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5.2 Logarithmic Functions & Their Graphs

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1 5.2 Logarithmic Functions & Their Graphs
Goals— Recognize and evaluate logarithmic functions with base a Graph Logarithmic functions Recognize, evaluate, and graph natural logs Use logarithmic functions to model and solve real-life problems.

2 Is this function one to one?
Must pass the horizontal line test. f(x) = 3x Is this function one to one? Yes Does it have an inverse? Yes

3 Logarithmic Function of base “a”
Definition: Logarithmic function of base “a” - For x > 0, a > 0, and a  1, y = logax if and only if x = ay Read as “log base a of x” f(x) = logax is called the logarithmic function of base a.

4 The most important thing to remember about logarithms is…

5 a logarithm is an exponent.

6 Therefore, all logarithms can be written as exponential equations and all exponential equations can be written as logarithmic equations.

7 Write the logarithmic equation in exponential form
34 = 81 163/4 = 8 Write the exponential equation in logarithmic form 82 = 64 4-3 = 1/64 log 8 64 = 2 log4 (1/64) = -3

8 Evaluating Logs 2y = 32 2y = 25 y = 5 Think: y = log232 f(x) = log232
Step 1- rewrite it as an exponential equation. f(x) = log42 4y = 2 22y = 21 y = 1/2 2y = 32 f(x) = log10(1/100) Step 2- make the bases the same. 10y = 1/100 10y = 10-2 y = -2 2y = 25 f(x) = log31 Therefore, y = 5 3y = 1 y = 0

9 Evaluating Logs on a Calculator
You can only use a calculator when the base is 10 Find the log key on your calculator.

10 Why? log 10 = 1 log 1/3 = -.4771 log 2.5 = .3979 log -2 = ERROR!!!
Evaluate the following using that log key. log 10 = 1 log 1/3 = log 2.5 = .3979 log -2 = ERROR!!! Why?

11 Properties of Logarithms
loga1 = 0 because a0 = 1 logaa = 1 because a1 = a logaax = x and alogax = x If logax = logay, then x = y

12 Simplify using the properties of logs
Rewrite as an exponent 4y = 1 Therefore, y = 0 log41= log77 = 1 Rewrite as an exponent 7y = 7 Therefore, y = 1 6log620 = 20

13 Use the properties of logs to solve these equations.
log3x = log312 x = 12 log3(2x + 1) = log3x 2x + 1 = x x = -1 log4(x2 - 6) = log4 10 x2 - 6 = 10 x2 = 16 x = 4

14 Review: How do you find the inverse of a function? Application of what you know… What is the inverse of f(x) = 3x? y = 3x x = 3y y = log3x f-1(x) = log3x Rewrite the exponential as a logarithm…

15 Find the inverse of the following exponential functions…
f(x) = 2x f-1(x) = log2x f(x) = 2x f-1(x) = log2x - 1 f(x) = 3x f-1(x) = log3(x + 1)

16 Find the inverse of the following logarithmic functions…
f(x) = log4x f-1(x) = 4x f(x) = log2(x - 3) f-1(x) = 2x + 3 f(x) = log3x – f-1(x) = 3x+6

17 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
Graph g(x) = log3x It is the inverse of y = 3x Therefore, the table of values for g(x) will be the reverse of the table of values for y = 3x. y = 3x x y -1 1/3 1 3 2 9 y= log3x x y 1/3 -1 1 3 9 2 Domain? (0,) Range? (-,) Asymptotes? x = 0

18 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
g(x) = log4(x – 3) What is the inverse exponential function? y= 4x + 3 Show your tables of values. y= 4x + 3 x y -1 3.25 4 1 7 2 19 y= log4(x – 3) x y 3.25 -1 4 7 1 19 2 Domain? (3,) Range? (-,) Asymptotes? x = 3

19 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
g(x) = log5(x – 1) + 4 What is the inverse exponential function? y= 5x-4 + 1 Show your tables of values. y= 5x-4 + 1 x y 3 1.2 4 2 5 6 26 y= log5(x – 1) + 4 x y 1.2 3 2 4 6 5 26 Domain? (1,) Range? (-,) Asymptotes? x = 1

20 Natural Logarithmic Functions
The function defined by f(x) = logex = ln x, x > 0 is called the natural logarithmic function.

21 Evaluating Natural Logs on a Calculator
Find the ln key on your calculator.

22 Why? ln 2 = .6931 ln 7/8 = -.1335 ln 10.3 = 2.3321 ln -1 = ERROR!!!
Evaluate the following using that ln key. ln = ln 7/ = ln = ln = ERROR!!! Why?

23 Properties of Natural Logarithms
ln1 = 0 because e0 = 1 Ln e = 1 because e1 = e ln ex = x and eln x = x If ln x = ln y, then x = y

24 Use properties of Natural Logs to simplify each expression
Rewrite as an exponent ey = 1/e ey = e-1 Therefore, y = -1 ln 1/e= -1 2 ln e = 2 Rewrite as an exponent ln e = y/2 e y/2 = e1 Therefore, y/2 = 1 and y = 2. 5 eln 5=

25 Graphs of Natural Log Functions
g(x) = ln(x + 2) Show your table of values. y= ln(x + 2) x y -2 error -1 .693 1 1.099 2 1.386 Domain? (-2,) Range? (-,) Asymptotes? x = -2

26 Graphs of Natural Log Functions
g(x) = ln(2 - x) Show your table of values. y= ln(2 - x) x y 2 error 1 .693 -1 1.099 -2 1.386 Domain? (-2,) Range? (-,) Asymptotes? x = -2

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