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1 National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Invitational Seminar Developing Senior Cycle Education – Key Issues 3 April 2003 NCVA – The Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "1 National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Invitational Seminar Developing Senior Cycle Education – Key Issues 3 April 2003 NCVA – The Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Invitational Seminar Developing Senior Cycle Education – Key Issues 3 April 2003 NCVA – The Experience of Using a Modular Approach Orla Lynch (FETAC)

2 2 Choosing a Modular Approach Flexible, responsive Access Progression Clear goals Credit accumulation Full and part time learning Diversity Choice

3 3 Range of Approaches to Learning Learning styles Ways of learning Pace of learning


5 5 NCVA Certification Framework Levels framework Certificates – Foundation to Level 3 Modules

6 6 NCVA Modules An outline of standards to be achieved by learners developed in consultation with course providers, social partners and sectoral experts a self contained unit of learning delivered and assessed independently/integrated combined with other modules within a programme

7 7 Features of the NCVA module Title, Code, Level Credit Value Purpose Special Requirements General Aims Specific Learning Outcomes Assessment Marking Sheets

8 8 Module/Certificate Development National standards Expert working groups 5 Boards of Studies Art, Craft and Design Business and Administration Science, Technology and Natural Resources Services, Leisure and Tourism Communications, Performing Arts and General Studies Board and Council approval

9 9 Local Development Local module development Response to local needs Programmes meeting local needs New ideas in learning Where national standards are not available Involvement and ownership Board and Council approval National standards

10 10 Assessment Module standards met Criterion referenced Variety of techniques Local External examiners monitor/modify

11 11 Assessment Techniques Assignment Collection of Work Examination Learner Record Project Skills Demonstration

12 12 Types of Awards (2) Record of Achievement Where a module/number of modules is achieved Can be combined towards a certificate Certificate Needs of learners, economy and society Key/core skills Particular number (8) and range of modules Mandatory and elective items

13 13 Higher Education Links Scheme NCVA Level 2 certificate holders Designated places in Institutes of Technology Processed by CAO Recent NUI additions

14 14 Key Figures 19942002 Certificates 16739347 Records of Achievement550937070 CombinationsN/A20% Learners over 25 7%45% Centres1371000 Centre Types1230

15 15 Success of Modular Approach Multiple delivery sites  Work-based learning  Community/voluntary Choice  Learners  Providers Credit accumulation  Manageable ‘chunks’  Early success for learners Local development Access and progression

16 16 Trends Responsiveness Progression Diversity Coherence

17 17 Challenges Going Forward Flexible and coherent award structures Broader range of core skills Local development opportunities Work based learning opportunities International/national recognition Accreditation of prior learning Programme and centre evaluation/quality assurance

18 18 Recent National Developments Qualifications Act 1999 N ational Q ualifications A uthority of I reland National Framework of Qualifications Access Transfer and Progression Review activities of Awards Councils F urther E ducation and T raining A wards C ouncil H igher E ducation and T raining A wards C ouncil

19 19 Qualifications Act - 1999 Department of Education & Science National Qualifications Authority of Ireland NQAI Further Education & Training Awards Council (FÁS, CERT, Teagasc, NCVA, BIM) Higher Education & Training Awards Council (NCEA)

20 20 FETAC Incorporates former awarding functions of CERT, FAS, Teagasc, NCVA and BIM All operated modularized/unitized structures FETAC to offer modularised awards/credit framework

21 21 Functions of FETAC FETAC Make Awards Determine Standards for Awards Validate Programmes Monitor and review the Quality of programmes Ensure providers implement access, transfer and progression Ensure providers establish and implement fair and consistent assessment of learners

22 22 Functions of FETAC Determine Standards Monitor Programmes Quality Assessment A, T & P Make Awards Learners Programme(s)QA System Programme Validation Provider

23 23 Determining Standards Knowledge, skill and competence General standards for FETAC awards Specific standards for named awards Standards developed in consultation with Social Partners National standards

24 24 Making Awards New FETAC award structures Single award structure for further education and training National Framework of Qualifications

25 25 Validation – Role of Provider Develop programme with reference to: National framework Access, transfer & progression National standards Fair and consistent assessment Learner requirements Submit programme to FETAC

26 26 Quality Assurance about maintaining and improving the quality of validated programmes learner focused related to the context of the provider and learners about the ‘whats’ and not the ‘hows’ positive

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