Improving Literacy Instruction through Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grants Just Read, Florida! Stuart Greenberg Executive Director 325 West.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Literacy Instruction through Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grants Just Read, Florida! Stuart Greenberg Executive Director 325 West."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Literacy Instruction through Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grants Just Read, Florida! Stuart Greenberg Executive Director 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 514 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Phone: (850) 245-0503 Fax: (850) 245-9530 Hillsborough County Public Schools Wynne A. Tye Assistant Superintendent Division of Curriculum and Instruction 901 East Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, FL 33602 Phone: (813) 272-4221 Fax: (813) 272-4220 1

2 It’s All About Connections… Learning Teaching Assessment 2

3 Florida’s Literacy Plan Key to literacy is effective teaching To support teacher effectiveness, FLDOE: – Provides leadership structure and resources to all districts – Supplies infrastructure for data collection, assessment, and dissemination of information – Offers systemic professional development – Provides easy access to reading research – Establishes clear student achievement goals – Uses data analysis to drive decision-making 3

4 Current State Support Structures Robust state data infrastructure (further enhancement under Race to the Top) Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR) Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) Response to Intervention (RtI) 4

5 Current State Support Structures (continued) Leverage the use of other funds including ESEA, IDEA, and Perkins CTE Act – Combine program funds with the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act funds to provide support for literacy integration into career and technical education classes – Join program funds with other funding sources to provide additional reading teachers, district and school based literacy support staff, and/or professional development 5

6 District Structures K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan (K-12 CRP) approved by SEA – District leadership – School leadership – Professional development – Student achievement Alignment between K-12 CRP, Title I reading plans, Title I School Improvement Grant (lowest 5% schools), Differentiated Accountability Leverage Resources (IDEA, Title I-III, Perkins, SAI, etc.) 6

7 State Transition to Internationally- benchmarked College- and Career- ready Standards Align professional development with Common Core State Standards implementation Provide direction toward common items developed to assess Common Core State Standards 7

8 District Literacy Design Collaborative: Making the Connection Framework that establishes a connection between the common core standards, with the purpose of preparing students to be college/career ready Grounded in : – critical reading – analytical thinking – implementation of civil discourse – creation of writing products as specified by the common core standards Components include: – a prompt (template task) that allows teachers to “plug in” the content and the type of product that focuses students on what they should do and what product they should produce. – a scoring rubric for the template task that describes and connects demands and qualities established by the common core standards. – a template module that provides an “instructional ladder” to organize instruction based on the instructional demands of the template task. 8

9 Striving Readers Grant: Support Effective Teaching Eliminate strict research design Focus on effective teaching rather than purchase and analysis of specific reading program Focus on job-embedded professional development, follow-up support, and instructional delivery Support technology and materials conforming to universal design for learning principles Include integrated assessment system Include rigorous accountability measures and fidelity checks 9

10 Addressing the Needs of Economically Disadvantaged Children, LEP, and SWD All Title I schools operating school wide programs must implement school wide plans including: the critical goal of improving reading achievement a school improvement plan coordination and integration of their Striving Readers activities staff development based upon the findings of NELP, RtI, and National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth the provision of high quality instruction for ALL students 10

11 Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners Across the Age Spans Ensure vertical articulation between feeder pattern schools so that diverse student needs across age spans are considered and addressed Provide mentoring and transition programs for diverse learners between preschool and kindergarten, elementary and middle school, and middle to high school K-12 CRP addresses the needs of students across age spans 11

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