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Program Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education Designing Instructional Plans EAD 877 - 3/12.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education Designing Instructional Plans EAD 877 - 3/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education Designing Instructional Plans EAD 877 - 3/12

2 Instructional Plans Components How they are put together Strategies for putting plans into action

3 Learning objectives describe what is to be learned. They provide a FOCUS and DIRECTION for the learner to help them ORGANIZE their own learning.

4 Agenda for Tonight’s Class How are learning objs developed? What is the difference between learning objs and program objectives? Review of Program Objectives Community Ed Speaker, Dr. John Zappala Case Study, Paulo Gordillo Rept on Residence Hall Program, D’Andra Mull Interviews/Intern/ Delphi

5 Program Objectives Focus on the whole program Reflect what will be learned Changes from that learning Operational aspects Serve as a point of departure for pre- paring learning objectives Transfer and Evaluation Plan

6 Examples of a Program Objective To provide: support for aids patients training for management personnel information on new products a course on program planning

7 Learning Objectives - KNOW, DO, and FEEL Acquisition of Knowledge Enhancement of Cognitive Skills Development of Psychomotor Skills Strengthen Problem Solving and Finding Capabilities Change attitudes, values, beliefs, and feelings

8 Essential Elements of Learning Objectives WHO (the learner) HOW (the action verb) WHAT (the content) Above 3 are good for Internship Program Condition (Given a ……) Standard (With no errors) Last 2 are quantitative

9 Selecting and Organizing the Content Provide a framework Provide for learning activities that allow for transfer Introduce KEY concepts

10 Selecting Instructional Strategies Focus of the learning objectives Capability of instructor’s use of techniques Experiences and background of learners Context

11 Selecting and Developing Instructional Resources Resources should enhance learning Preparation of in-house materials Purchase from Vendors

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