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Lesson objectives: To know and understand what happened at the event of Jesus’ crucifixion To understand why Christians believe it was necessary for Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson objectives: To know and understand what happened at the event of Jesus’ crucifixion To understand why Christians believe it was necessary for Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson objectives: To know and understand what happened at the event of Jesus’ crucifixion To understand why Christians believe it was necessary for Jesus to die To reflect upon the emotions that were felt by Jesus and his followers, both then and today. Lesson objectives: To know and understand what happened at the event of Jesus’ crucifixion To understand why Christians believe it was necessary for Jesus to die To reflect upon the emotions that were felt by Jesus and his followers, both then and today.

2 What happened to Jesus? What happened up to this point? What were the people feeling? Do you have any questions? Crucifixion – a method of punishment, leading to death

3 So WHY did Jesus have to die? Clearly, Jesus was scared of what was to come As the Son of God, he could have prevented this However, Jesus chose to do this There was no other option Why did Jesus have to die in this way? Although Christians are sad when thinking about how Jesus had to suffer, they see the crucifixion as good news Do you not think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than 12 legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?

4 Christian beliefs about Jesus – a substitute However, because God loved the world, he sent His son, Jesus to stand in the place of humans, taking the punishment in their place Humans deserve to be punished for rejecting God – God cannot ignore disobedience Because of this, the relationship between God and man is broken Christians believe that, since Adam and Eve, humans have turned away from God and rejected God’s rule Substitute – standing in the place of another

5 Aslan and Jesus C.S. Lewis based his character Aslan on Jesus From watching the video clips, how are Jesus and Aslan similar?

6 Aslan and Jesus Use the extract ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ to help you to answer the following questions 1) Why did Aslan die in the story? 2) What are the similarities between Jesus and Aslan? 3) How does the character of Aslan help people to understand why Jesus had to die? Extension: if you finish, 1) Explain how the tale of Aslan makes you feel and why. Do you think it is a good story to help people to understand why Jesus had to die?

7 How did people respond to Jesus’ death and how do Christians respond to it today? Look at the series of faces, showing a range of different emotions. Stick the sheet in your book Using the Bible passage, write down who might feel this way in the story. If you finish, write a paragraph explaining the different ways Christians might feel about it TODAY

8 Prep 1) Create a collage of the crucifixion in a cross shape, using newspaper clippings of words that describe what happened to Jesus and why this had to happen (you can use the Bible passage to help) 2) Underneath, explain why you have chosen the words that you have selected

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