to engage in change cycles in other areas of my life!

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