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The Sharemarket Game  How to win Rules  Entry is free.  Each student or group of students is entered online by the Coordinating Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sharemarket Game  How to win Rules  Entry is free.  Each student or group of students is entered online by the Coordinating Teacher."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Sharemarket Game  How to win

3 Rules  Entry is free.  Each student or group of students is entered online by the Coordinating Teacher.

4 Rules  Participants may login to the Game Website and can access all the pages of the Game.  Participants will not however be able to begin trading until early March.  The last day of trading is first week of May

5 You can play the game  Between 10 am and 4 pm  And from Monday to Friday  when the Stock Exchange is open.

6 Rules  If the AXC thinks you are cheating or not playing by their rules, they will disqualify you and you may no longer play.  If the AXC thinks you are cheating or not playing by their rules, they will disqualify you and you may no longer play.

7 Virtual starting cash  Participants will each commence the Game with a virtual $50,000.00 with which to purchase shares.

8 Minimum marketable parcel  Buy as many shares are you can afford so long as the amount does not breach the diversification rule.  In the Share market Game, you cannot have more than 25% of your shares from one particular company.

9 How to play the Sharemarket Game Google “ Syndicate logon – ASX”

10 Type in your Player ID number and Password

11 Go to Trading

12 Choosing a company

13 Buying or selling

14 Buying  Type in the number of shares  The code/name of the company  Indicate market order

15 Portfolio – how many shares do you have? Do you want to sell?

16 Portfolio lists the shares the syndicate owns

17 To sell

18 Selling shares  Type in the number of shares  The name of the company  Indicate market order

19 Check out the newsletter

20 The newsletter  Gives advise on what to buy and sell  Gives you tips how to make better decisions  Is worth reading from time to time

21 Getting out = Log out Follow the prompts

22 The end

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