Websphere Overview dan wolfson senior technical staff member IBM Data Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Websphere Overview dan wolfson senior technical staff member IBM Data Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Websphere Overview dan wolfson senior technical staff member IBM Data Management

2 Outline WebSphere Overview Industry Trends & Implications Standards Changing Value Chain Access from everywhere Access to everywhere Service Oriented Architectures Flow-oriented architectures Discussion Areas

3 Web and Business Component Serving WASCTS Web Browsers Tier-1 Servers Presentation Logic Fat Clients Inter- Enterprise B2B Tier-2 Servers Business Logic Tier-3 Servers Data Logic BP flow PvC Document Exchange Method Exchange Message Exchange Servlet JSP EJB u-flow Work flow SOA Mail and Collaboration WebSphere Application Server Platform

4 EJB Container JNDIJTA RMI/IIOP JDBC Java Mail JAF Component Transaction Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOP JDBC ConnMgmt Firewall Static Content Web Server HTTP/S Datasystem (BMP) JDBC Connectors (CMP) JDBC Single Server EJB Container JNDIJTA RMI/IIOP JDBC Java Mail JAF Business Component Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOPJDBC ConnMgmt EJB Container JNDIJTA RMI/IIOPJDBC Java Mail JAF Business Component Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOP JDBC ConnMgmt EJB Container JNDIJTA RMI/IIOP JDBC Java Mail JAF Component Transaction Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOPJDBC ConnMgmt Firewall Static Content Web Server HTTP/S Datasystem (BMP) JDBC Connectors (CMP) JDBC Admin Server Multi/Clustered Server EJB Container JNDI JTA RMI/IIOPJDBC Java Mail JAF Component Transaction Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOP JDBC ConnMgmt EJB Container JNDIJTA RMI/IIOPJDBC Java Mail JAF Component Transaction Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOP JDBC ConnMgmt (CMP/BMP) JDBC/Connectors Datasystem Firewall Static Content Web Server HTTP/S Admin Server Multi/Clustered Server EJB Container JNDI JTA RMI/IIOPJDBC Java Mail JAF Component Transaction Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOP JDBC ConnMgmt Datasystem EJB Container JNDIJTA RMI/IIOP JDBC Java Mail JAF Component Transaction Server EJB Session/Entity Web Application Server Servlet Container Servlet JSP JNDI RMI/IIOP JDBC ConnMgmt Firewall Static Content Web Server HTTP/S Datasystem (BMP) JDBC Connectors (CMP) JDBC Admin Server Multi/Clustered Server Component Transaction Server (CICS Region) EJB Container EJB Session JNDIJTA RMI/IIOP Advanced EditionSingle Server Advanced EditionCICS Enterprise EditionWebSphere/390 WebSphere Application Server Editions

5 J2EE 1.2 Required APIs/Function Delivered in WebSphere R4.0 n EJB 1.1 n Servlet 2.2 n JSP 1.1 n JDBC Core (J2SE 1.2) n JDBC 2.0 Extensions n JMS 1.0 (just the framework APIs) n JNDI 1.2 n JTA 1.0 n JavaMail 1.1 n JAF 1.0 n RMI-IIOP 1.0 n JavaIDL (J2SE 1.2) n Roles-based authorization

6 EJB 2.0 Highlights n Message Driven Beans n Container Managed Relationships n Portable-Finder Query Expressions (EQL) n Lazy Activation and Dirty Detection n Local Bean and Home Interfaces n Select Methods n Custom Home Methods n Re-introduced Run-As n Interoperability based on IIOP

7 WebSphere Brand (and related) Products B2E B2C Process Automation WebSphere Application Servers WebSphere Transcoding Publisher WebSphere Site Analyzer VisualAge Application Rules VisualAge for Java WebSphere Commerce Suite Lotus Domino WebSphere B2B Integrator WebSphere Everyplace Suite MQSeries Integrator MQSeries Workflow VisualAge Generator WebSphere Studio WebSphere Homepage Builder WebSphere Portal Server WebSphere Personalization WebSphere Voice Server WebSphere Business Components e-Markets B2B MQSeries WebSphere Host Integration WebSphere Edge Server Tivoli Policy Director

8 n Business functions that are è Invoke-able over the Internet/Intranet è Using transports such as HTTP and SMTP, and others – Note: Locally optimized transports are interesting too è That typically use XML for information interchange n Building blocks for more complex Web applications n Success in the Internet requires loose coupling: è Low technology barrier to entry -- HTTP and XML è Few temporal constraints -- no long locks, allow think time and latency è High version attenuation -- enable independent development cycles for interface changes n Interoperability must be preserved è Open Source provides reference implementations n J2EE and other standards relavent to implementing business services Service Oriented Architectures: Web Services

9 Service-Oriented Architectures Service Registry Service Provider Service Requester

10 Leveraging Simple Beginnings u Short Term: – Web services are a way of gaining access to business function over the internet through programmatic interfaces enabled by HTTP and SOAP u Longer Term: – Web services are a way of describing business function that can be accessed over a variety of communication protocols – Focus is on WSDL Different binding protocols offer different qualities of service -- loose vs. tight coupling u SOAP/HTTP -- un-reliable, but ubiquitous, internet enabled u SOAP/HTTP-R -- reliable, but less ubiquitous, internet enabled u SOAP/SMTP -- mail-oriented, high latency, store-forward u SOAP/JMS or XML/JMS -- asynchronous, high latency, leverages existing providers u RMI/IIOP -- synchronous, low latency, standardized service contexts – Choose the binding protocol that meets the needs of the business situation – Resolve the programming model issues of protocol transparency

11 EJB SessionBean EJB SessionBean EJB SessionBean Apache SOAP Runtime Servlet DB2 Stored Procedures Java Beans Service Provider F/W Bean Scripting Framework Java Beans XML/HTTP (SOAP) Messages JMS Message Listener JMS Messages RMI/IIOP Multiple Protocol Endpoints Inbound Messages

12 DB2 WebSphere Application Server Private UDDI Public UDDIs Employee Table Dept Table Stored Procedure "A" Stored Procedure "B" XML Extender SOAP Router Virtual Web Data Service Providers SOAP Requests/ Replies SOAP Clients DB2 Clients DB2 Web Service Exploitation Generic Query Invoker

13 Intra-Enterprise Integration Application integration Work Assignment (people, organization, role, level) Applications - interactive - automatic ActiveX OLE DCOM Workflow activities - manual - program Java Corba Lotus Notes MQSeries TXSeries CICS IMS client/ server apps other app's front-end back-end Business model

14 Inter-Enterprise Computing Trading Partner BP Trading Partner Back-end Integration Business Process Application Workflow https, smtp, ftp, MQ, VAN,... Business Process TPAs BP Custom OBI RosettaNet cXML XML/EDI html, wap NO Shared Middleware Long-Running Transactions Untrusted Access Mixed Mode B2B

15 Discussion Topics What is the role of XML? –A data representation for information exchange or more? –How does XML fit into the J2EE model? –How do you map persistence to XML stores? Synchrony vs. Asynchrony –Do the messaging models and application server models converge? –What do we tell customers?

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