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ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting, December 2014, Bangkok 02-04 December 2014 Sujit Mohanty UNISDR ROAP ISDR Asia Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting, December 2014, Bangkok 02-04 December 2014 Sujit Mohanty UNISDR ROAP ISDR Asia Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting, December 2014, Bangkok 02-04 December 2014 Sujit Mohanty UNISDR ROAP ISDR Asia Partnership

2 IAP- Brief history An informal multi-stakeholder forum with the role to facilitate implementation of DRR and HFA in the Asia region. Launched in 2003 with 4 UN agencies and 2 technical organization Subsequently expanded in 2007 including regional inter governmental organizations, governments, civil society organizations, UN and international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors. Since 2007, the IAP has emerged as the support mechanism for the Asia Regional Platform for DRR. 2008 onwards - Already evolved as the major regional partnership mechanism. Main consultative mechanism for AMCDRR Grown from 10 participants to more than 100 participants

3 IAP- Role so far Support the political leadership of the regional platform through series of Asia Ministerial Conferences (AMC- DRR) Support the biennial HFA progress review at national and regional level Improve regional coordination and coherence through regional mapping and stock taking exercises Major partnership forum in AP on DRR UNISDR AP office as the secretariat supporting the partnership UNISDR role has been in convening the governments and partners twice a year (with more than 90-100 participants)

4 ISDR Asia Partnership survey: Overview of analysis (Survey conducted for IAP meeting- September 2011) The main points came out from the survey are:  More than 90% (40) organizations mentioned that the IAP has been useful for their organization.  88 % (35) mentioned that the IAP has been effective as a partnership forum in the region.  Members feel that the most useful part of all the past IAP meetings has been (in order of usefulness): 1) the discussion on the Asia Ministerial Conferences, 2) Regional stock taking and partners briefing, 3) experience sharing, 4) Discussion on HFA monitoring and review.  84% organizations feel that the issues discussed in the IAP are of interest to their own organizations.  More than 90% organizations agreed that the IAP is an effective mechanism to support the regional platform/ the Asia Ministerial conferences.  Majority of the members (about 77%) regarded IAP as a Community of Practice.  In terms of the IAP’s importance, about 76% of survey participants/ organizations expressed an interest in hosting the IAP meeting on a rotation basis and wanted to make the IAP membership as a formal process.

5 Participation No of participants

6 Bangkok declaration facilitate the partnership among all stakeholders towards the development of the ‘Asia-Pacific regional HFA2 implementation plan’; continue to convene the Regional Platform and function as the secretariat of the ISDR Asia Partnership; provide technical stewardship and generate evidence, in collaboration with governments and partners, to support the HFA2 implementation; establish a technical working group within the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) to undertake a study to promote linkages and synergies of national, sub-regional and regional disaster risk reduction strategies and plans in Asia and the Pacific;

7 Challenges and the required shift Resource requirements of the secretariat and sustaining the partnership becoming challenging With evolving and growing stakeholder engagement, a balance of conversation required More emphasis on implementation requires technical and thematic discussion With the growing partnership base more focus required With a demanding agenda experience sharing, technical/ thematic deliberation are currently low on agenda With the change in the requirements of the regional implementation of HFA2, IAP need to be strengthened Partnership to be strengthened and

8 Thinking differently… What should be to role of IAP?( How you perceive?) Information sharing platform? Decision making forum? Consultation mechanism? Platform for technical / thematic leadership? …..? What change is required to address the need for implementation of HFA2 How you as a stakeholder would like to plan to contribute? (capacity, knowledge input, human and financial resource to support activities / implementation, lead in hosting the forum, ….) How governments can provide support the forum (hosting/ chairing on rotation basis ….?)

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