Introduction to Media Access Control Protocols Yerang Hur and Jiaxiang Zhou System Design Research Lab. Dept. of Computer and Information Science.

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1 Introduction to Media Access Control Protocols Yerang Hur and Jiaxiang Zhou System Design Research Lab. Dept. of Computer and Information Science

2 Some Examples of MAC Layer Protocols for Control Systems CSMA/CD: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection – Ethernet Token bus –ControlNet CAN : bitwise priority –DeviceNet (Rockwell), SDS (Honeywell) TDMA : Time Division Multiple Access –TTP

3 Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol mainly used in the automotive industry used for transmitting short messages 1M bps a message with a unique identifier MAC: CSMA with arbitration on message priority simultaneous transmission arbitrated based on the message priority

4 CAN Message Frame arbitration field Frames do not contain addresses. 11 bits Identifier: the identifier with the smallest value has the highest priority. control field data field 0-8 bytes CRC 16 bits ACKEOF 6 bits SOF 2bits7bits 1bit

5 CAN Bus Arbitration Bit stream is synchronized on the start bit. A sender waits till the bus is free and then starts to send the identifier bit by bit. A sender listens to the network and if a sender observes a bit different from the one itself sends, it stops transmission and yields to other nodes.

6 TDMA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 frame slot

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