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The Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO) – AAFS – ASCLD – ASCLD/LAB – IAFN – IAI – NAME – SOFT/ABFT The mission of the CFSO is to speak.

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Presentation on theme: "The Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO) – AAFS – ASCLD – ASCLD/LAB – IAFN – IAI – NAME – SOFT/ABFT The mission of the CFSO is to speak."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO) – AAFS – ASCLD – ASCLD/LAB – IAFN – IAI – NAME – SOFT/ABFT The mission of the CFSO is to speak with a single forensic science voice in matters of mutual interest to its member organizations, to influence public policy at the national level and to make a compelling case for greater federal funding for public crime laboratories and medical examiner offices.

2 CFSO 2014 Coverdell funding at $12 million Provided a new working draft of “Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Reform Act” Practitioners on NCFS and OSAC Response to the NCFS documents Sudden Death in the Young bill

3 Coverdell Funding 2010 = $33M 2011 = $27M 2012 = $10M 2013 = $11M 2014 = $12M 2015 = $12M 2016 = $0 (CFSO has already started working!) – Letter to AG, Letter to Congressional Committees, Heavy lobbying on the Hill.

4 International Association for Identification (IAI)

5 International Association for Identification Activities The IAI has been actively engaging our membership through mass emailing re: ongoing legislative efforts supporting the Forensic Sciences IAI participation in the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) includes over 70 members of the association (several are serving as SAC and subcommittee Chairs)

6 International Association for Identification Activities IAI members continue to be available to contact the congressional representatives to articulates concerns over pending or proposed legislation Members participated in the first in-person subcommittee meetings held in Norman, OK in January Several members in SAC and subcommittee chair positions participated in a public briefing at the AAFS in Orlando (Feb)

7 International Association for Identification Activities IAI representative on the OSAC Forensic Science Standards Board (FSSB) is actively involved in crafting bylaws and ethics language The IAI is planning its upcoming Centennial Conference in Sacramento, CA (2-8AUG2015) to include plenary and breakout sessions of for a number of OSAC subcommittees The conference will also host a presentation by the CFSO during the week

8 American Academy of Forensic Sciences

9 AAFS with CFSO Forensic science national legislation (standards, accreditation, certification, community input). Support of NIST OSAC Coverdell and other capacity building funding Research and education

10 National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)

11 The Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act Provides federal funding to crime laboratories and medical examiner's offices to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services. Facilities, personnel, computerization, equipment, supplies, accreditation, certification, education, training.

12 COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) Funding program for law enforcement NAME eligible for funding!

13 Sudden Death in the Young Legislation (HR.669/S.314) 6 year effort Bipartisan and Bicameral Endorsed by CFSO and NAME Signed into law 12-18-2014 “Sudden Unexpected Death Data Enhancement and Awareness Act”


15 International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)

16 What is the IAFN? An international membership organization comprised of 3100 forensic nurses and other professionals working around the world who support and complement the work of forensic nursing.

17 Membership in CFSO Voice in the larger forensic community Assist in policy development within the capacity of the other practitioners Collective voice in funding and policy initiatives (e.g., Violence Against Women Act, Coverdell, and Forensic Reform) Promote forensic science in a broader lens as a collective system of practitioners

18 Public Policy Agenda Support funding of the Violence Against Women Act Coverdell, and Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act Eliminate untested sexual assault kit backlog Support federal legislation that addresses violence and abuse across the lifespan Monitor and comment on health care reform developments that impact forensic nurses and their patients

19 Incorporation of “forensic service providers” in OSAC Structure IAFN and CFSO wrote to NIST, DOJ, Congress Representation of active practitioners not included in present structure Forensic healthcare is a living forensic science Forensic science also includes assessment, identification, evaluation and documentation of injuries Standards and guidelines related to recovery and collection of evidence from living victims needed


21 CFSO Activities in March 2015 Legislative Draft from CFSO to the Hill for Cornyn/Leahy Letter to AAFS Board regarding CFSO IAFN letter to Congress and NIST CFSO support letter for IAFN addition to NIST (sent to Congress and NIST) CFSO presentation at the AAFS meeting (most BOD members presented) CFSO presentation to the AAFS BOD meeting February Annual CFSO BOD meeting in Orlando 2/17/2015 March CFSO BOD teleconference meeting 3/24/2015 March 11 th CFSO trip to the Hill (Ken, Kim, Matthew, Beth) Senate Appropriations Staff, Leahy Staff, Graham Staff March 20 th CFSO trip to the Hill (Brady Mills—ASCLD President and Texas DPS) to introduce legislation to Texas delegation CFSO Position statement on Rapid DNA Discussions with Leahy/Cornyn on presentations at ASCLD meeting and CFSO/ASCLD “Day on the Hill (DOTH)” CFSO/ASCLD work on the “Day on the Hill” event – Obtained a room for the stakeholders reception in the Senate Office Building – Developed CFSO talking points – Developed Coverdell talking points – Developed folders and stickers for CFSO – Organized attendees and delegations CFSO Newsletter for February CFSO Newsletter for March Planning for the CFSO contributions to the ABA meeting at Fordham Law School CFSO participation in SAFER NIJ meetings CFSO/Beth help with AAFS newsletter editing Letter of thanks to ASCLD/LAB for participation in CFSO over the years Requested time at the NCFS meeting for ASCLD to speak on crime lab needs, SOFT and NAME to talk about accreditation Updated website with new bios, new press release, members only area with meeting minutes and other things

22 Newsletter Now featuring:

23 2015 Legislative Priorities Forensic Science Reform Bill Accreditation funding for laboratories and medical examiner offices Certification funding for forensic professionals Grant Reform/Coverdell Rapid DNA legislation Rape kit backlog NSF and other Federal Agency Research Funding Grant funding available for forensic science education instrumentation Grant funding and programs for training in forensic disciplines Model legislation for MDI Increasing the workforce in forensic pathology VAWA Reauthorization Campus Sexual Assault Legislation

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