By: Laci Smith  Harriet Tubman was a African American slave who heard about the underground railroad.  She helped slaves escape.  She was born on.

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2 By: Laci Smith

3  Harriet Tubman was a African American slave who heard about the underground railroad.  She helped slaves escape.  She was born on March10,1820.

4  Life was hard for Harriet Tubman  She had to work on plantations every day.  She worked all day chopping wood, mowing, find food. She did a lot of work every single day.

5  There is a underground railroad but you think it is a railroad but it isn't! It is a trail leading to different places.  Harriet Tubman led a lot of slaves there.  Harriet was a big help then.

6  In 1849, Tubman escaped to Philadelphia, then immediately returned to Maryland to rescue her family.Philadelphia  Traveling by night, Tubman (or "Moses", as she was called) "never lost a passenger".  Large rewards were offered for the return of many of the fugitive slaves, but no one then knew that Tubman was the one helping them.rewards

7  Harriet traveled all over the world.  She was a good person.  She was a hard worker.

8  Araminta changed her name to Harriet to honor her mother, and when she married John Tubman her last name changed also.  She worked for the rights of African Americans until she died on March 10, 1913, at the age of 93.

9  At the age of 30 in 1849, Harriet ran away to the North and ended up in Philadelphia… she learned about a movement to abolish slavery and a group of people who were dedicated to helping slaves escape to the North… these people created the Underground Railroad.  The Underground Railroad wasn’t an actual railroad… It was a path that slaves traveled at night with the help of conductors, or people who guided them from safehouse to safe house until they had reached the North… the station masters were the people who lived at the safe house… these houses could be identified by the candles or lanterns that sat in the window.  Harriet made about 13 trips to the South and helped hundreds of slaves reach the safety of the North.

10  Harriet took a lot of slaves to the underground railroad even her family.  It was risky for Harriet then, she had to risk her life for them people.  She was very brave to help them people.She was a good person.

11  Harriet Tubman died at the age of 93. She could no longer do it.  She was older.  She wasn’t as strong then as she was before.  Harriet Tubman is a hero!!!!-!!!!  GOD BLESS Harriet Tubman!!!!-!!!!

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