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Model for Victory - Part 1 Joshua 6:1-20

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1 Model for Victory - Part 1 Joshua 6:1-20
Before the Challenge ( 6:1-5 ) You fight from victory not just for victory! During the Challenge ( 6:6-16,20 ) You overcome the enemy by faith! After the Challenge ( 6:17-19,21-27) Remember to obey God’s commands and give Him the glory!

2 Model for Victory - Part 1
Before the Challenge (6:1-5) We fight from victory, not just for victory! We stand in what has already been accomplished: Satan & Sin Conquered. John 12:22-31 Colossians 2:13-15 Ephesians 1:19-22 Hebrews 13:20,21

3 Model for Victory - Part 1
Factors in Joshua’s victory The Fear of the Lord (6:1) Exodus from Egypt Victories east of Jordan Exodus 23:27 The Promise of the Lord (6:2) “I have given” Claim the promise and obey the Lord Know the promises of God Joshua 1:8 Believe the promises of God Romans 10:17 Reckon the promises of God Galatians 5:24

4 Model for Victory - Part 1
Factors in Joshua’s victory (cont’d) The instructions of the Lord (6:3-5) General observations of God’s plan God always knows what He will do. John 6:5,6 God’s wisdom is far above ours. Isaiah 55:8,9 God delights in using people and plans that seem foolish to the world. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 Joshua with trumpets Gideon with torches and pitchers Judges 7 David with his sling and stone 1 Samuel 17 What seems to be foolishness and weakness, really is God’s strength. 2 Chronicles 16:9

5 Model for Victory - Part 1
Instructions of the Lord (cont’d) Specifics of God’s Plan Emphasis on the number “seven” Seven priests, seven trumpets, seven days of marching, seven circuits on the seventh day. Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. Seven weeks from Passover to Pentecost. Seventh year is the Sabbatical year. After 49 years (seven times seven years) is the Year of Jubilee.

6 Model for Victory - Part 1
Specifics of God’s plan (cont’d) Emphasis on the number “seven” cont’d Three of Israel’s feasts are in the seventh month. The Feasts of Trumpets, Tabernacles, and Day of Atonement Seven promises in Abrahams Covenant Seven branches on the candlestick in tabernacle Shevah Hebrew for seven has a root which means to be full or to be satisfied Seven was sacred and spoke of God’s ability to complete what He started

7 Model for Victory - Part 1
Specifics of God’s plan (cont’d) Two kinds of trumpets Silver trumpets used by priests to signal camp that something important was happening Hebrew word for trumpet - shofar Ram’s horns were used in celebrations Hebrew word for ram’s horn – jobel where we get the word jubilee The Year of Jubilee! Celebration in 50th year after seven sabbaticals Ram’s horn was blown to proclaim liberty throughout the land Leviticus 25:10-12

8 Model for Victory - Part 1
Conclusion The priests did not use silver trumpets in this case because Israel was not declaring war! Instead they used the ram’s horn because they were declaring a celebration! They were announcing the “Year of Jubilee”. We similarly march today because of the victory of Jesus Christ over all His enemies ( Romans 8:33-39; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Colossians 2:15 ). We are already the victors because the Battle is the Lords!

9 Model for Victory - Part 1
Application Are you living like victors or victims? Are you fighting for victory from victory? Have you reckoned on His promises?


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