Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 5 Chap 2:12-18.

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1 Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 5 Chap 2:12-18

2 Philippians 2:12 1.What does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? Philippians is written to “saints” … believers. (Phil 1:1) “work out” means work to full completion “to continually work to bring something to fulfillment or completion. It cannot refer to salvation by works but the believer’s responsibility for active pursuit of obedience in the process of sanctification” What does this look like in your own life? Describe what Fear and Trembling mean. Philippians Chap 2:12-18 Christian Living Wiersbe MacArthur

3 Philippians 2:14-15 2.Do you think most Christians obey Philippians 2:14-15 as they should? Why or why not? 3.How can Christians be bright lights in a dark world? Thought Question Thought Question: What will awaken your neighbors, friends, co- workers for their need of Christ? Philippians Chap 2:12-18 Christian Living

4 Philippians 2:13 4."God must work in us before He can work through us." What does that statement mean to you? Give some examples of people in the bible that God worked in and then through? Does God working in us mean we give up our fee will? 5.Do you think God is more interested in the workman than in the work? Why or why not? Philippians Chap 2:12-18 Christian Living

5 Philippians 2:13 6.What part does the Holy Spirit play in the Christian's accomplishments for God? 7.What are the three tools God uses to work in our lives? Word of God - Appropriate the Word …… Apply the Word Prayer - Eph 3:20 … “ to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask” Suffering - 1 Peter 4:12-19 - Fiery Trials; James 1:1 Count it Joy, when you meet trials 8.How has God used these tools in your life? How can you improve in these areas? Philippians Chap 2:12-18 Christian Living

6 Philippians 2:16-18 9.What is the difference between the world's philosophy of joy and the Christian's? 10. "God works in--we work out." What does that mean in your everyday Christian life? Philippians Chap 2:12-18 Christian Living

7 Weekly Challenges - Applying God’s Word What will awaken your neighbors, friends, co-workers for their need of Christ? In what areas of your Christian life do you need to guard against complaining and disputing? Are you willing to offer yourself up as a drink offering?

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