Milford High School Guidance, Career & Academic Enhancement Office Educational Proficiency Plans EPP November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Milford High School Guidance, Career & Academic Enhancement Office Educational Proficiency Plans EPP November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milford High School Guidance, Career & Academic Enhancement Office Educational Proficiency Plans EPP November 2008

2 What is an EPP? The EPP is a process designed for students who have yet to meet the proficient level on either the ELA or Mathematics 10 th grade MCAS.

3 The EPP The EPP is a combination of your Career Plan, Four Year Plan and Naviance Program. The EPP will help you prepare and reach academic proficiency and preparedness to meet your identified goals.

4 The EPP Cont’d. The EPP must include: A review of student’s strengths and weaknesses The courses the student will be required to take and successfully complete in grades 11 and 12 in the relevant content area A description of the local assessments that Milford High School will administer annually to ensure that student is making progress toward proficiency.

5 Why must I complete an EPP? The EPP is required to meet the requirements for the Competency Determination. The competency determination is the prerequisites for high school graduation under Massachusetts Law and is based on the academic standards and curriculum frameworks for tenth graders. The competency determination assures that a particular student has demonstrated mastery of a common core of skills, competencies and knowledge in the frameworks, as measured by the MCAS.

6 Regulatory Language A student achieving a scaled score of 240 or higher on an MCAS test or a score determined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on another approved test will be deemed to have achieved proficiency in the subject area and to have fulfilled the Education Proficiency Plan in that subject. For students who have not achieved this score threshold, the principal or head of school (or his or her designee) will determine whether the student has fulfilled the Educational Proficiency Plan. Source: 603 CMR 30.00 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System and Standards for Competency Determination

7 The Student either meets or exceeds a scaled score of 240 on both the Grade 10 ELA and Math MCAS in conjunction with Milford High School’s graduation requirements The student successfully completes the MCAS EPP Test. The Student will be required to meet or exceed a scaled score of 220 on both ELA and Math MCAS, fulfill the requirements of the EPP, and meet Milford High School’s graduation requirements. Beginning with the Class of 2010 and beyond a student fulfills the Competency Determination by meeting one of the following three criteria:

8 Why an EPP? The purpose of the Educational Proficiency Plan (EPP) is to increase the likelihood that graduates of Massachusetts high schools have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college and today’s workforce. The plan is intended to help ensure that students, beginning with the class of 2010, are sufficiently knowledgeable in mathematics and English language arts to matriculate at higher education institutions and be prepared for post secondary careers.

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